
Duić, Neven
Address: Power Engineering and Energy Management Chair
  Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment
  Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture (FSB)
  University of Zagreb
  I. Lučića 5
  HR-10000 Zagreb

+385 91 5285443, +385 1 6168126

Fax: +385 1 6156940
E-mail: neven (dot) duic (at) fsb (dot) unizg (dot) hr
Skype: neven1965
Mailing address:

FSB, I. Lučića 5, HR-10000 Zagreb

Born: 25. April 1965., Zagreb
Marital status: married, one child
Google scholar:
Researcher ID: J-5242-2012  
Scopus Author ID: 6602634199
CROSBI Author ID: 179672
ResearchGate: Neven Duić


Current positions


since 24 Visiting Professor at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Valparaíso, Chile
since 22 Vicepresident of Croatian Academy of Engineering (HATZ)
since 18 Member of presidency of Adria Section of the Combustion Institute (ASCI)
since 11 Full professor at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb
since 08 President of the Management Board of The Centre for Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES Centre)


Previous positions


2022 President-Elect of International Council of Academies of Engineering and Technological Sciences (CAETS), Board of Directors
2017-22 Secretary of the Department of Energy Systems of Croatian Academy of Engineering (HATZ)
2017-21 President of Sectoral Scientific Council for Technical Sciences at National Council for Science, High Education and technical development
2008-18 President of Adria Section of the Combustion Institute (ASCI)
2007-17 Croatian national coordinator for researchers mobility at the Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes

Associate professor at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb

Head of Power Engineering and Energy Management Chair at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb

Assistant professor at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb
2001-02 Scientific secretary: Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems
2001-10 Guest part time researcher in the Research Group on Energy and Sustainable Development, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon
1999-01 Senior assistant at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment

Expert to the EU Presidency (held by Portugal) in Energy Technology Transfer and Capacity Builduing as part of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change process
1998-01 Guest postdoc researcher in the Research Group on Energy and Sustainable Development, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon
1997-98 Guest researcher in the Research Group on Energy and Sustainable Development, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon

Guest researcher in the Research Group on Energy and Sustainable Development, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon
1990-99 Research assistant at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment


Committee Memberships


since 23 Member of Scientific Council for Oil and Gas Economy and Power Supply (HAZU-CROATIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES AND ARTS)
since 23 Member of Committee for Science, Art and International Cooperation of the University of Zagreb
since 21 Co.chair of Energy steering panel (EASAC)
since 20 Member of Coordination activity committee for complete renovation program of City Zagreb historical core
since 19 Working Group Member for drafting amendments to the Urban Plan for the Construction of the Borongaj Science and Education Campus (UNIZAG)
2019-21 Deputy Member of the Innovation Council for Industry of the Republic of Croatia at the National Council for Science, Higher Education and Technological Development (NVZVOTR)
since 17 Member of Energy steering panel (EASAC)
2017-19 Working Group Member of EASAC Project: Decarbonisation of Transport options and challenges
2017-19 Working Group Member of SAPEA Project: Novel carbon capture and utilisation technologies
2017-21 Member of Strategic Committee for research infrastructure 
2017-20 Member of the Zagreb Energy Council
2016-20 Member of Council for Regulatory Affairs and Consumer Protection at Croatian Energy Regulatory Agency (HERA)
2014-17 Programmme Committee member for Horizon 2020 for ERC/MSCA/FET
2011-15 Member of National committee for tracking European Commission's Framework programs for research and technology development
2010-14 President of the Committee for International Projects, FSB, University of Zagreb
2009-13 Member of FP7 PEOPLE Programme Committee
2009-14 Chair of Croatian national Committee for researchers mobility
since 08 Member of the Committee for postgraduate studies, FSB, University of Zagreb
2007-17 Member of ERA - Steering Group for Human Resources Mobility
2007-17 Croatian national coordinator for researchers mobility
2003-05 A member of Advisory Board for Energy Tariff System Application to the Energy Regulatory Council
2001-10 A member of Informatisation Committee of FMENA, FSB Online strategy development and implementation




2017-22 Secretary of Energy System Department of Croatian Academy of Engineering (HATZ)
since 13 Fellow of The World Academy of Art and Science (WAAS)
since 12 Member of Croatian Academy of Engineering (HATZ)
since 09

Member of The Centre for Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES Centre) for SDEWES Conference
2005-19 Croatian representative to ERCOFTAC Pilot Centre Alpe-Danube-Adria
2002-12 Associate Member of Croatian Academy of Engineering (HATZ)
since 01 Member of Croatian Energy Society (HED)




93-98 doctoral study, University of Zagreb Download
90-93 postgraduate study of Power Engineering, University of Zagreb 
    3 years program, MSc Download
84-90 undergraduate study of Mechanical Engineering, University of Zagreb
    5 years program, Download


Study of Portuguese language, University of Zagreb
79-83 Mathematics and Computer Science Secondary School, Zagreb




Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production  
English C2 C2 C2 C2 C2
Portuguese C2 C2 C2 C2 C2
Spanish C1 C1 B2 B2 A2
French B1 B2 A2 A1 A1
Italian B1 B2 A2 A1 A1
Levels: A1/2: Basic user - B1/2: Independent user - C1/2 Proficient user
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages




2012-13, 4 months DISKNET mobility Mohamed Premier University Oujda Morocco
2010 Basileus guest professorship University of Niš Niš Serbia
2003, 10 months postdoc Instituto Superior Técnico Lisbon Portugal
2000-02, 18 months postdoc Instituto Superior Técnico Lisbon Portugal
99, 6 months postdoc Instituto Superior Técnico Lisbon Portugal
97-98, 12 months guest researcher Instituto Superior Técnico Lisbon Portugal
96, 4 months guest researcher Instituto Superior Técnico Lisbon Portugal
94, 8 months guest researcher Instituto Superior Técnico Lisbon Portugal
90, 3 months traineeship Imatran Voima Oy, Research Dep. Vantaa Finland
89, 2 months traineeship Hallsta Papersbruk, Holmen Hallstavik Sweden
88, 2 months traineeship Construction Mechanization Prague Czech R.
87, 2 months traineeship Water Transport Institute Wrocław Poland
87, 1 month scholarship Summer school of Portuguese,University of Lisbon Lisbon Portugal




since 25 Member of Editorial Board of Energy Conversion and Management
since 21 Senior Editor of e-Prime
since 21 Associate Editor of Energy Storage and Saving
since 20 Member of Editorial Board of Smart Energy
since 19 Member of Editorial Board of eTransportation 
2019 - 24 Editor of Energy Conversion and Management: X 
2015-19 Member of Advisory Editorial Board of the book series “Sustainable Energy Developments” and Sustainable Water Developments
since 14 Subject Editor of Energy
2014 - 24 Editor of Energy Conversion and Management
since 14 Member of Editorial Board of Applied Energy
since 14 Editor of International journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management
2013 Guest Editor of Fuel Processing Technology vol. 107 (Special Issue)
since 13 Member of Editorial Board of the International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management
since 13 Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems
2013-17 Member of Editorial Board of Proelium (Revista da Academia Militar)
2011-15 Member of Editorial Board of Journal of Energy

since 10

Member of Research Editorial Board of International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies
2010-18 Member of Editorial Board of Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy
2009-14 Member of International Editorial Board of Energy
since 03 Regional editor of Thermal Science


Conference scientific committees



Scientific Committee member of the 16th International Conference on Combustion Technologies for a Clean Environment (Clean Air 2025)


Scientific Committee co-chair of the 3nd International Conference on Energy Storage and Saving (ICENSS 2024)


Scientific Committee member of the 6th International Scientific Conference "Alternative Energy Sources, Materials &Technologies (AESMT'23)


Scientific Committee of the 9th International Conference on Smart Energy Systems.


International Scientific Committee member of the 8th European Meeting on Chemical Industry and Environment (EMChIE2022)


International Scientific Organising - Programme - Committee Member of: XXXV Counseling Energetika 2020


International Scientific Board: Student Conference on Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Development (SCEESD)

since 2020

International Scientific Committee: 1st and 2nd AP Asia Pacific Conference on sustainable development of enery, water and environment systems

since 2019

International Scientific Committee of 22nd, 23rd24th25th, 26th Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction (PRES`19 - PRES`23)


International Scientific Committee member of the 5th International Conference on Smart Energy Systems


Scientific Committee member of the International Conference on the Sustainable Energy and Environment Development (SEED 2019)


International Committee Member of 11th International Conference on Computational Heat, Mass and Momentum Transfer (ICCHMT 2018)

since 2018

International Scientific Committee: 1st LA, 2nd LA and  3rLA Latin American Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (LA SDEWES)


International Advisery Committe Member of International Conference on Sustainable Engineering and Technology (IconSET 2018)


International Scientific Committee of 20th Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction (PRES`17)


International Scientific Committee member of Applied Energy symposium and forum 2017 (REM 2017)


International Scientific Advisory Committee member of 4th International Workshop on Heat Transfer (IWHT)


International Scientific Committee member of the 5th Conference for Sustainable Energy, (CSE 2017)


Programme Committee member of 15th IAEE European Conference


Programme Committee member of 6th Regional Conference Industrial Energy and Environmental Protection in South-Eastern Europe (IEEP´17)


Program and Scientific Committee member of 13th International Conference on Accomplishments in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (DEMI 2017)


Scientific Committee member of the 1st Energy, Environment and Material Systems conference (EEMS 2017)


Scientific Committee member of the 2nd International Conference on the Sustainable Energy and Environment Development (SEED 2017)


Scientific Committee member of the 6th International Congress on Sustainability Science & Engineering (ICOSSE 2017)


International Advisory Committee: 9th International Exergy, Energy and Environment Symposium (IEEES9)


International Advisory Committee: 5th International Congress on Sustainability Science & Engineering (ICOSSE 2016)


International Scientific Advisory Committee: IWHT2017 Conference


International Scientific Committee: 4th International Conference “Contemporary Problems of Thermal Engineering” (CPOTE 2016)


General Chair: International Multidisciplinary Conference on Computer and Energy Science (SPLITECH2016)


International Programme Committee: 12th International Conference on Accomplishments in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology (DEMI 2015)


International Scientific Committee: Applied Energy Symposium: low carbon cities and urban energy systems (CUE2015)


International Scientific Committee: International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE2015)


International Programme Committee: 5th International Conference on Information Society and Techology (ICIST 2015)


International Advisory Committee: 4th International Congress on Sustainability Science & Engineering (ICOSSE 2015)


International Program Committee: V Regional Conference: Industrial Energy and Environmental Protection in South Eastern Europe (IEEP 2015)
2014 International Scientific Committee: 17th Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction (PRES14)
since 2014 International Scientific Committee: 1st , 2nd , 3rd , 4th and 5th South East European Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SEE SDEWES)
2014 International Scientific Committee: IS 2014 Conference
2014 International Scientific Committee: 2nd World Symposium on Sustainable Development at Universities
2012 International Scientific Committee: IS2012 (Innovation for Sustainability 2012)
2012 International Program Committee: The Fourth IASTED African Conference on Power and Energy Systems (AfricaPES 2012)
2012 International Scientific Committee: IUFRO2012 (Forests in the Future - Sustainable Use, Risks And Challenges)
2011 International Scientific Committee: SEM2011 (International Symposium on Environmental Management)
2009 Scientific Committee: SIMTERM09
2008 International Program Committee: The Eighth IASTED European Conference on Power and Energy Systems (EuroPES 2008)
2008 International Program Committee: The Second IASTED Asian Conference on Power and Energy Systems (AsiaPES 2008)
since 03 International Scientific Committee: 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th , 13th , 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th19th and 20th Conferences on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems 


Conference organisation committees


2023 Chair of Organizing Committee: CAETS (International Council of Academies of Engineering and Technological Sciences) 2023
since 20 Local Organizing Committee: 1st AP and  2nd AP Asia Pacific Conference on sustainable development of enery, water and environment systems
since 18 Local Organising Committee: 1st LA2nd LA, 3rdLA and 4th LA  Latin American Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems  
2017 Local Organizing Committee: 8th European Combustion Meeting 2017 (ECM2017)
2016 Organizing Committee: 9th International Exergy, Energy and Environment Symposium (IEEES9)
2016 Organizing Committee: 26th European Symposium on Computer-Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE 2016)
since 16 Local Organising Committee: 11th, 13th15th, 17th and 19th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems 
since 14 Local Organising Committee: 1st2nd , 3rd 4th and 5th South East European Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SEE SDEWES)
since 01 Local Organising Committee: Chairman of LOC of the 5th, 6th, 8th, 9th, 10th , 12th , 14th , 16th18th and 20th Conferences on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems 





Medal Atanasije Stojković, Society of Thermal Engineers of Serbia

2018 The Great Medal from Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture for outsanding contribution in improving the work, development and promotion of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb

National Award for significant scientific achievement in 2016 in the field of technical sciences


Reward from University of Zagreb for improvement of international relations achieved under an international scientific project




91, 2 months
teaching computer applications Bangkok Thailand
hobbies: travelling, hiking, skiing, horse riding, sailing, eating out

cca. 60 countries, 5 continents







since January  2025 project: DANSER - DANube SEdiment Restoration: towards deployment and upscaling of sustainable sediment management across the Danube River basin
  role: Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSBUniversity of Zagreb
  partners: Coordinator:  Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare Delta Dunarii (RO),  partners: 27 partners from 9 countries

finance: ECHorizon Europe
since September 2024 project: ADRIONWIND - Adriatic-Ionian Offshore Wind Network of Excellence
  role: Lead expert at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSBUniversity of Zagreb
  partners: Coordinator:  University of Zagreb - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, partners: 8 partners from 6 countries

since June 2024 project: AGRI-DIGITAL GROWTH - Precision Farming Ecosystem for Digital Skills enhancement across CE, to support digitalisation, sustainability and specialisation of Agri food manufacturing SMEs in Precision Farming transition
  role: Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSBUniversity of Zagreb
  partners: Lead partner: Council for Agricultural Research and Economics, partners: 11 partners from 8 countries

finance: ECInterreg CENTRAL EUROPE
since January 2024 project: LOGREENER - Composing Local Green Energy Transition
  role: Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSBUniversity of Zagreb
  partners: Coordinator: Valencian Federation of Municipalities and Provinces, partners: 8 partners and 15 associated partners

finance: ECInterreg Euro-MED Programme
since January 2024 project: StoreMore - Analysing and promoting energy storage solutions, developing tools to mitigate the intermittency of RES, contributing to an accelerated transition to renewable energy and more balanced electrical grids
  role: Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSBUniversity of Zagreb
  partners: Coordinator:  University of Zagreb - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, partners: City of Bekescsaba

finance: ECInterreg Danube Region
since January 2024 project: CO2 PACMAN - COperation and COdesigning PArtnership for CliMAte Neutrality
  role: Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the SDEWES Centre
  partners: Coordinator:University of Siena  partners: 10 partners and 17 associated partners

finance: EC, Interreg Euro-MED Programme
since January 2024 project: GARDEN - Greener AgRo-fooD logistics in the mEditerraneaN area
  role: Project coordinator at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSBUniversity of Zagreb
  partners: Coordinator:  University of Zagreb - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, partners: 10 partners

finance: EC, Interreg Euro-MED Programme
since December 2023 project: ReRURAL – Renew RURAL Areas
  role: Expert at the SDEWES Centre
  partners: Coordinator: SDEWES Centre, partners: 4 partners



German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action
since December 2023 project: Effective NECP - Fostering Ambitious and Effective NECPs in Central and Eastern Europe
  role: Expert at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSBUniversity of Zagreb
  partners: Coordinator: CSD, partners: 4 partners



German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action
since October 2023 project: SET_HEAT - Supporting Energy Transition and Decarbonisation in District Heating Sector
  role: Expert at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSBUniversity of Zagreb
  partners: Coordinator: Silesian University of Technology, partners: 12 partners from 5 countries


EC, LIFE Programme
since June 2023 project: DaWetRest - DAnube WETlands REStoration
  role: Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSBUniversity of Zagreb
  partners: Coordinator: Climate, atmosphere and water research institute at Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BG), partners: 25 partners

finance: ECERDF
since January 2023 project: EcoDaLLi - ECOsystem-based governance with DAnube lighthouse Living Lab for sustainable Innovation processes" and a Horizon Europe project within the EU Mission "Restore our Ocean and Waters by 2030
  role: Local project coordinator at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSBUniversity of Zagreb
  partners: Coordinator: Steinbeis Europa Zentrum, partners: 17 partners and one associated partner from 11 countries

finance: ECHorizon Europe
  role: Expert at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSBUniversity of Zagreb
  partners: Coordinator: RINA-C, partners: 28 partners


EC, H2020
since Jan. 2001 project: Numerical modeling of multiphase flow and combustion processes
  role: Project co-ordinator at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb

finance: AVL






2022 - 2024 project: BLUECEE –– Strengthening Policy and Governance Capacity for Blue Energy in Central and Eastern Europe
  role: Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSBUniversity of Zagreb
  partners: Project leader: Center for the Study of the Democracy (CSD), partners: Energy Policy Group, Instrat Foundation, University of Zagreb - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture



2022 - 2024 project: SunSharing – Supporting Solar Energy Communities in SEE
  role: Project coordinator at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSBUniversity of Zagreb
  partners: Project coordinator: University of Zagreb - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, partners: City of Prelog, SDEWES-Skopje (MKD), University of Western Macedonia (GRE), Green Synergy Cluster (BG)



German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action
2023 - 2024 project: PLIGES – Mapping of shallow geothermal systems in the Republic of Croatia
  role: Expert at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSBUniversity of Zagreb
  partners: Project leader: University of Zagreb - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, partners: 3 partners



EEA and Norway Grants
2022 - 2023 project: OFFSHORE WIND - Action Plan for the uptake of Offshore Renewable Energy Sources in Croatia
  role: Project coordinator at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSBUniversity of Zagreb
  partners: Coordinator: University of Zagreb - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, partners: Solar Blue d.o.o., OIKON d.o.o., Pokret otoka


2021 - 2024 project: Pro-Environment - Mainstreaming Environmental Communication through Online Learning and Virtual Mobility
  role: Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSBUniversity of Zagreb
  partners: Institute of Communication Studies, University of Zagreb, University of Novi Sad, University of Tirana, University of Sarajevo


Erasmus+ KA2
2019 - 2024 project: Renewable and Waste Heat Recovery for Competitive District Heating and Cooling Networks (REWARDHeat)
  role: Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSBUniversity of Zagreb
  partners: Coordinator: ACCADEMIA EUROPEA DI BOLZANO (IT), partners: 27 partners


EC, H2020


2019 - 2023 project: Investigating Energy transition pathways - Interrelation between power-to-X, demand response and market coupling – INTERENERGY
  role: Project coordinator at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSBUniversity of Zagreb
  partners: 3 partners



2020 - 2023 project: ET-Rise - Infrastructural Strengthening of RDI Capacity in Energetics and Transport
  role: Project coordinator at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSBUniversity of Zagreb


2020 - 2023 project: ARCOPS - Autonomous robotic system for grinding and surface characterization of thin-walled composite products
  role: Expert at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSBUniversity of Zagreb
  partners: Coordinator: University of Zagreb - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, partners: HUNOR, Enikon Aerospace


2019 - 2023 project: LOCOMOTION – Low-carbon society: an enhanced modelling tool for the transition to sustainability
  role: Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the SDEWES Centre
  partners: Coordinator: UNIVERSIDAD DE VALLADOLID (SPA), partners: 12 partners


EC, H2020


2020 - 2023 project: RESIN - Development of a system for testing multiphase flows and combustion with the aim of increasing the research activities of the scientific and business sector
  role: Expert at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSBUniversity of Zagreb
  partners: Coordinator: University of Zagreb - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, partners: 4 partners


2020 - 2023 project: Smart Factory -Development of a modular expert system for discrete production process management based on the SMART FACTORY principle
  role: Expert at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSBUniversity of Zagreb
  partners: Coordinator: University of Zagreb - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, partners: WINDOR, Končar-energetski transformatori 


2020- 2023 project: DecreasePM - Reducing the particulate matter emissions by flue gas condensation
  role: Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSBUniversity of Zagreb
  partners: Croatian - Chinese bilateral



Ministry of Science and Education, Croatia

2020 - 2023 project: POIROT-IoT - Predicted maintenance of industrial rotary equipment based on machine learning and IoT technology in interaction with information systems
  role: Expert at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSBUniversity of Zagreb
  partners: Coordinator: University of Zagreb - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, partner: Ekonerg



2019 - 2022 project: BLUE DEAL - Blue Energy Deployment Alliance
  role: Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSBUniversity of Zagreb
  partners: Coordinator: UNISI (IT), partners: 12 partners


EC, Interreg MED

2022 project: DecarbBiH- Decarbonization based optimization modelling up to 2050 for energy sector of Bosnia and Herzegovina
  role: Team member at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSBUniversity of Zagreb
  partners: Die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH



German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
2022 project: SEADRION PLUS - Fostering diffusion of Heating & Cooling technologies using the seawater pump in the Adriatic-Ionian Region PLUS
  role: Project coordinator at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSBUniversity of Zagreb
  partners: CORTEA, GOLEA, Občina Izola, CERTH, DURA
finance: EC, Interreg Adrion
2022 project: ECO-NautiNET plus - Network’s support for SMEs in the Nautical sector of the Adriatic-Ionian Region - PLUS
  role: Project partner at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSBUniversity of Zagreb
  partners: Coordinator: Chamber of Achaia (GRE), partners: 7 partners


EC, Interreg Adrion
2021 - 2022 project: PRISMI PLUS - Transferring a toolkit for RES integration in Smart Mediterranean Islands and rural areas
  role: Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSBUniversity of Zagreb
  partners: Coordinator: Sapienza University of Rome (IT), partners: 14 partners


EC, Interreg MED
2020 - 2022 project: DanuP-2-Gas – Innovative model to drive energy security and diversity in the Danube Region via combination of bioenergy with surplus renewable energy
  role: Person in charge at the SDEWES Centre
  partners: Lead partner: Technology Centre Energy - University of Applied Sciences Landshut, 13 partners
finance: ECERDF, Interreg Danube Transnational Programme
2020 - 2022 project: AaCTA - Alpe-Adria Clean Transport Alliance
  role: Project coordinator at lead partner (SDEWES Centre)
  partners: Lead partner: SDEWES Centre, partners: Regional Development Centre Koper, Energie Agentur Steiermark gGmbH, University of Montenegro, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering


European Climate Initiative (EUKI) - German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU)

2019 - 2022 project: BE-Rural - Bio-based strategies and roadmaps for enhanced rural and regional development in the EU
  role: Participation at the SDEWES Centre
  partners: Project Coordinator:Ecologic Institute, 9 partners (ECO, STRATH, WIP, BIOCOM, BIA, SDEWES, IPE, SILAVA, NMFRI)


EC, H2020

2019 - 2021 project: CLUSTER ACT - Aggregation and Collaboration Tools to enhance cluster network in the maritime sector
  role: Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the SDEWES Centre
  partners: mareFVG (IT), IBAN (IT), CMMA (SPA), CERTH (GRE), SDEWES (CRO) AASTMT (E)



2018 - 2021 project: SEADRION Fostering diffusion of Heating & Cooling technologies using the seawater pump in the Adriatic-Ionian Region
  role: Project coordinator at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSBUniversity of Zagreb
  partners: CORTEA, GOLEA, Občina Izola, CERTH, DURA


EC, Interreg Adrion
2018 - 2021 project: ECO-NautiNET - Network’s support for SMEs in the Nautical sector of the Adriatic-Ionian Region 
  role: Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSBUniversity of Zagreb
  partners: Coordinator: Chamber of Achaia (GRE), partners: 7 partners


EC, Interreg Adrion
2018 - 2021 project: PROSEU - PROSumers for the Energy Union: mainstreaming active participation of citizens in the energy transition
  role: Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSBUniversity of Zagreb


EC, H2020
2018 - 2021 project: PentaHelix - Multi stakeholder and governance approach for SECAP development and implementation
  role: Project coordinator at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSBUniversity of Zagreb


EC, H2020
2018 - 2021 project: South East Europe Energy Transition Dialogue (SEEETD)
  role: Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSBUniversity of Zagreb
  partners: Coordinator: Agora Energiewende (DE), partners: 5 partners


European Climate Initiative – EUKI, BMUB
2016 - 2020 project: PLANHEAT - Integrated tool for empowering public authorities in the development of sustainable plans for low carbon heating and cooling


Project partner at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and EnvironmentFSBUniversity of Zagreb
  partners: Coordinator: D'Appolonia, partners: 12 partners

finance: EC, H2020
2018 - 2020 project: Water Recovery from Flue gas
  role: Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSBUniversity of Zagreb
  partners: Croatian - Chinese bilateral



Ministry of Science and Education, Croatia

 2017- 2019 project: Energy independent Croatia based on the high share of renewable energy sources and demand response technologies – RESFlex
  role:  Project coordinator


4 partners


 2016 - 2018 project: Coolheating - Market uptake of small modular renewable district heating and cooling grids for communities
  role: Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb
  partners: Coordinator: WIP (DE), partners: 11 partners


EC, H2020
2016-2019 project: HRE - Heat Roadmap Europe
  role: Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb
  partners: Coordinator: 4DH centre at Aalborg University (DK), partners: 19 partners


EC, H2020
2016-2019 project: AGROCYCLE - Sustainable techno-economic solutions for the agricultural value chain
  role: Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the SDEWES Centre
  partners: Coordinator: University College Dublin, partners: 25 partners


EC, H2020
2016-2019 project: PELAGOS - Promoting innovative nEtworks and cLusters for mArine renewable energy synerGies in mediterranean cOasts and iSlands
  role: Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb
  partners: Coordinator: CRES, partners: 8 partners


EC, Interreg MED
2017-2019 project: ENERGY BARGE – Building a Green Energy and Logistics Belt
  role: Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the SDEWES Centre
  partners: Coordinator: Agency for Renewable Resources, partners: 16 partners


EC, Interreg MED, Danube Transnational Programme (DTP)
 2018-2019 project: DHswitch - Switching to district heating systems for diversification of supply, reducing gas dependency and increasing the use of locally available renewable sources
  role: Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSBUniversity of Zagreb
  partners: ETF i BIO-C



Interreg Danube Seed Money Facility project


project: 4-DH - 4th Generation District Heating Technologies and Systems
  role: Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb


partners: Coordinator: Aalborg University - Department of Development and Planning (DK)


finance: The Danish Council for Strategic Research
2016-2018 project: PRISMI - Promoting RES Integration for Smart Mediterranean Islands
  role: Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb
  partners: Coordinator: Sapienza University of Rome (IT), partners: 14 partners


EC, Interreg MED


project: EURAXESS T.O.P III - Enhancing The Outreach and Effectiveness of the EURAXESS Network Partners
  role: Expert at the Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes


partners: Coordinator: Bay Zoltan Non-profit Ltd. (HU), partners: 33 partners


finance: EC, H2020


project: Bin2Grid - Turning unexploited food waste into biomethane supplied through local filling stations network
  role: Co-ordinator of participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb


partners: Coordinator: Zagrebački holding (HR), partners: 8 partners


finance: EC, H2020


project: Macedonia’s Second Biennial Update Report
  role: Consulting services, International expert for Climate Change Mitigation


Finance: UNDP


Country: Macedonia


project: A case study applying the Dispa-SET model on the Western Balkans
  role: Consultation services  at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and EnvironmentFSBUniversity of Zagreb




project: FosterREG - Fostering public capacity to plan, finance and manage integrated urban REGeneration for sustainable energy uptake
  role: Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the SDEWES Centre


partners: Coordinator: Tecnalia (ES), partners: 10 partners


finance: EC, H2020


project: INNOVER-EAST - Building a more effective pathway leading from research to innovation through cooperation between the European Union and Eastern Partnership countries in the field of energy efficiency
  role: Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the SDEWES Centre


partners: Coordinator: Bay Zoltán (HU), partners: 15 partners


finance: EC, FP7


project: STRATEGO - Multi-level actions for enhanced Heating & Cooling plans
  role: Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb


partners: Coordinator: Euroheat & Power AISBL - EHP (BE)


finance: EC, IEE


project: S2Biom - Delivery of sustainable supply of non-food biomass to support a “resource-efficient” Bioeconomy in Europe
  role: Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the SDEWES Centre


partners: Coordinator: FNR - Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e.V. (DE), partners: 31 partner


finance: EC, FP7


project: DISKNET - DIStributed Knowledge-Based Energy Saving NETworks
  role: Project Expert of Croatian participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb


partners: Coordinator: UNIPAN, partners: CERTH (GR), AUTH (GR), NTU KhPI (UA), HU (JO), UMP (MA)


finance: EC, FP7


project: ENERCOAST - Renewable Energies in the Marine-Coastal Areas of the Adriatic-Ionian Region
  role: Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb


partners: Renewable Energies in the Marine-Coastal Areas of the Adriatic-Ionian Region


finance: EC, MED
2016 project: Analysis of the economically acceptable share of RES and projections of characteristic daily load diagrams of electricity and heat, as the basis for the Low-Carbon Development Strategy of the Republic of Croatia
  role: Consultation services


EKONERG - Institut za energetiku i zaštitu okoliša d.o.o., Croatia


project: Delivery of the transport and buildings (households and services) demand modules and its integration into supply side model as a basis for the Low-Carbon Development Strategy of the Republic of Croatia
  role: Consultation services



finance: EKONERG - Institut za energetiku i zaštitu okoliša d.o.o., Croatia


project: Developing a Project Outline for the 4th Call of the NAMA (National Appropriate Mitigation Action) Facility
  role: Consultation services


finance: UNDP, Macedonia


project: Energy Efficiency Consultancy in BiH
  role: Consultation services



finance: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Germany


project: Energy audit of a large enterprise - Zagrebačka pivovara (Zagreb Brewery)
  role: Consultation services


partners: Energo-data


finance: Zagrebačka pivovara


project: SMEP - Sustainable municipal energy policy (RES & EE)
  role: Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the SDEWES Centre


partners: Coordinator: Porsenna (CZ), partners: 10 partners


finance: EC, Interreg, Danube Region Project Fund


project: Macedonian Intended Nationally Determined Contribution
  role: Consultation services



finance: UNDP, Macedonia and GIZ GmbH, Germany


project: Capacity Development for Climate Policy in Western Balkan, Central and East Europe, and Central Asia
  role: Consultation services



finance: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Germany


project: ADRIACOLD - Diffusion of Cooling and Refreshing Technologies using the Solar Energy Resource in the Adriatic Regions
  role: Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb


partners: Coordinator: AREA (IT), partners: 13 partners


finance: EC, IPA


project: BIOGOS - Implementation of Directive 2009/28/EC in the Field of Biofuels and Transport in the Republic of Serbia - Transfer of Best Practices
  role: Project co-ordinator at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb


partners: Coordinator: UNIZAG-FSB (HR), partner: NNKS (SR)


finance: CEI Fund at the EBRD


project: LocSEE – Low Carbon South East Europe
  role: Climate change expert contracted by REC


task: Good practice examples on low carbon policies;
Process plan for development and/or improvement of low carbon policy papers;
Low carbon policy paper;
Active participation at the Macedonian National Working Group sessions and Regional Policy Network meetings


finance: EC, SEE
2013-14 project: Macedonia’s First Biennial Update Report
  role: Consulting services, International expert for Climate Change Mitigation
  finance: UNDP
  country: Macedonia
2013 project: “Third National Report to UNFCCC” - Analyses of possible GHG emissions limitations
  role: Consultation services
  finance: UNDP
  country: Macedonia


project: EURAXESS T.O.P II - Enhancing The Outreach and Effectiveness of the EURAXESS Network partners
  role: Project expert at the Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes
  partners: Coordinator: FECYT (ES), partners: 17 partners


finance EC, FP7


project: Optimization of renewable electricity generation systems connected in a microgrid (MICROGRID)
  role: Project co-ordinator at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb


finance: Croatian Science Foundation, Croatia


project: ERASME - Energy Audits in SMEs
  role: Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb


partners: Coordinator: ECUBA (IT), partners: CNA (IT), OICON (HR), ECODOT (CZ), GZSZ (AT), RDA NBF (DE), ARR SA (PL), PGHE (HU)


finance: EC, DG TREN, IEE


project: WeB-InUnion - Bringing Western Balkans closer to Innovation Union: An example of EURAXESS Regional Collaboration
  role: Project co-ordinator at the Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes


finance: EC, FP7
2012 project: Consultation service and development of outlines about the establishment of trading schemes of GHG emissions in Croatia
  role: Consultation services
  finance: MZOiP
2012 project:

System of GHG emissions trading - The challenges and consequences for refinery & CWT methodology - The procedure of calculating the CO2 efficiency of refinery › base for allocating free quotas

  role: Consultation services
  finance: INA d.d.
2012 project: Consultations related to ETS and calculations for Ina Ethan&Molve
  role: Consultation services
  finance: INA d.d.
2012 project: Consultation service and development of outlines about the establishment of trading schemes of GHG emissions in Croatia
  role: Consultation services
  finance: Tvornica šećera Osijek d.o.o.
2012 project: Environmental Impact Study: Acceptance, temporary storage and combustion of refuse derived fuel (RDF / SRF) in cement factory Sveti Kajo; Location: Solin, Chapter: Greenhouse gas emissions and climate change
  role: Consultation services
  finance: CEMEX Hrvatska d.d.
2012 project:

Environmental Impact Study: Acceptance, temporary storage and combustion of refuse derived fuel (RDF / SRF) in cement factory Sveti Juraj; Location: Kaštel Sućurac, Chapter: Greenhouse gas emissions and climate change

  role: Consultation services
  finance: CEMEX Hrvatska d.d.


project: E-SEAP- European Sustainable Energy Award for Prisons
  role: Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb


partners: Coordinator SWEA (UK), partners: PIM (MT), EKODOMA (LV), AUTH (EL), ZRMK (SI), HMP Hewell (UK), CMSE (IE)


finance: EC, DG TREN, IEE


project: GERONIMO II_BIOGAS- A focussed strategy for enabling European farmers to tap into biogas opportunities
  role: Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb


partners: Coordinator IRIS (ES), partners: RABDF (UK), Llet Nostra (ES), IFED (DE), ESDL (MT), MFKK (HU), KOMTEK (DK), CZBIOM (CZ), EUBIA (BE), GSP-GI (ES), Cyprus energy agency (CY), LCEA (IE)


finance: EC, DG TREN, IEE
2011 project: Annual report on GHG emissions for the year 2010
  role: Consultation services
  finance: Viro Tvornica šećera d.d.
2011 project: Development of Environmental Impact Study base for TE Bravar
  role: Consultation services
  task: Calculation of air pollutant formation during operation of TE Bravar; Modelling of pollutants spreading during operation of TE Bravar; Heat spreading calculation during operation of TE Bravar; Creating chapter in the Study: Potential impacts on air quality and climate during intervention; Air protection measures
  finance: IGH


project: HAWE - High Altitude Wind Energy
  role: Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb


finance: EC, DG R&I, FP7


project: JoRIEW - Improving capacity of Jordanian Research in Integrated Renewable Energy and Water supply
  role: Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb


finance: EC, DG R&I, FP7
2010-12 project: Verification reports on GHG emissions from the plant of Tvornica šećera Osijek for the period 2005-2012.
  role: Consultation services
  finance: Tvornica šećera Osijek d.o.o.
2010-12 project: Verification reports on GHG emissions from the plant of Sladorana d.d. for the period 2005-2012.
  role: Consultation services
  finance: Sladorana d.d.
2010-12 project: Verification reports on GHG emissions from the plant of PAN – Tvornica papira Zagreb for the period 2005-2012.
  role: Consultation services
  finance: PAN – Tvornica papira Zagreb d.o.o.


project: EURAXESS T.O.P. – Enhancing the Outreach and Effectiveness of the EURAXESS Network Partners
  role: Project co-ordinator at the Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes
  partners: coordinator: Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (DE), partners: 10 partners


finance: EC, FP7
2009 project: Sustainable Energy Project
  role: Consultation services
  task: Preparation of a study for procedures for development of wind power plants in the Republic of Macedonia
  finance: GEF/IBRD Grant, implemented by Energy agency of the Republic of Macedonia


project: I-SEE MOB - Inter-Sectoral Mobility of Researchers in South-Eastern Europe
  role: Project co-ordinator at the Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes


finance: EC, FP7


project: HR-MOB - Croatian Researcher’s Mobility Network
  role: Project co-ordinator at the Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes
  finance: EC, DG RTD, FP7, Programme PEOPLE


project: BIOSIRE - Creating Sustainable Transport in Tourism Regions
  role: Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb


partners: Coordinator Cinesi (ES), partners: CAIB (ES), CDA (FR), ESNWL (UK), FGM-AMOR (AT), GEN (ES), IBMER (PL), IFEU (DE), NET (IT), REAC (GR), Venezia (IT)


finance: EC, DG TREN, IEE


project: Flick the Switch - Instigating Simple Energy Efficient Behavioural Practices in Schools
  role: Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb


partners: Coordinator IPIC (ES), partners: PIM (MT), AEA (IT), Climate Energy (UK), PPS Karmony (NO), RG (EE), PVM (LT), IscGagliano (IT), Rakvere Lv (EE), Welb (UK)


finance: EC, DG TREN, IEE
2008-09 project: National potential of cogeneration
  role: Participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB,University of Zagreb


finance: Ministry of Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship
2008 project: Investment Opportunities in Croatian Wind Sector - Legal and market aspects
  role: Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb


finance: CME
2008 project: Market Report for the Development of Wind power Projects in Croatia
  role: Consultation services


finance: COWI
2008 project: Support for the further approximation of Croatian legislation with environmental acquis including the National Action Plan
  role: Consultation services


finance: EC, MZOPUG, Egis Bceom International, BGP Engineers


project: Smart energy storage for sustainable energy development (RASENZORE), 120-1201918-1920
  role: Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb


finance: Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, Croatia


project: STORIES - Addressing barriers to STORage technologies for increasing the penetration of Intermittent Energy Sources
  role: Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb


partners: Coordinator CRES (GR), partners: CERA (CY), ERES (EU), ISLENET (EU), IST (PT), ITC (ES), NTUA (GR), RAE (GR), SOFTECH (IT)


finance: EC, DG TREN, IEE


project: GERONIMO - Getting Energy Reduction ON Agendas in Industrial Manufacturing Operations
  role: Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb


partners: Coordinator IPIC (ES), partners: RABDF (UK), Llet Nostra (ES), IFED (DE), MIIS (MT), CRIC (ES), MFKK (HU), Gesund Lantbruk HB (SE)


finance: EC, DG TREN, IEE
2007-08 project: Plan of placing biofuels on the domestic market in 2008
  role: Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb


finance: Ministry of Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship
2005-10 project: GEF-RER: Renewable Energy Resources Project
  role: Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb
  task: Procurement Support


finance: GEF/IBRD Grant, implemented by HBOR and MoELE


project: WEB-ENV: Development of Environmental Guidelines for the Region of Western Balkans
  role: Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb


partners: Coordinator CERTH (GR), partners: REC (S&M), UnivNi-MF (S&M), HEIS (B&H), GSC (AL)


finance: EC, DG RTD, FP6, Programme INCO-WBC


project: WEB-MOB: Development of researchers mobility policy guidelines for the region of Western Balkans
  role: Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb


partners: Coordinator CERTH (GR), partners: REC (S&M), UnivNi-MF (S&M), HEIS (B&H), GSC (AL), ICEIM-MANU (MK)


finance: EC, DG RTD, FP6, Programme INCO-WBC
2005-07 project: Preparation of bylaws in the area of renewable energy sources and cogeneration
  role: Participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB,University of Zagreb


finance: Ministry of Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship
2004-07 project: ADEG: Advanced Decentralised Energy Generation Systems in Western Balkans
  role: Participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB,University of Zagreb


partners: Coordinator NTUA (GR), partners: Vinca (RS), USa-MF (B&H), UniStut (DE), IST (PT)


finance: EC, DG RTD, FP6, Programme INCO-WBC
2002-08 project: EDEN  - Endogenizar o Desenvolvimento das Energias Novas (Localizing the Development of New Energies) 
  role: Project participation at the Research Group on Energy and Sustainable  Development, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon


finance: POE
2002-05 project: RENEWISLANDS - Renewable Energy Solutions for Islands
  role: Project participation at the Research Group on Energy and Sustainable  Development, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon
  task: Co-operation with the Research Group on Energy and Sustainable Development, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon


finance: EC, DG-RTD, ENERGIE
2002-13 project: H2RES - Energy planning of islands and isolated regions
  role: Project participation at the Research Group on Energy and Sustainable  Development, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon
2002-03 project: Plano Energético de Cabo Verde - Energy Plan for Cape Verde
  role: Project participation at the Research Group on Energy and Sustainable  Development, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon
  task: Co-operation with the Research Group on Energy and Sustainable Development, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon


finance: DGEG - Portugal
2002-03 project: ERA_ISLA - New and Renewable Energies, Electricity and Water in Outermost Regions
  role: Project participation at the Research Group on Energy and Sustainable  Development, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon
  task: Co-operation with the Research Group on Energy and Sustainable Development, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon


finance: EC, DG-RTD - ENERGIE
2002-06 project: Multicriterial optimisation of Energy Systems, 0120-037, bibliography
  role: Participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB,University of Zagreb
  finance: Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, Croatia


project: Computer aided energy education: Introduction to Energy Management Online


finance: Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, Croatia
2002-04  project: LIFECROCHP: Sustainable Development of Croatia Capacity in CHP Sector
  role: Participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB,University of Zagreb


finance: EC, DG-ENV, LIFE Programme
2001 project: CDMSIDS - Facilitating the Kyoto Protocol Objectives by Clean Development Mechanism in Small Island Developing States
  role: Project participation at the Research Group on Energy and Sustainable  Development, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon


finance: EC
2000-02 project: New and Renewable Energy Sources with Special View on Insular and Isolated Regions (PRAXIS XXI / BPD / 22022 / 99)
  role: Project participation at the Research Group on Energy and Sustainable  Development, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon
  task: Co-operation with the Research Group on Energy and Sustainable Development, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon
  finance: MCT - Portugal, PRAXIS XXI
2000-01 project: Calculation of CO2 emissions avoided due to introduction of Natural Gas in Portugal, 1997-2000
  role: Project participation at the Research Group on Energy and Sustainable  Development, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon
  task: Co-operation with the Research Group on Energy and Sustainable Development, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon
2000-01 project: CLEANTEC: An Innovative System Promoting the Introduction of Clean Technologies in Industry
  role: Project participation at the Research Group on Energy and Sustainable  Development, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon


finance: EC
1999-00 project: Expert to the EU Presidency (held by Portugal) in Energy Technology Transfer and Capacity Building as part of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change process
  role: Project participation at the Research Group on Energy and Sustainable  Development, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon
  task: Co-operation with the Research Group on Energy and Sustainable Development, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon
1999-02 project: EURO-ISLAS: New and Renewable Energy Sources for Islands and Remote Regions
  role: Project participation at the Research Group on Energy and Sustainable  Development, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon


finance: EC
1998-99 project: ACORDE - Development of advanced control methodologies using reliable multi-detection sensors for boilers
  role: Project participation at the Research Group on Energy and Sustainable  Development, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon


finance: EC
1998-06 project: Modelling of combustion in gas-fired furnaces, 120-056
  role: Project co-ordinator at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb
  task: coupling detailed methane/air kinetic model with heat and mass transfer
  finance: Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, Croatia
1997-01 project: Improvement and Updates of the COPPEF Code, Part II
  role: Project participation at the Research Group on Energy and Sustainable  Development, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon
  task: implementation of local residual monitoring, workpackage responsible, implementation of compressibility, implementation of converging nozzle geometry
1997-98 project Fuel Blends – Advanced combustion and gasification of fuel blends and diagnostics of alkali and heavy metals release
  role: Project participation at the Research Group on Energy and Sustainable  Development, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon


finance: EC
Sep.-Dec. 1996 project: HPPIPES
  role: Project participation at the Research Group on Energy and Sustainable  Development, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon
  task: parallelization (MPI) of a CFD code
    3D, diffusion flames, k-e, radiation


finance: EC
1996-02 project: Advanced control technologies in thermal power plants, 120-001, bibliography
  role: Participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB,University of Zagreb
  finance: Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, Croatia
May-Dec. 1994 project: Improvement and Updates of the COPPEF Code
  role: Project participation at the Research Group on Energy and Sustainable  Development, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon
  task: implementation of multi-block domain decomposition
    2D modelling of solid fuel combustion chamber:
    kinetic and diffusion flames; turbulence: k-e model;
  finance: NATO
1990-96 project: Heat and Mass Transfer in Thermal Power Plants, 2-08-189
  role: Participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB,University of Zagreb
  task: 3D modeling (control volume scheme) of furnaces:
    staggered grid; k-e; detailed chemistry modeling of CH4-air combustion; one stage combustion model for oil; radiation (three gray gases zone method & Monte Carlo); solver: line Gauss-Seidel + additive correction multigrid;
  finance: Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, Croatia
1990-98 project: ZONAL - 3D model of heat and mass transfer processes in furnace, graduate thesis (1990), master thesis (1993), PhD thesis (1998)
  role: Project participation at the Research Group on Energy and Sustainable  Development, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon
1990 project: SACC - Lumped parameters model of a steam accumulator
  role: Project participation at the Research Group on Energy and Sustainable  Development, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon
1990 project: PMO - Measuring equipment database
  role: Project participation at the Research Group on Energy and Sustainable  Development, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon
1989 project: WATER - Water and steam properties using Helmholtz function
  role: Project participation at the Research Group on Energy and Sustainable  Development, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon


Number of papers by quartiles: 189
Number of papers in top 5% journals: 87
Number of citations, reporting date 11.7.2024: Scopus: 9642, WoS: 7969
H-index, reporting date 11.7.2024: Scopus: 61, WoS: 55
Most papers published in following journals:

1. Energy
2. Energy Conversion and Management
3. Applied Energy
4. Journal of Cleaner Production
5. Renewable & sustainable energy reviews


  1. Miškić, Josip; Dorotić, Hrvoje; Pukšec, Tomislav; Schneider, Daniel Rolph; Duić, Neven, Holistic method for determining the techno-economic feasibility of waste heat for the planning of the low-temperature district heating systems // Energy (Oxford), 313 (2024), 133968 Download[IF 9.0, Q1, 0 cit]
  2. Koričan, Marija; Herc, Luka; Pfeifer, Antun; Vladimir, Nikola; Duić, Neven, Long-term influence of the gradual naval fleets decarbonization on the flexibility of an integrated energy system // Sustainable energy technologies and assessments, 72 (2024), 104041, 9 Download [IF 7.1, Q1, 0 cit]
  3. Huang, Chaoneng; Wang, Li; Huang, Qian; Song, Dongran; Yang, Jian; Dong, Mi; Joo, Young Hoo; Duić, Neven, Bi-level multi-objective optimization framework for wake escape in floating offshore wind farm // Applied energy, 377 (2025), 124712-x [IF 10.1, Q1, 0 cit]
  4. Wang, Yuqing; Fu, Wenjie; Chen, Junfa; Wang, Junlong; Zhen, Zhao; Wang, Fei; Xu, Fei; Duić, Neven; Yang, Di; Lv, Yuntong, Spatiotemporal Federated Learning Based Regional Distributed PV Ultra-Short-Term Power Forecasting Method // IEEE transactions on industry applications, 60 (2024), 5; 7413-7425 [IF 3.7, Q1, 0 cit]
  5. Feijoo, Felipe; Flores, Francisco; Kundu, Abhishake; Pfeifer, Antun; Herc, Luka; Prieto, Ana L.; Duic, Neven, Tradeoffs between economy wide future net zero and net negative economy systems: The case of Chile // Renewable & sustainable energy reviews, 207 (2025), 114945-x Download [IF 16.3, Q1, 0 cit]
  6. Herc, Luka; Feijoo, Felipe; Kodba, Ana; Dorotić, Hrvoje; Stunjek, Goran; Beljan, Doris; Pukšec, Tomislav; Krajačić, Goran; Pfeifer, Antun; Duić, Neven. The management of an energy system in the realm of rapid energy transition and degasification as a consequence of energy crisis, examination in H2RES energy model // Energy conversion and management, 315 (2024), 118782, 49 Download [IF 9.9, Q1, 2 cit]
  7. Wang, Li; Dong, Mi; Yang, Jian; Wang, Lei; Chen, Sifan; Duić, Neven; Hoon Joo, Young; Song, Dongran, Wind turbine wakes modeling and applications: Past, present, and future // Ocean engineering, 309 (2024), 1; 118508, 29 Download [IF 5.0, Q1, 2 cit]
  8. Flores, Francisco; Feijoo, Felipe; DeStephano, Paelina; Herc, Luka; Pfeifer, Antun; Duić, Neven, Assessment of the impacts of renewable energy variability in long-term decarbonization strategies // Applied energy, 368 (2024), 123464 Download  [IF 11.2, Q1, 4 cit]
  9. Kodba, Ana; Pukšec, Tomislav; Duić, Neven, P-graph approach for the optimisation of biomass supply network for biogas production in urban areas // Optimization and engineering, 25 (2024), 13-28 Download [IF 2.619, Q2, 2 cit]
  10. Jovanović, Marina; Bakić, Vukman; Škobalj, Predrag; Cvetinović , Dejan; Erić, Aleksandar; Živković, Nikola; Duić, Neven, Scenarios for transitioning the electricity sector of the Republic of Serbia to sustainable climate neutrality by 2050 // Utilities Policy, 85 (2023.), 101681, 11 Download [IF 3.247, Q1, 0 cit]
  11. Miškić, Josip; Dorotić, Hrvoje; Pukšec, Tomislav; Soldo, Vladimir; Duić, Neven, Optimization of data centre waste heat integration into the low-temperature district heating networks // Optimization and engineering, 25 (2024.), 63–91  Download [IF 2.619, Q2, 1 cit]
  12. Pfeifer, Antun; Feijoo, Felipe; Duić, Neven, Fast energy transition as a best strategy for all? The nash equilibrium of long-term energy planning strategies in coupled power markets // Energy (Oxford), 284/2023 (2023.), 1; 129109, 12 Download [IF 8.857, Q1, 4 cit]
  13. Kodba, Ana; Pukšec, Tomislav; Duić, Neven, P-Graph approach for the economical optimisation of biomass supply network that meets requirements on greenhouse gas emissions savings - A case study of rural areas // Journal of cleaner production, 416 (2023), 137937, 14 Download  [IF 11.1, Q1, 2 cit]
  14. Jurić, Filip; Krajcar, Manuel; Duić, Neven; Vujanović, Milan, Investigating the Pollutant Formation and Combustion Characteristics of Biofuels in Compression Ignition Engines: A Numerical Study // Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, (2023), 101939, 23 Download [IF 4.56, Q1, 5 cit]
  15. Kodba, Ana; Pukšec, Tomislav; Duić, Neven, Analysis of Specific Greenhouse Gas Emissions Savings from Biogas Production Based on Agricultural Residues and Industrial By-Products // Energies, 16 (2023), 3721, 15 Download [IF 3.252, Q2, 4 cit]
  16. Groppi, Daniele; Feijoo, Felipe; Pfeifer, Antun; Astiaso Garcia, Davide; Duić, Neven, Analyzing the impact of demand response and reserves in islands energy planning // Energy (Oxford), 278 (2023), 127716 Download [IF 8.857, Q1, 16 cit]
  17. Haas, Reinhard; Duić, Neven; Auer, Hans; Ajanovic, Amela; Ramsebner, Jasmine; Knapek, Jaroslav; Zwickl-Bernhard, Sebastian, The photovoltaic revolution is on: How it will change the electricity system in a lasting way // Energy (Oxford), 265 (2023), 126351, 14 Download [IF 8.857, Q1, 19 cit]
  18. Novosel, Tomislav; Feijoo, Felipe; Duić, Neven; Domac, Julije, Impact of district heating and cooling on the potential for the integration of variable renewable energy sources in mild and Mediterranean climates // Energy conversion and management, 272 (2022) Download [IF 11.533, Q1, 17 cit]
  19. Parrado-Hernando, Gonzalo; Herc, Luka; Pfeifer, Antun; Capellán-Perez, Iñigo; Batas Bjelić, Ilija; Duić, Neven; Frechoso-Escudero, Fernando; Javier Miguel González, Luis; Z. Gjorgievski, Vladimir, Capturing features of hourly-resolution energy models through statistical annual indicators // Renewable energy, 197 (2022), 1192-1223 Download [IF 8.634, Q1, 0 cit]
  20. Parrado-Hernando, Gonzalo; Pfeifer, Antun; Frechoso, Fernando; Miguel González, Luis Javier; Duić, Neven, A novel approach to represent the energy system in integrated assessment models // Energy (Oxford), 258 (2022), 124743, 21 Download [IF 8.857, Q1, 1 cit]
  21. Feijoo, Felipe; Pfeifer, Antun; Herc, Luka; Groppi, Daniele; Duić, Neven, A long-term capacity investment and operational energy planning model with power-to-X and flexibility technologies // Renewable & sustainable energy reviews, 167 (2022), 112781, 15, Download [IF 16.799, Q1, 17 cit]
  22. Wang, Fei; Chen, Peng; Zhen, Zhao; Yin, Rui; Cao, Chunmei; Zhang, Yagang; Duić, Neven, Dynamic spatio-temporal correlation and hierarchical directed graph structure based ultra- short-term wind farm cluster power forecasting method // Applied energy, 323 (2022), 119579 [IF 11.446, Q1, 23 cit]
  23. Stančin, Hrvoje; Šafář, Michal; Růžičková, Jana; Mikulčić, Hrvoje; Raclavská, Helena; Wang, X.; Duić, Neven, Influence of plastic content on synergistic effect and bio-oil quality from the co-pyrolysis of waste rigid polyurethane foam and sawdust mixture // Renewable energy, 196 (2022), 1218-1228 Download [IF 8.634, Q1, 17 cit]
  24. Wang, Fei; Tong, Shuang; Sun, Yiqian; Xie, Yongsheng; Zhen, Zhao; Li, Guoqing; Cao, Chunmei; Duić, Neven; Liu Dagui, Wind process pattern forecasting based ultra-short- term wind speed hybrid prediction // Energy (Oxford), 255 (2022), 124509 [IF 7.147, Q1, 1 cit]
  25. Jurić, Filip; Coelho, Pedro J.; Priesching, Peter; Duić, Neven; Honus, Stanislav; Vujanović, Milan, Implementation of the spectral line‐based weighted‐sum‐of‐gray‐gases model in the finite volume method for radiation modeling in internal combustion engines // International journal of energy research, Early View (2022), 1-14 Download [IF 5.164, Q1, 0 cit]
  26. Maaouane, Mohamed; Chennaif, Mohammed; Zouggar, Smail; Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven; Zahboune, Hassan; Kerkour ElMiad, Aissa, Using neural network modelling for estimation and forecasting of transport sector energy demand in developing countries // Energy conversion and management, 258 (2022), 115556 Download [IF 11.533, Q1, 0 cit]
  27. Herc, Luka; Pfeifer, Antun; Duić, Neven, Optimization of the possible pathways for gradual energy system decarbonization // Renewable energy, 193 (2022), 617-633 Download [IF 8.634, Q1, 21 cit]
  28. Herc, Luka; Pfeifer, Antun; Duić, Neven; Wang, Fei, Economic viability of flexibility options for smart energy systems with high penetration of renewable energy // Energy (Oxford), 252 (2022), 123739 Download [IF 7.147, Q1, 9 cit]
  29. Jurić, Filip; Ban, Marko; Priesching, Peter; Schmalhorst, Carsten; Duić, Neven; Vujanović, Milan, Numerical modeling of laminar flame speed and autoignition delay using general fuel-independent function // Fuel (Guildford), 323 (2022), 12443 Download [IF 6.609, Q1, 0 cit]
  30. Doračić, Borna; Pavičević, Matija; Pukšec, Tomislav; Duić, Neven, Bidding strategies for excess heat producers participating in a local wholesale heat market // Energy Reports, 8 (2022), 3692-3703 Download [IF 6.870, Q1, 0 cit]
  31. Dorotić, Hrvoje; Čuljak, Kristijan; Miškić, Josip; Pukšec, Tomislav; Duić, Neven, Technical and Economic Assessment of Supermarket and Power Substation Waste Heat Integration into Existing District Heating Systems // Energies, 15 (2022), 5; 1666, 32 Download [IF 3.004, Q2, 10 cit]
  32. Novosel, Tomislav; Grozdek, Marino; Domac, Julije; Duić, Neven, Spatial assessment of cooling demand and district cooling potential utilizing public data // Sustainable Cities and Society, 75 (2021), 103409 Download [IF 7.587, Q1, 0 cit]
  33. Lovrak, Ana; Pukšec, Tomislav; Grozdek, Marino; Duić, Neven; An integrated Geographical Information System (GIS) approach for assessing seasonal variation and spatial distribution of biogas potential from industrial residues and by-products // Energy (Oxford), 239 (2021), 122016 Download [IF 7.147, Q1, 12 cit]
  34. Meha, Drilon; Pfeifer, Antun; Sahiti, Naser; Schneider, Daniel Rolph; Duić, Neven, Sustainable transition pathways with high penetration of variable renewable energy in the coal-based energy systems // Applied energy, 304 (2021), 117865 Download [IF 9.746, Q1, 5 cit]
  35. Wang, Fei; Lu, Xiaoxing; Mei, Shengwei; Su, Ying; Zhen, Zhao; Zou, Zubing; Zhang, Xuemin; Yin, Rui; Duić, Neven; Shafie-khah, Miadreza; Catalão, João;P.S., A Satellite Image Data based Ultra-short-term Solar PV Power Forecasting Method Considering Cloud Information from Neighboring Plant // Energy (Oxford)  238, Part C (2022), 121946 Download [IF 7.147, Q1, 7 cit]
  36. Bedoić, Robert; Smoljanić, Goran; Pukšec, Tomislav; Čuček, Lidija; Ljubas, Davor; Duić, Neven, Geospatial Analysis and Environmental Impact Assessment of a Holistic and Interdisciplinary Approach to the Biogas Sector // Energies, 14 (2021), 17; 5374, 21 Download[IF 3.004, Q2, 0 cit]
  37. Wang, Fei; Lu, Xiaoxing; Chang, Xiqiang; Cao, Xin; Yan, Siqing; Li, Kangping; Duić, Neven; Shafie-khah, Miadreza; Catalão, João P.S., Household Profile Identification for Behavioral Demand Response: A Semi-supervised Learning Approach Using Smart Meter Data // Energy (Oxford), 238, Part B (2022), 121728 [IF 7.147, Q1, 29 cit]
  38. Hrnčić, Boris; Pfeifer, Antun; Jurić, Filip; Duić, Neven; Ivanović, Vladan; Vušanović, Igor, Different investment dynamics in energy transition towards a 100% renewable energy system // Energy (Oxford), 237 (2021), 121526, 11 Download [IF 7.147, Q1, 20 cit]
  39. Stančin, Hrvoje; Mikulčić, Hrvoje; Manić, Nebojša; Stojiljiković, Dragoslava; Vujanović, Milan; Wang, Xuebin; Duić, Neven, Thermogravimetric and kinetic analysis of biomass and polyurethane foam mixtures Co-Pyrolysis // Energy (Oxford), 237 (2021), 121592 Download [IF 7.147, Q1, 6 cit]
  40. Pfeifer, Antun; Herc, Luka; Batas Bjelić, Ilija; Duić, Neven, Flexibility index and decreasing the costs in energy systems with high share of renewable energy // Energy conversion and management, 240 (2021), 114258, 18 Download [IF 9.709, Q1, 9 cit]
  41. Meha, Drilon; Dragusha, Bedri; Thakur, Jagruti; Novosel, Tomislav; Duić, Neven, A novel spatial based approach for estimation of space heating demand saving potential and CO2 emissions reduction in urban areas // Energy (Oxford), 225 (2021), 120251, 15 Download [IF 7.147, Q1, 0 cit]
  42. Bedoić, Robert; Dorotić, Hrvoje; Schneider, Daniel Rolph; Čuček, Lidija; Ćosić, Boris; Pukšec, Tomislav; Duić, Neven, Synergy between feedstock gate fee and power-to- gas: An energy and economic analysis of renewable methane production in a biogas plant // Renewable Energy, 173 (2021), 12-23 Download [IF 6.274, Q1, 4 cit]
  43. Doračić, Borna; Pavičević, Matija; Pukšec, Tomislav; Quoilin, Sylvain; Duić, Neven, Utilizing excess heat through a wholesale day ahead heat market – The DARKO model // Energy conversion and management, 235 (2021), 114025, 15 Download [IF 9.709, Q1, 0 cit]
  44. Meha, Drilon; Thakur, Jagruti; Novosel, Tomislav; Pukšec, Tomislav; Duić, Neven, A novel spatial–temporal space heating and hot water demand method for expansion analysis of district heating systems // Energy conversion and management, 234 (2021), 113986, 15 Download [IF 9.709, Q1, 4 cit]
  45. Calise, Francesco; Duić, Neven; Pfeifer, Antun; Vicidomini, Maria; Orlando, Alessandra Maria, Moving the system boundaries in decarbonization of large islands // Energy conversion and management, 234 (2021), 113956, 12 Download [IF 9.709, Q1, 5 cit]
  46. Dorotić, Hrvoje; Pukšec, Tomislav; Schneider, Rolph Daniel; Duić, Neven, Evaluation of district heating with regard to individual systems – Importance of carbon and cost allocation in cogeneration units // Energy (Oxford), 221 (2021), 119905, 21 Download [IF 7.147, Q1, 3 cit]
  47. Brigagão, George Victor; de Medeiros, José Luiz; Araújo, Ofélia de Queiroz F.; Mikulčić, Hrvoje; Duić, Neven, A zero-emission sustainable landfill-gas-to-wire oxyfuel process: Bioenergy with carbon capture and sequestration // Renewable & sustainable energy reviews, 138 (2021), 110686, 13 Download [IF 14.982, Q1, 5 cit]
  48. Ren, Hui; Zhang, Aiwei; Wang, Fei; Yan, Xihui; Li, Yu; Duić, Neven; Shafie-khah, Miadreza; Catalão, João P.S.
    Optimal scheduling of an EV aggregator for demand response considering triple level benefits of three-parties // International journal of electrical power & energy systems, 125 (2021), 106447 [IF 4.630, Q1, 11 cit]
  49. Rašković, Predrag; Vujanović, Milan; Schneider, Daniel R.; Guzović, Zvonimir; Duić, Neven, Advanced visions and problem-solving strategies across energy water and environment systems // Thermal science, 24 (2020), 3453-3464 Download [IF 1.655, Q3, 0 cit]
  50. Gjorgievski, Vladimir Z.; Markovska, Natasa; Abazic, Alajdin; Duić, Neven, The potential of power-to-heat demand response to improve the flexibility of the energy system: An empirical review // Renewable & sustainable energy reviews, 138 (2021), 110489 Download [IF 14.982, Q1, 12 cit]
  51. Tan, Houzhang; Cao, Ruijie; Wang, Shunsen; Wang, Yibin; Deng, Shuanghui; Duić, Neven, Proposal and techno-economic analysis of a novel system for waste heat recovery and water saving in coal-fired power plants: A case study // Journal of cleaner production, 281 (2021), 124372 [IF 9.297, Q1, 9 cit]
  52. Wang, Fei; Ge, Xinxin; Yang, Peng; Li, Kangping; Mi, Zengqiang; Siano, Pierluigi; Duić, Neven, Day-ahead optimal bidding and scheduling strategies for DER aggregator considering responsive uncertainty under real-time pricing // Energy, 213 (2020), 118765  [IF 7.147, Q1, 104 cit]
  53. Meha, Drilon; Pfeifer, Antun; Duić, Neven; Lund, Henrik, Increasing the integration of variable renewable energy in coal-based energy system using power to heat technologies: The case of Kosovo // Energy 212 (2020) 118762 Download [IF 7.147, Q1, 14 cit]
  54. Pfeifer, Antun; Krajačić, Goran; Haas, Reinhard; Duić, Neven, Consequences of different strategic decisions of market coupled zones on the development of energy systems based on coal and hydropower // Energy 210 (2020) 118522 Download [IF 7.147, Q1, 0 cit]
  55. Groppi, Daniele; Pfeifer, Antun; Garcia, Davide Astiaso; Krajačić, Goran, Duić, Neven, A review on energy storage and demand side management solutions in smart energy islands // Renewable & sustainable energy reviews, 135 110083 (2021)Download [IF 14.982, Q1, 67 cit]
  56. Doračić, Borna; Grozdek, Marino; Pukšec, Tomislav; Duić, Neven, Excess heat utilization combined with thermal storage integration in district heating systems using renewables // Thermal science, 24 (2020), 3673-3684 Download [IF 1.655, Q3, 0 cit]
  57. Jurić, Filip; Vujanović, Milan; Živić, Marija; Holik, Mario; Wang, Xuebin; Duić, Neven, Assessment of radiative heat transfer impact on a temperature distribution inside a real industrial swirled furnace  // Thermal science, 24 (2020), 3663-3672 Download [IF 1.655, Q3, 0 cit] 
  58. Stančin, Hrvoje; Šafář, Michal; Růžičková, Jana; Mikulčić, Hrvoje; Raclavská, Helena; Wang, Xuebi; Duić, Neven, Co-pyrolysis and synergistic effect analysis of biomass sawdust and polystyrene mixtures for production of high-quality bio-oils // Process safety and environmental protection, 145, 1-11 (2021) Download  [IF 6.158, Q1, 21 cit] 
  59. Dorotić, Hrvoje; Ban, Marko; Pukšec, Tomislav; Duić, Neven, Impact of wind penetration in electricity markets on optimal power-to-heat capacities in a local district heating system // Renewable & sustainable energy reviews, 132 110095 (2020) Download [IF 14.982, Q1, 15 cit]
  60. Jurić, Filip; Petranović, Zvonimir; Vujanović, Milan; Duić, Neven, Numerical assessment of radiative heat transfer impact on pollutant formation processes in a compression ignition engine // Journal of cleaner production, 275 1-13 (2020) Download [IF 9.297, Q1, 9 cit]
  61. Novosel, Tomislav; Pukšec, Tomislav; Duić, Neven, Domac, Julije, Heat demand mapping and district heating assessment in data-pour areas // Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 131, 109987, 13 (2020) Download [IF 14.982, Q1, 2 cit]
  62. Bedoić, Robert; Špehar, Ana; Puljko, Josip; Čuček, Lidija; Ćosić, Boris; Pukšec, Tomislav; Duić, Neven, Opportunities and challenges: Experimental and kinetic analysis of anaerobic co-digestion of food waste and rendering industry streams for biogas production // Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 130, 109951, 14 (2020) Download [IF 14.982, Q1, 16 cit]
  63. Stančin, Hrvoje; Mikulčić, Hrvoje; Wang, Xuebin; Duić, Neven, A review on alternative fuels in future energy system // Renewable & sustainable energy reviews 128 109927, 17 (2020) Download [IF 14.982, Q1, 62 cit]
  64. Lovrak, Ana; Pukšec, Tomislav; Duić, Neven, A Geographical Information System (GIS) based approach for assessing the spatial distribution and seasonal variation of biogas production potential from agricultural residues and municipal biowaste // Applied Energy, 267 115010, 12 (2020) Download [IF 8.848, Q1, 17 cit]
  65. Doračić, Borna; Pukšec, Tomislav; Schneider, Daniel Rolph; Duić, Neven, The effect of different parameters of the excess heat source on the levelized cost of excess heat // Energy 201 (2020) 117686, 9 Download [IF 7.147, Q1, 4 cit]
  66. Bedoić, Robert ; Jurić, Filip ; Ćosić, Boris ; Pukšec, Tomislav ; Čuček, Lidija ; Duić, Neven, Beyond energy crops and subsidised electricity – A study on sustainable biogas production and utilisation in advanced energy markets // Energy 201, 117651, 11 (2020) Download [IF 7.147, Q1, 14 cit]
  67. Meha, Drilon; Novosel, Tomislav; Duić, Neven, Bottom-up and top-down heat demand mapping methods for small municipalities, case Gllogoc // Energy 199, 117429 (2020) Download [IF 7.147, Q1, 14 cit]
  68. Dorotić, Hrvoje ; Pukšec, Tomislav ; Duić, Neven, Analysis of displacing natural gas boiler units in district heating systems by using multi- objective optimization and different taxing approaches // Energy Conversion and Management 205, 112411, 15 (2020) Download [IF 9.709, Q1, 16 cit]

  69. Mikulčić, Hrvoje; Ridjan Skov, Iva; Dominković, Dominik Franjo; Wan Alwi, Sharifah Rafidah; Manan, Zainuddin Abdul; Tan, Raymond; Duić, Neven; Mohamad, Siti Nur Hidayah; Wang, Xuebin, Flexible Carbon Capture and Utilization technologies in future energy systems and the utilization pathways of captured CO2 // Renewable & sustainable energy reviews 114, 109338, 20, (2019) Download [IF 12.110, Q1, 187 cit]

  70. Li, Knagping; Liu, Liming; Wang, Fei; Wang, Tieqiang; Duić, Neven; Shafe-khah, Miadreza; P.S. Catalao, Joao, Impact factors analysis on the probability characterized effects of time of use demand response tariffs using association rule mining method // Energy conversion and management, 197, 111891(2019) Download [IF 9.709, Q1, 35 cit]
  71. Bedoić, Robert; Ocelić Bulatović, Vesna; Čuček, Lidija; Ćosić, Boris; Špehar, Ana; Pukšec, Tomislav; Duić, Neven, A kinetic study of roadside grass pyrolysis and digestate from anaerobic mono-digestion // Bioresource Technology 292, 121935, 9 (2019) Download [IF 7.539, Q1, 7 cit]
  72. Zhen; Zhao, Xuan; Zhiming, Wang; Fei, Sun; Rongfu, Duić; Neven, Jin; Tao, Image phase shift invariance based multi-transform-fusion method for cloud motion displacement calculation using sky images // Energy Conversion and Management 197, 111853, 14 (2019) [IF 9.709, Q1, 21 cit]
  73. Li, Kangping; Wang, Fei; Mi, Zengqiang; Fotuhi-Firuzabad, Mahmoud; Duić, Neven; Wang, Tieqiang, Capacity and output power estimation approach of individual behind-the-meter distributed photovoltaic system for demand response baseline estimation // Applied energy, 253, 113595, 12(2019) [IF 8.848, Q1, 71 cit]
  74. Pfeifer, Antun ; Krajačić, Goran ; Ljubas, Davor ; Duić, Neven, Increasing the integration of solar photovoltaics in energy mix on the road to low emissions energy system – Economic and environmental implications // Renewable energy, 143, 1310-1317 (2019) Download [IF 8.001, Q1, 15 cit]
  75. Rutz, Dominik; Worm, Jakob; Doczekal, Christian; Kazagić, Anes; Duić, Neven; Markovska, Nataša; Batas Bjelić, Ilija; Sunko, Rok; Trešnjo, Dino; Merzić, Ajla, Transition Towards a Sustainable Heating and Cooling Sector - Case Study of Southeast European Countries // Thermal science 23, 3293-3306(2019) [IF 1.655, Q3, 2 cit] 
  76. Bedoić, Robert; Ćosić, Boris; Duić, Neven, Technical potential and geographic distribution of agricultural residues, co-products and by- products in the European Union // Science of The Total Environment 686, 568-579 (2019) Download [IF 6.551, Q1, 60 cit]
  77. Dorotić, Hrvoje; Pukšec, Tomislav; Duić, Neven, Economical, environmental and exergetic multi- objective optimization of district heating systems on hourly level for a whole year // Applied Energy 251 (2019) Download [IF 8.848, Q1, 18 cit]
  78. Stančin, Hrvoje; Růžičková, Jana; Mikulčić, Hrvoje; Raclavská, Helena; Kucbel, Marek; Wang, Xuebin; Duić, Neven, Experimental analysis of waste polyurethane from household appliances and its utilization possibilities // Journal of environmental management 243, 105-115 (2019)Download [IF 5.647, Q1, 5 cit] 
  79. Brigagão, George Victor; Araújo, Ofélia de Queiroz Fernandes; de Medeiros, José Luiz; Mikulčić, Hrvoje; Duić, Neven, A techno-economic analysis of thermochemical pathways for corncob-to-energy: Fast pyrolysis to bio-oil, gasification to methanol and combustion to electricity // Fuel processing technology 193, 102-113 (2019) Download [IF 4.982, Q1, 13 cit] 
  80. Jurić, Filip; Petranović, Zvonimir; Vujanović, Milan; Katrašnik, Tomaž; Vihar, Rok; Wang Xuebin; Duić, Neven, Experimental and numerical investigation of injection timing and rail pressure impact on combustion characteristics of a diesel engine // Energy conversion and management 185, 730-739 (2019) Download [IF 9.709, Q1, 13 cit]
  81. Mendes de Almeida Collaço, Flávia; G. Simoes, Sofia; Dias, Luís Pereira; Duić, Neven; Seixas, Júlia; Bermann, Célio, The dawn of urban energy planning – Synergies between energy and urban planning for São Paulo (Brazil) megacity // Journal of Cleaner Production 215, 458-479 (2019) Download [IF 9.297, Q1, 15 cit]
  82. Bedoić, Robert; Čuček, Lidija; Ćosić, Boris; Krajnc, Damjan; Smoljanić, Goran; Kravanja, Zdravko; Ljubas, Davor; Pukšec, Tomislav; Duić, Neven, Green biomass to biogas – A study on anaerobic digestion of residue grass // Journal of Cleaner Production 213, 700-709 (2019) Download [IF 9.297, Q1, 90 cit]
  83. Wang, Fei; Zhang, Zhanyao; Liu, Chun; Yu, Yili; Pang, Songling; Duić, Neven; Shafie-khah, Miadreza; P.S. Catalao, Joao, Generative adversarial networks and convolutional neural networks based weather classification model for day ahead short-term photovoltaic power forecasting // Energy conversion and management 181, 443-462 (2019) Download[IF 9.709, Q1, 202 cit]
  84. Dorotić, Hrvoje; Pukšec, Tomislav; Duić, Neven, Multi-objective optimization of district heating and cooling systems for a one-year time horizon // Energy 169, 319-328 (2019) Download [IF 7.147, Q1, 34 cit]
  85. Čuček, Lidija; Boldyryev, Stanislav: Klemeš, Jiri Jaromir; Kravanja, Zdravko; Krajačić, Goran; Varbanov, Petar Sabev; Duić, Neven, Approaches for Retrofitting Heat Exchanger Networks within Processes and Total Sites // Journal of cleaner production 211, 884-894 (2019)Download [IF 9.297, Q1, 24 cit]
  86. Zhu, Yiming; Tan, Houzhang; Niu, Yanqing; Wang, Yibin; Mikulcic, Hrvoje; Vujanovic, Milan; Duic, Neven, Modelling study on the effect of ash fusion characteristics on the biomass slagging behavior // Thermal science 22, 5; 2113-2121 (2018) Download[IF 1.431, Q3, 4 cit] 
  87. Dorotić, Hrvoje; Doračić, Borna; Dobravec, Viktorija; Pukšec, Tomislav; Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven, Integration of transport and energy sectors in island communities with 100% intermittent renewable energy sources // Renewable & sustainable energy reviews 99, 109-124 (2018) Download[IF 9.184 Q1, 149 cit]
  88. Pfeifer, Antun; Dobravec, Viktorija; Pavlinek, Luka; Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven, Integration of renewable energy and demand response technologies in interconnected energy systems // Energy 161, 447-455 (2018) Download [IF 4.968, Q1, 135 cit]
  89. Wang, Fei; Li, Kangping; Duić, Neven; Mi, Zegqiang; Hodge, Bri-Mathias, Shafie-khak, Miadreza; Catalão, Joãoa, Association rule mining based quantitative analysis approach of household characteristics impacts on residential electricity consumption patterns // Energy conversion and management 171, 839-854 (2018) [IF 9.709, Q1, 133 cit]
  90. Liu, Xing; Tan, Houzhang; Wang, Yibin; Yang, Fuxin; Mikulčić, Hrvoje; Vujanović, Milan; Duić, Neven, Low NOx combustion and SCR flow field optimization in a low volatile coal fired boiler // Journal of environmental management 220, 122-132 (2018) [IF 4.005, Q1, 26 cit]
  91. Urbaniec, Krzysztof; Mikulčić, Hrvoje; Wang, Yutao; Duić, Neven, System integration is a necessity for sustainable development // Journal of cleaner production 195; 122-132 (2018) Download [IF 5.651, Q1, 15 cit] 
  92. Doračić, Borna; Novosel, Tomislav; Pukšec, Tomislav; Duić, Neven, Evaluation of Excess Heat Utilization in District Heating Systems by Implementing Levelized Cost of Excess Heat // Energies 11, (2018) Download [IF 2.676, Q2, 16 cit]
  93. Deng, Shuanghui; Wang, Xuebin; Zhang, Jiaye; Liu, Zihan; Mikulčić, Hrvoje; Vujanović, Milan; Tan, Houzhang; Duić, Neven, A kinetic study on the catalysis of KCl, K2SO4, and K2CO3 during oxy-biomass combustion // Journal of environmental management 218, 50-58 (2018) Download[IF 4.005, Q1, 27 cit]
  94. Wang, Xuebin; Jin, Qiming; Zhang, Jiaye; Li, Yan; Li, Shuaishuai; Mikulčić, Hrvoje; Vujanović, Milan; Tan, Houzhang; Duić, Neven, Soot formation during polyurethane (PU) plastic pyrolysis: The effects of temperature and volatile residence time // Energy conversion and management 164, 353-362 (2018)Download [IF 9.709, Q1, 12 cit]
  95. Bešenić, Tibor; Mikulčić, Hrvoje; Vujanović, Milan; Duić, Neven, Numerical modelling of emissions of nitrogen oxides in solid fuel combustion // Journal of Environmental Management 215, 177-184 (2018) Download[IF 4.005, Q1, 14 cit]
  96. Krajačić, Goran; Vujanović, Milan; Duić, Neven; Kılkış, Şiir; Rosen, Marc A.; Al-Nimd, Moh'd Ahmad, Integrated approach for sustainable development of energy, water and environment systems // Energy conversion and management 159, 398-412 (2018) [IF 9.709, Q1, 21 cit]
  97. Tan, Houzhang; Waang, Yibin; Cao, Ruijie; Xiong, Yingying; Ruan, Renhui; Vujanović, Milan; Duić, Neven, Development of wet phase transition agglomerator for multi-pollutant synergistic removal // Applied thermal engineering 130, 1208-1214 (2018)Download [IF 3.771, Q1, 5 cit] 
  98. Petranović, Zvonimir; Bešenić, Tibor; Vujanović, Milan; Duić, Neven, Modelling pollutant emissions in diesel engines, influence of biofuel on pollutant formation // Journal of environmental management 203, Part 3; 1038-1046 (2017)Download [IF 4.005, Q1, 26 cit]
  99. Wang, Xuebin; Li, Shuaishuai; Adeosun, Adewale; Li, Yan; Vujanović, Milan; Tan, Houzhang; Duić, Neven, Effect of potassium-doping and oxygen concentration on soot oxidation in O2/CO2 atmosphere : A kinetics study by thermogravimetric analysis // Energy conversion and management 149; 686-697 (2017) [IF 9.709, Q1, 38 cit]
  100. Perković, Luka; Mikulčić, Hrvoje; Duić, Neven, Multi-objective optimization of a simplified factory model acting as a prosumer on the electricity market // Journal of cleaner production 167; 1438-1449 (2017) Download[IF 5.651, Q1, 20 cit] 
  101. Batas-Bjelić, Ilija; Rajaković, Nikola; Duić, Neven, Smart municipal energy grid within electricity market // Energy 137; 1277-1285 (2017) [IF 4.968, Q1, 11 cit]
  102. Dominković, Dominik Franjo; Bin Abdul Rashid, K.A.; A.Romagnoli, Pedersen; Allan Schrøder, Leong, K.C.; Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven, Potential of district cooling in hot and humid climates // Applied Energy 208; 49-61 (2017) Download[IF 7.900, Q1, 31 cit]
  103. Calise, Francesco; D’Accadia, Massimo Dentice; Barletta, Carlo; Battaglia, Vittoria; Pfeifer, Antun; Duić, Neven, Detailed Modelling of the Deep Decarbonisation Scenarios with Demand Response Technologies in the Heating and Cooling Sector: A Case Study for Italy // Energies 10; 1535-1535 (2017) Download [IF 2.676, Q2, 19 cit]
  104. Tomić, Tihomir; Dominković, Dominik Franjo; Pfeifer, Antun; Schneider, Daniel Rolph; Pedersen, Allan Schrøder; Duić, Neven, Waste to energy plant operation under the influence of market and legislation conditioned changes // Energy 137; 1119-1129 (2017) Download[IF 4.968, Q1, 24 cit]
  105. Xiong; Yingying, Tan; Houzhang, Wang; Yibin, Xu; Weigang, Mikulčić; Hrvoje, Duić; Neven, Pilot-scale study on water and latent heat recovery from flue gas using fluorine plastic heat exchangers // Journal of cleaner production 161; 1416-1422 (2017) [IF 5.651 , Q1, cit 41] 
  106. Cao; Ruijie, Tan; Houzhang, Xiong; Yingying, Mikulčić; Hrvoje, Vujanović; Milan, Wang; Xuebin, Duić; Neven, Improving the removal of particles and trace elements from coal-fired power plants by combining a wet phase transition agglomerator with wet electrostatic precipitator // Journal of cleaner production 161; 1459-1465 (2017) [IF 5.651 , Q1, cit 39]
  107. Pavičević; Matija, Novosel; Tomislav, Pukšec; Tomislav, Duić; Neven, Hourly optimization and sizing of district heating systems considering building refurbishment – Case study for the city of Zagreb // Energy 137; 1264-1276 (2017) Download[IF 4.968, Q1, cit 34]
  108. Baleta; Jakov, Martinjak; Matija, Vujanović; Milan, Pachler; Klaus, Wang; Jin, Duić; Neven, Numerical analysis of ammonia homogenization for selective catalytic reduction application // Journal of environmental management 203 Part 3; 1047-1061 (2017) Download[IF 4.005, Q1, 16 cit]
  109. Wang, Yibin; Tan, Houzhang; Wang, Xuebin; Du, Wenzhi; Mikulčić, Hrvoje; Duić, Neven, Study on extracting available salt from straw/woody biomass ashes and predicting its slagging/fouling tendency // Journal of Cleaner Production 155 Part 1; 164-171 (2017) [IF 5.651 , Q1, 22 cit]
  110. Perković, Luka; Mikulčić, Hrvoje; Pavlinek, Luka; Wang, Xuebin; Vujanović, Milan; Tan, Houzhang; Baleta, Jakov; Duić, Neven, Coupling of cleaner production with a day-ahead electricity market: a hypothetical case study // Journal of Cleaner Production 143; 1011-1020 (2017) Download[IF 5.651 , Q1, 11 cit]

  111. Barkaoui, Alae-Eddine; Boldyryev, Stanislav; Duić, Neven; Krajačić, Goran; Guzović, Zvonimir, Appropriate integration of geothermal energy sources by Pinch approach: Case study of Croatia // Applied energy 184; 1343-1349 (2016) Download[IF 7.182, Q1, 23 cit]

  112. Baleta, Jakov; Mikulčić, Hrvoje; Petranović, Zvonimir; Vujanović, Milan; Duić, Neven, Numerical simulation of urea based selective non-catalytic reduction deNOx process for industrial applications // Energy conversion and management 125 ; 59-69 (2016) Download [IF 9.709 , Q1, 28 cit]
  113. Lunney, Elaine; Ban, Marko; Duić, Neven; Foley, Aoife, A state-of-the-art review and feasibility analysis of high altitude wind power in Northern Ireland // Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 68, Part 2; 899-911 (2016) [IF 14.982, Q1, 19 cit]
  114. Komušanac, Ivan; Ćosić, Boris; Duić, Neven, Impact of high penetration of wind and solar PV generation on the country power system load: The case study of Croatia // Applied Energy 184; 1470–1482 (2016) Download [IF 7.182, Q1, 24 cit]

  115. Mikulčić, Hrvoje; von Berg, Eberhard; Vujanović, Milan; Wang, Xuebin; Tan, Houzhang; Duić, Neven, Numerical evaluation of different pulverized coal and solid recovered fuel co-firing modes inside a large-scale cement calciner // Applied Energy 184; 1292–1305 (2016) Download [IF 7.182, Q1, 23 cit] 

  116. Dominković, Dominik Franjo; Bačeković, Ivan; Ćosić, Boris; Krajačić, Goran; Pukšec, Tomislav; Duić, Neven; Markovska, Nataša, Zero carbon energy system of South East Europe in 2050 // Applied Energy 184; 1517–1528 (2016) Download [IF 7.182, Q1, 179 cit] 

  117. Prebeg, Pero; Gašparović, Goran; Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven, Long-term energy planning of Croatian power system using multi-objective optimization with focus on renewable energy and integration of electric vehicles // Applied Energy 184; 1493-1507 (2016) Download[IF 7.182, Q1, 93 cit]
  118. Petranović, Zvonimir; Edelbauer, Wilfried; Vujanović, Milan; Duić, Neven, Modelling of spray and combustion processes by using the Eulerian multiphase approach and detailed chemical kinetics // Fuel 191; 25-35 (2016) Download [IF 4.601, Q1, 23 cit] 
  119. Batas-Bjelić, Ilija; Rajaković, Nikola; Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven, Two methods for decreasing the flexibility gap in national energy systems // Energy 115 Part 3; 1701-1709 (2016)Download[IF 4.520, Q1, 7 cit]

  120. Pfeifer, Antun; Dominković, Dominik Franjo; Ćosić, Boris; Duić, Neven, Economic feasibility of CHP facilities fueled by biomass from unused agriculture land: Case of Croatia // Energy Conversion and Management 125; 222-229 (2016) Download [IF 9.709, Q1, 18 cit] 
  121. Vujanović, Milan; Petranović, Zvonimir; Edelbauer, Wilfried; Duić, Neven, Modelling the spray and combustion processes in diesel engine by using the coupled Eulerian-Eulerian and Eulerian-Lagrangian method // Energy Conversion and Management 125; 15-25 (2016) Download [IF 9.709, Q1, 26 cit] 
  122. Wang, Jin; Cui, Pei; Vujanović, Milan; Baleta, Jakov; Duić, Neven; Guzović, Zvonimir, Effects of surface deposition and droplet injection on film cooling // Energy Conversion and Management 125; 51-58 (2016) Download [IF 9.709, Q1, 13 cit] 
  123. Gašparović, Goran; Kilkiş, Şiir; Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven, Campus and Community Micro Grids Integration of Building Integrated Photovoltaic Renewable Energy Sources - Case Study of Split 3 Area, Croatia - Part A // Thermal Science 20; 4; 1135-1145 (2016) [IF 1.093, Q3, 6 cit]
  124. Boldyryev, Stanislav; Mikulčić, Hrvoje; Mohorović, Zoran; Vujanović, Milan; Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven, The improved heat integration of cement production under limited process conditions: A case study for Croatia // Applied Thermal Engineering 105; 839-848 (2016) Download [IF 3.444, Q1, 14 cit] 
  125. Deng, Shuanghui; Wang, Xuebin; Tan, Houzhang; Mikulčić, Hrvoje; Yang, Fuxin; Li, Zhifeng; Duić, Neven, Thermogravimetric Study on the Co-combustion Characteristics of Oily Sludge with Plant Biomass // Thermochimica acta 633; 69-76 (2016) [IF 2.236, Q2, 66 cit] 
  126. Mikulčić, Hrvoje; Cabezas, Heriberto; Vujanović, Milan; Duić, Neven, Environmental Assessment of Different Cement Manufacturing Processes Based on Emergy and Ecological Footprint Analysis // Journal of cleaner production 130; 213-221 (2016) [IF 5.715, Q1, 42 cit] 
  127. Perković, Luka; Novosel, Tomislav; Pukšec, Tomislav; Ćosić, Boris; Mustafa, Manal; Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven, Modeling of optimal energy flows for systems with close integration of sea water desalination and renewable energy sources: Case study for Jordan // Energy conversion and management 110; 249-259 (2016) Download [IF 9.709, Q1, 21 cit] 
  128. Segurado, Raquel; Madeira, J.F.A.; Costa, Mario; Duić, Neven; Carvalho, Maria da Graça, Optimization of a wind powered desalination and pumped hydro storage system // Applied Energy 177; 487-499 (2016) Download [IF 7.182, Q1, 59 cit] 
  129. Wang, Xuebin; Deng, Shuanghui; Tan, Houzhang; Adeosun, Adewale; Vujanović, Milan; Yang, Fuxin; Duić, Neven, Synergetic effect of sewage sludge and biomass co-pyrolysis: a combined study in thermogravimetric analyzer and a fixed bed reactor // Energy conversion and management 118; 15; 399-405 (2016) Download [IF 9.709 , Q1, 132 cit]
  130. Dominković, Dominik Franjo; Ćosić, Boris; Bačelić Medić, Zlatko; Duić, Neven, A hybrid optimization model of biomass trigeneration system combined with pit thermal energy storage // Energy conversion and management 104; 90-99 (2015) Download [IF 9.709, Q1, 42 cit] 
  131. Hasović, Zihnija; Ćosić, Boris; Omerbegović Arapović, Adisa; Duić, Neven, Impact of new power investments up to year 2020 on the energy system of Bosnia and Herzegovina // Thermal science 19; 3; 771-780 (2015) Download [IF 0.939, Q3, 3 cit] 
  132. Novosel, Tomislav; Ćosić, Boris; Pukšec, Tomislav; Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven; Mathiesen, Brian Vad; Lund, Henrik; Mustafa, Manal, Integration of renewables and reverse osmosis desalination – Case study for the Jordanian energy system with a high share of wind and photovoltaics // Energy 92; 270-278 (2015) Download [IF 4.292, Q1, 52 cit] 
  133. Novosel, Tomislav; Perković, Luka; Ban, Marko; Keko, Hrvoje; Pukšec, Tomislav; Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven, Agent based modelling and energy planning – Utilization of MATSim for transport energy demand modelling // Energy 92; 466-475 (2015) Download [IF 4.292, Q1, 44 cit] 
  134. Nižetić, Sandro; Duić, Neven; Papadopulos, A.M.; Tina, G.M.; Grubišić-Čabo, F., Energy efficiency evaluation of a hybrid energy system for building applications in a Mediterranean climate and its feasibility aspect // Energy 90; 1171-1179 (2015) Download [IF 4.292, Q1, 24 cit] 
  135. Batas Bjelić, Ilija; Rajaković, Nikola; Ćosić, Boris; Duić, Neven, A realistic EU vision of a lignite-based energy system in transition: case study of Serbia // Thermal science 19; 2; 371-382 (2015) Download [IF 0.939, Q3, 5 cit]
  136. Vujanović, Milan; Petranović, Zvonimir; Edelbauer, Wilfried; Baleta, Jakov; Duić, Neven, Numerical Modelling of Diesel Spray Using the Eulerian Multiphase Approach // Energy Conversion and Management 104; 160-169 (2015) Download [IF 9.709, Q1, 42 cit]
  137. Segurado, Raquel; Costa, Mário; Duić, Neven; Da Graça Carvalho, Maria, Integrated analysis of energy and water supply in islands, Case study of S. Vicente, Cape Verde // Energy 92; 3; 639-648 (2015) Download [IF 4.292, Q1, 38 cit]
  138. Baleta, Jakov; Vujanović, Milan; Pachler, Klaus; Duić, Neven, Numerical modeling of urea water based selective catalytic reduction for mitigation of NOx from transport sector // Journal of Cleaner Production 88; 280-288 (2015) Download [IF 4.959, Q1, 27 cit]
  139. Mikulčić, Hrvoje; Vujanović, Milan; Duić, Neven, Improving the sustainability of cement production by using numerical simulation of limestone thermal degradation and pulverized coal combustion in a cement calciner // Journal of Cleaner Production 88; 262-271 (2015) Download [IF 4.959, Q1, 24 cit]
  140. Wang, Xuebin; Xu, Zhaoxia; Wei, Bo; Zhang, Lan; Tan, Houzhang; Yang, Tao; Mikulčić, Hrvoje; Duić, Neven, The Ash Deposition Mechanism in Boilers Burning Zhundong Coal with High Contents of Sodium and Calcium: a Study from Ash Evaporating to Condensing // Applied Thermal Engineering 80; 150-159 (2015) Download [IF 3.043, Q1, 314 cit]
  141. Petranović, Zvonimir; Vujanović, Milan; Duić, Neven, Towards a More Sustainable Transport Sector by Numerically Simulating Fuel Spray and Pollutant Formation in Diesel Engines // Journal of cleaner production 79; 272-279 (2015) [IF 4.959, Q1, cit 42]
  142. Cerovac, Tin; Ćosić, Boris; Pukšec, Tomislav; Duić, Neven, Wind energy integration into future energy systems based on conventional plants – The case study of Croatia // Applied Energy 135; 643-655 (2014) Download [IF 5.613, Q1, 23 cit]
  143. Pukšec, Tomislav; Mathiesen, Brian Vad; Novosel, Tomislav; Duić, Neven, Assessing the impact of energy saving measures on the future energy demand and related GHG (greenhouse gas) emission reduction of Croatia // Energy 76; 198-209 (2014) [IF 4.159, Q1, cit 33]
  144. Petruschke, Philipp; Gašparović, Goran; Voll, Philip; Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven; Bardow, Andre, A hybrid approach for the efficient synthesis of renewable energy systems // Applied energy 135; 625-633 (2014) [IF 5.613, Q1, 44 cit]
  145. Novosel, Tomislav; Ćosić, Boris; Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven; Pukšec, Tomislav; Mohsen, S. Mousa; Ashhab, S. Moh'd; Ababneh, K. Amer, The influence of reverse osmosis desalination in a combination with pump storage on the penetration of wind and PV energy: A case study for Jordan // Energy (Oxford) 76; 73-81 (2014) Download [IF 4.159, Q1, 55 cit]
  146. Mikulčić, Hrvoje; Vujanović, Milan; Ashhab, Moh’d Sami; Duić, Neven, Large Eddy Simulation of a Two-Phase Reacting Swirl Flow inside a Cement Cyclone // Energy (Oxford) 75; 89-96 (2014) [IF 4.159, Q1, 18 cit]
  147. Bjelic, Ilija Batas; Skokljev, Ivan; Pukšec, Tomislav; Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven, Integrating the flexibility of the average Serbian consumer as a virtual storage option into the planning of energy systems // Thermal science 18; 3; 743-754 (2014) [IF 0.962, Q2, cit 5]
  148. Mikulčić, Hrvoje; von Berg, Eberhard; Vujanović, Milan; Duić, Neven, Numerical Study of Co-firing Pulverized Coal and Biomass inside a Cement Calciner // Waste management & research 32; 661-669 (2014) Download [IF 1.297, Q3, cit 40]
  149. Ćosić, Boris; Markovska, Nataša; Taseska, Verica; Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven, Increasing the renewable energy sources absorption capacity of the Macedonian energy system // Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 5; 4; 041805-1-041805-8 (2013) Download [IF 0.925, Q3, cit 15]
  150. Bačelić Medić, Zlatko; Ćosić, Boris; Duić, Neven, Sustainability of remote communities: 100% renewable island of Hvar // Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 5; 4; 041806-1-041806-9 (2013) Download [IF 0.925, Q3, cit 21]
  151. Dedinec, Aleksandar; Markovska, Natasa; Taseska, Verica; Duić, Neven; Kanevce, Gligor, Assessment of climate change mitigation potential of the Macedonian transport sector // Energy 57; 177-187 (2013) [IF 4.159, Q1, cit 29]
  152. Ridjan, Iva; Mathiesen, Brian Vad; Connolly, David; Duic, Neven, The feasibility of synthetic fuels in renewable energy systems // Energy 57; 76-84 (2013) [IF 4.159, Q1, cit 79]
  153. Ban, Marko; Perković, Luka; Duić, Neven; Penedo, Ricardo, Estimating the Spatial Distribution of High Altitude Wind Energy Potential in South East Europe // Energy 57; 24-29 (2013) Download [IF 4.159, Q1, cit 24]
  154. Haas, Reinhard; Lettner Georg; Auer, Hans; Duić, Neven, The looming revolution: How photovoltaics will change electricity markets in Europe fundamentally // Energy 57; 38-43 (2013) Download [IF 4.159, Q1, cit 78]
  155. Mikulčić, Hrvoje; von Berg, Eberhard; Vujanović, Milan; Priesching, Peter; Tatschl, Reinhard; Duić, Neven, Numerical Analysis of Cement Calciner Fuel Efficiency and Pollutant Emissions // Clean technologies and environmental policy 15; 489-499 (2013) Download [IF 1.671, Q2, cit 27]
  156. Pukšec, Tomislav; Krajačić, Goran; Lulić, Zoran; Mathiesen, Brian Vad; Duić, Neven, Forecasting long-term energy demand of Croatian transport sector // Energy 57; 169-176 (2013) [IF 4.159, Q1, cit 28]
  157. Batas Bjelić, Ilija; Rajaković, Nikola; Ćosić, Boris; Duić, Neven, Increasing wind power penetration into the existing Serbian energy system // Energy 57; 30-37 (2013) [IF 4.159, Q1, cit 43]
  158. Krajačić, Goran; Lončar, Dražen; Duić, Neven; Zeljko, Mladen; Lacal Arántegui, Roberto; Loisel, Rodica; Raguzin, Igor, Analysis of financial mechanisms in support to new pumped hydropower storage projects in Croatia // Applied Energy 101; 161-171 (2013) [IF 5.261, Q1, cit 28]
  159. Pukšec, Tomislav; Mathiesen, Brian Vad; Duić, Neven, Potentials for energy savings and long term energy demand of Croatian households sector // Applied Energy 101; 15-25 (2013) [IF 5.261, Q1, cit 27]
  160. Mikulčić, Hrvoje; Vujanović, Milan; Duić, Neven, Reducing the CO2 emissions in Croatian cement industry // Applied Energy 101; 41-48 (2013) [IF 5.261, Q1, cit 80]
  161. Ban, Marko; Krajačić, Goran; Grozdek, Marino; Ćurko, Tonko; Duić, Neven, The role of cool thermal energy storage (CTES) in the integration of renewable energy sources (RES) and peak load reduction // Energy 48; 1; 108-117 (2012) [IF 3.651, Q1, cit 26]
  162. Irsag, Bojan; Pukšec, Tomislav; Duić, Neven, Long term energy demand projection and potential for energy savings of Croatian tourism-catering trade sector // Energy 48; 1; 398-405 (2012) [IF 3.651, Q1, cit 15]
  163. Tomić, Mladen; Perković, Luka; Živković, Predrag; Duić, Neven; Stefanović, Gordana, Closed vessel combustion modelling by using pressure-time evolution function derived from two- zonal approach // Thermal Science 16; 561-572 (2012) Download [IF 0.838, Q2, cit 2]
  164. Pukšec, Tomislav; Duić, Neven, Economic viability and geographic distribution of centralized biogas plants: case study Croatia // Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy 14; 427-433 (2012) Download [IF 1.827, Q2, cit 15]
  165. Perković, Luka; Silva, Pedro; Ban, Marko; Kranjčević, Nenad; Duić, Neven, Harvesting high altitude wind energy for power production: The concept based on Magnus’ effect // Applied Energy 101; 151-161 (2012) [IF 4.781, Q1, cit 48]
  166. Mikulčić, Hrvoje; Vujanović, Milan; Fidaros, Dimitris K.; Priesching, Peter; Minić, Ivica; Tatschl, Reinhard; Duić, Neven; Stefanović, Gordana, The application of CFD modelling to support the reduction of CO2 emissions in cement industry // Energy (Oxford) 45; 464-473 (2012) [IF 3.651, Q1, cit 33]
  167. Ćosić, Boris; Markovska, Natasa; Krajačić, Goran; Taseska, Verica; Duić, Neven, Environmental and economic aspects of higher RES penetration into Macedonian power system // Applied Thermal Engineering 43; 158-162 (2012) [IF 2.127, Q1, cit 32]
  168. Ćosić, Boris; Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven, A 100% renewable energy system in the year 2050: The case of Macedonia // Energy (Oxford) 48; 80-87 (2012) [IF 3.651, Q1, cit 202]
  169. Mikulčić, Hrvoje; von Berg, Eberhard; Vujanović, Milan; Priesching, Peter; Perković, Luka; Tatschl, Reinhard; Duić, Neven, Numerical Modelling of Calcination Reaction Mechanism for Cement Production // Chemical Engineering Science 69; 1; 607-615 (2012) [IF 2.386, Q1, cit 32]
  170. Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven; Zmijarević, Zlatko; Mathiesen, Brian Vad; Anić Vučinić, Aleksandra; Carvalho, Maria da Graça, Planning for a 100% independent energy system based on smart energy storage for integration of renewables and CO2 emissions reduction // Applied Thermal Engineering 31; 2073-2083 (2011) [IF 2.127, Q1, cit 138]
  171. Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven; Tsikalakis, Antonis; Zoulias, Manos; Caralis, George; Panteri, Eirini; Carvalho, Maria da Graça, Feed-in tariffs for promotion of energy storage technologies // Energy Policy 39; 3; 1410-1425 (2011) [IF 2.723, Q1, cit 51]
  172. Ćosić, Boris; Stanić, Zoran; Duić, Neven, Geographic distribution of economic potential of agricultural and forest biomass residual for energy use: Case study Croatia // Energy 36; 4; 2017-2028 (2011) [IF 3.487, Q1, cit 64]
  173. Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven; Carvalho, Maria da Graça, How to achieve a 100% RES electricity supply for Portugal? // Applied Energy 88; 2; 508-517 (2011) [IF 5.106, Q1, cit 138]
  174. Segurado, Raquel; Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven; Alves, Luis Manuel, Increasing the penetration of renewable energy resources in S. Vicente, Cape Verde // Applied Energy 88; 2; 466-472 (2011) [5.106, Q1, cit 72]
  175. Pukšec, Tomislav; Duić, Neven, Biogas Potential in Croatian Farming Sector // Strojarstvo 52; 4; 441-448 (2010) Download [IF 0.222, Q4, cit 7]
  176. Ban, Marko; Duić, Neven, Adaptation of N-heptane Autoignition Tabulation for Complex Chemistry Mechanisms // Thermal Science 15; 1; 135-144 (2010) Download [IF 0.706, Q3, cit 7]
  177. Kazagić, Anes; Smajević, Izet; Duić, Neven, Selection of Sustainable Technologies for Combustion of Bosnian Coals // Thermal Science 14; 3; 715-727 (2010) Download [IF 0.706, Q3, cit 12]
  178. Fowler, Patrick (Pat); Krajačić, Goran; Lončar, Dražen; Duić, Neven, Modeling The Energy Potential of Biomass - H2RES // International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 34; 7027-1-7040-13 (2009) [IF 3.954, Q1, cit 24]
  179. Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven; Carvalho, Maria da Graça, H2RES, Energy planning tool for island energy systems – The case of the Island of Mljet // International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 34; (2009) [IF 3.954, Q1, cit 79]
  180. Lončar, Dražen; Duić, Neven; Bogdan, Željko, An analysis of the legal and market framework for the cogeneration sector in Croatia // Energy The International Journal 34; 2; 134-143 (2009) [IF 2.952, Q1, cit 29]
  181. Vujanović, Milan; Duić, Neven; Tatschl, Reinhard, Validation of reduced mechanisms for nitrogen chemistry in numerical simulation of a turbulent non-premixed flame // Reaction Kinetics and Catalysis Letters 96; 1; 125-138 (2009) Download [IF 0.557, Q4, cit 12]
  182. Busuttil, Antoine; Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven, Energy scenarios for Malta // International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 33; 16; 4235-4246 (2008) [IF 3.452, Q1, cit 29]
  183. Duić, Neven; Krajačić, Goran; Carvalho, Maria da Graça, RenewIslands methodology for sustainable energy and resource planning for islands // Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 12; 4; 1032-1062 (2008) [IF 4.075, Q1, cit 118]
  184. Krajačić, Goran; Martins, Rui; Busuttil, Antoine; Duić, Neven; Carvalho, Maria da Graça, Hydrogen as an energy vector in the islands’ energy supply // International Jour. of Hydrogen Energy 33; 4; 1091-1103 (2008) [IF 3.452, Q1, cit 57]
  185. Lund, Henrik; Duić, Neven; Krajačić, Goran; Carvalho, Maria da Graça, Two energy system analysis models: A comparison of methodologies and results // Energy 32; 6SI; 948-954 (2007) [IF 1.172, Q1, cit 104]
  186. Schneider, Daniel R.; Duić, Neven; Bogdan, Željko, Mapping the potential for decentralized energy generation based on renewable energy sources in the Republic of Croatia // Energy 32; 9; 1731-1744 (2007) Download [IF 1.172, Q1, cit 48]
  187. Schneider, Daniel R.; Duić, Neven; Bogdan, Željko; Ban, Marko; Grubor, Borislav; Stefanović, Predrag; Dakić, Dragoljub; Repić, Branislav; Stevanović, Žarko; Žbogar, Ana; Studović, Maja; Nemoda, Stevan; Oka, Nikola; Đurović, Dejan; Kadić, Nikola; Bakić, Vukman; Belošević, Srdjan; Erić, Aleksandar; Mladenović, Rastko; Paprika, Milijana; Delalić, Nijaz; Lekić, Alija; Bajramović, Rasim; Teskeredžić, Armin; Smajević, Izet; Džaferović, Ejub; Begić, Fajik; Lulić, Haris; Metović, Sađit; Petrović, Semin; Đugum, Adnan; Kadrić, Džana; Hodžić, Nihad; Kulić, Fahrudin; Kazagić, Anes; Gafić, Admir, Mapping the potential for Decentralised Energy Generation based on RES in Western Balkans // Thermal Science 11; 3; 7-26 (2007) Download [IF 0.407, Q4, cit 21]
  188. Chen, Fengzhen; Duić, Neven; Alves, Luis Manuel; Carvalho, Maria da Graça, Renewislands — Renewable energy solutions for islands // Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 11; 8; 1888-1902 (2007) [IF 3.774, Q1, cit 135]
  189. Vujanović, Milan; Duić, Neven; Galović, Antun, Three-dimensional Numerical Simulation of the Nitrogen Oxides Formation in an Oil-fired Furnace // Strojarstvo 49; 2; 165-171 (2007), [IF 0.045, Q4]
  190. Lipošćak, Marko; Afgan, Naim; Duić, Neven; Carvalho, Maria da Graça, Sustainability assessment of cogeneration sector development in Croatia // Energy 31; 13; 2276-2284 (2006) [IF 0.935, Q2, cit 34]
  191. Baburić, Mario; Duić, Neven; Raulot, Alexandre; Coelho, Pedro J., Application of the Conservative Discrete Transfer Radiation Method to a Furnace with Complex Geometry // Numerical Heat Transfer Part A 48; 4; 297-313 (2005) Download [IF 0.839, Q2, cit 10]
  192. Duić, Neven; Juretić, Franjo; Zeljko, Mladen; Bogdan, Željko, Croatia energy planning and Kyoto Protocol // Energy Policy 33; 8; 1003-1010 (2005) [IF 0.958, Q2, cit 25]
  193. Duić, Neven; Carvalho, Maria da Graça, Increasing renewable energy sources in island energy supply: case study Porto Santo // Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 8; 4; 383-399 (2004) [IF 1.614, Q1, cit 171]
  194. Duić, Neven; Alves, Luis Manuel; Chen, Fengzhen; Carvalho, Maria da Graça, Potential of Kyoto Protocol Clean Development Mechanism in transfer of clean energy technologies to Small Island Developing States: case study of Cape Verde // Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 7; 1; 83-98 (2003) [IF 1.579, Q1, cit 39]
  195. Coelho, Pedro J.; Duić, Neven; Lemos, Carlos; Carvalho, Maria da Graça, Modelling of a Solid Fuel Combustion Chamber of a Ramjet Using a Multi-block Domain Decomposition Technique // Aerospace Science and Technology 2; 107-119 (1998) Download [IF 0.438, Q2, cit 9]


Scientific Papers Published in Other Journals and Books
  1. Beljan, Doris; Herc, Luka; Pfeifer, Antun; Duić, Neven, Comparison of different drivers on energy systems investment dynamics to achieve the energy transition goals // e-Prime, advances in electrical engineering, electronics and energy, 9 (2024), 100711, 13 Download
  2. Wittmayer, Julia M.; Campos, Inês; Avelino, Flor; Brown, Donal; Doračić, Borna; Fraaije, Maria; Gährs, Swantje; Hinsch, Arthur; Assalini, Silvia; Becker, Timon; Marín-González, Esther; Holstenkamp, Lars; Bedoić, Robert; Duić, Neven; Oxenaar, Sem; Pukšec, Tomislav, Thinking, doing, organising: Prefiguring just and sustainable energy systems via collective prosumer ecosystems in Europe // Energy Research & Social Science, 86 (2022), 102425, 13 Download
  3. Herc Luka, Pfeifer Antun, Feijoo Felipe, Duić Neven, Energy system transitions pathways with the new H2RES model: A comparison with existing planning tool // e-Prime - Advances in Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Energy, 1 (2021), 100024 Download
  4. Stunjek, Goran; Pfeifer, Antun; Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven, Analysis of the Water—Power Nexus of the Balkan Peninsula Power System // Solar Energy Conversion in Communities. Springer Proceedings in Energy,  2020, 235-257 Download
  5. Duić, Neven; Krajačić, Goran, Decarbonisation of Heating—Towards 2050 // Solar Energy Conversion in Communities. Springer Proceedings in Energy,  2020, 177-178
  6. Pavičević, Matija; Quoilin, Sylvain; Zucker, Andreas; Krajačić, Goran; Pukšec, Tomislav; Duić, Neven, Applying the Dispa-SET Model to the Western Balkans Power System // Journal of sustainable development of energy, water and environment systems 8; 1, 184-212 (2020)
  7. Pfeifer, Antun; Prebeg, Pero; Duić, Neven, Challenges and opportunities of zero emission shipping in smart islands: A study of zero emission ferry lines // eTransportation 3 100048 (2020) 
  8. Mikulčić, Hrvoje; Jin, Qiming; Stančin, Hrvoje; Wang, Xuebin; Li, Shuaishuai; Tan, Houzhang; Duić, Neven, Thermogravimetric Analysis Investigation of Polyurethane Plastic Thermal Properties Under Different Atmospheric Conditions // Journal of sustainable development of energy, water and environment systems 7, 2; 355-367 (2019)
  9. Ban, Marko; Duić, Neven, Starting an Open Access Journal: Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems // Otvorenost u znanosti i visokom obrazovanju / Hebrang Grgić, Ivana : Školska knjiga (2018)
  10. Barkaoui, A. E.; Duić, Neven; Krajačić; Goran, Geothermal energy into District Heating Systems in Zagreb, Croatia // Journal of Materials and Environmental Sciences 9; 1411-1417 (2018) 
  11. Mikulčić, Hrvoje; von Berg, Eberhard; Wang, Xuebin; Vujanović, Milan; Tan, Houzhang; Duić, Neven, Using an advanced numerical technique for improving pulverized coal combustion inside an industrial furnace // Chemical engineering transactions 61; 235-240 (2017) 
  12. Boldyryev, Stanislav; Mikulčić Hrvoje; Ulyev, Leonid; Duić, Neven, Time Super Targeting: Planning of Optimal HEN Design Accounting Energy Prices // CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS 61; 1903-1908 (2017) 
  13. Baleta, Jakov; Vujanović, Milan; Duić, Neven, Mathematical modelling of surface tension effects in liquid wall films // International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development 11; 85-99 (2017)
  14. Novosel, Tomislav; Pukšec, Tomislav; Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven, Role of District Heating in Systems with a High Share of Renewables: Case Study for the City of Osijek // Energy Procedia 95; 337-343 (2016)
  15. Ababneh, Amer Khalil; Jawarneh, Ali M.; Tarawneh, Mohammad Al; Tlilan, Hitham M.; Duić, Neven, Evaluation of Solar Parabolic Trough Collector for the Application of Seawater Desalination // International Review of Mechanical Engineering 10; 6, 443-451 (2016)
  16. Ulyev, Leonid; Vasilyev, Mihail; Maatouk, Abbas; Duić, Neven; Khusanov, Alisher, Total Site Integration of Light Hydrocarbons Separation Process // Chemical Engineering Transactions 52; 1-6 (2016)
  17. Boldyryev, Stanislav; Mikulčić, Hrvoje; Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven, Waste heat utilisation of Croatian cement industry accounting Total Site demands // Computer Aided Chemical Engineering 38; 2223-2228 (2016)

  18. Babak, Tatyana; Khavin, Gennadii; Duić, Neven; Boldyryev, Stanislav; Krajačić, Goran, Possibility of Heat Pump Use in Hot Water Supply Systems // Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems 4, 3; 203-215 (2016)

  19. Mikulandrić, Robert; Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven; Khavin, Gennadiy; Lund, Henrik; Mathiesen, Brian Vad; Østergaard, Poul Alberg, Performance analysis of a hybrid district heating system: A case study of a small town in Croatia // Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems 3, 3; 282-302 (2015)
  20. Boldyryev, Stanislav; Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven; Varbanov, Petar, Sabev, Cost Minimisation for Total Site Heat Recovery // Chemical Engineering Transactions 45; 157-162 (2015)
  21. Mikulčić, Hrvoje; Wang, Xuebin; Vujanović, Milan; Tan, Houzhang; Duić, Neven, Mitigation of Climate Change by Reducing Carbon Dioxide Emissions in Cement Industry // Chemical engineering transactions 45; 649-654 (2015)
  22. Šare, Anamarija; Krajačić, Goran; Pukšec, Tomislav; Duić, Neven, The integration of renewable energy sources and electric vehicles into the power system of the Dubrovnik region // Energy, Sustainability and Society 5, 1; 1-16 (2015)
  23. Gašparović, Goran; Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven; Baotić, Mato, New Energy Planning Software for Analysis of Island Energy Systems and Microgrid Operations – H2RES Software as a Tool to 100% Renewable Energy System //Computer Aided Chemical Engineering33; 1855-1860 (2014)
  24. Novosel, Tomislav; Pukšec, Tomislav; Duić, Neven, Economic Viability of Centralized Biogas Plants: A Case Study for Croatia // Chemical Engineering Transactions 42; 85-90 (2014) 
  25. Perković, Luka; Priesching, Peter; Bogensperger, Michael; Duić, Neven,Framework of coherent structure method (CSM) for LES simulation of isothermal and reacting swirling flows// Chemical engineering transactions 39; 883-888 (2014)
  26. Novosel, Tomislav; Gašparović, Goran; Ćosić, Boris; Mustafa, Manal; Krajačić, Goran; Pukšec, Tomislav; Duić, Neven, Integration of Desalination and Renewables, a Demonstration of the Desalination Module in the H2RES Model: Case Study for Jordan // Chemical engineering transactions 39; 335-360 (2014)
  27. Novosel, Tomislav; Pukšec, Tomislav; Duić, Neven, Economic Viability and Environmental Impact of Centralized Biogas Plants in Croatia // Computer Aided Chemical Engineering 33; 1867-1872 (2014)
  28. Mikulčić, Hrvoje; Vujanović, Milan; Markovska, Nataša; Filkoski, Risto V.; Ban, Marko; Duić, Neven, CO2 Emission Reduction in the Cement Industry // Chemical Engineering Transactions 35; 703-708 (2013)
  29. Bačelić Medić, Zlatko; Pukšec, Tomislav; Mathiesen, Brian Vad; Duić, Neven, Modelling energy demand of Croatian industry sector // International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development 13, 1; 74-92 (2013)
  30. Mikulčić, Hrvoje; von Berg, Eberhard; Vujanović, Milan; Priesching, Peter; Tatschl, Reinhard; Duić, Neven, CFD Analysis of a Cement Calciner for a Cleaner Cement Production // Chemical Engineering Transactions 29; 1513-1518 (2012.)
  31. Ćosić, Boris; Markovska, Natasa; Taseska, Verica; Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven, The Potential of GHG Emissions Reduction in Macedonia by Renewable Electricity // Chemical Engineering Transactions 25; 57-62 (2011)
  32. Pukšec, Tomislav; Duić, Neven, Geographic distribution and economic potential of biogas from Croatian farming sector //Chemical Engineering Transactions 25; 899-904 (2011)
  33. Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven; Mathiesen, Brian Vad; Carvalho, Maria da Graça, Increasing RES Penetration and Security of Energy Supply by use of Energy Storages and Heat Pumps in Croatian Energy System // Energy Options Impact on Regional Security / Barbir, Frano ; Ulgiati, Sergio, Dordrecht : Springer (2010)
  34. Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven; Mathiesen, Brian Vad; Carvalho, Maria da Graça, Smart Energy Storages for Integration of Renewables in 100% Independent Energy Systems // Chemical Engineering Transactions 21; 391-396 (2010)
  35. Segurado, Raquel; Alves, Luis Manuel; Duić, Neven; Krajačić, Goran, Integrated Energy and Water Planning on an Arid Island, Case of S. Vicente, Cape Verde. // Jordan Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering 4;(2009)
  36. Martins, Rui; Krajačić, Goran; Alves, Luis Manuel; Duić, Neven; Azevedo, Toste; Carvalho, Maria da Graça, Energy Storage in Islands - Modelling Porto Santo’ s Hydrogen System // Chemical Engineering Transactions 18; 367-372 (2009)
  37. Duić, Neven; Alves, Luis Manuel; Carvalho, Maria da Graça, Optimising the Integration of Hydrogen Usage with Intermittent Energy Sources // 100% RES A challenge for Island Sustainable Development [Eds. C. Marin, L.M. Alves, A. Zervos], IST, Lisbon (2005)
  38. Schneider, Daniel Rolph; Duić, Neven; Bogdan, Željko, Sustainable Management of CHP by Internalisation of Emission Cost// Environmental Management - Contribution to Solution / [Eds: N. Koprivanac], Zagreb (2005)
  39. Lipošćak, Marko; Afgan, Naim; Duić, Neven; Carvalho, Maria da Graça, Sustainability assessment of cogeneration sector development in Croatia // Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems - Volume [Eds: N.H. Afgan, Bogdan, Željko, Duić, Neven, Guzović, Zvonimir], Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, Zagreb, 123-132 (2005)
  40. Adum, Boris; Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven, Building sector and Kyoto protocol (I) (in Croatian), Elektro IX-4, 24-27 (2005)
  41. Duić, Neven; Lipošćak, Marko; Raguzin, Igor; Lončar, Dražen; Petrić, Hrvoje; Bogdan, Željko, Cogeneration in Energy Legislation (in Croatian) // Elektro IX-1, IX-2, 16-19 (2005)
  42. Duić, Neven; Lerer, Maria; Carvalho, Maria da Graça, Increasing the supply of renewable energy sources in island energy systems // International Journal of Sustainable Energy 23-4, 177-186 (2003) reprint from Proceedings of ENERGEX - 10th International Energy Forum 2004 "Energy & Society", Lisbon, 330-337 (2004)
  43. Baburić, Mario; Raulot, Alexandre; Duić, Neven, Implementation of discrete transfer radiation method into SWIFT computational fluid dynamics code // Thermal Science 8-1, 19-28 (2004)
  44. Adum, Boris; Duić, Neven, Utjecaj izolacije stambenih objekata na ispunjenje obaveza Protokola iz Kyota (in Croatian), EGE2004-1, 46-49 (2004)
  45. Baburić, Mario; Schneider, Daniel Rolph; Bogdan, Željko; Duić, Neven: User function approach in combustion and radiation modelling in commercial CFD environment // Transactions of FAMENA 26-2, 1-12 (2002)
  46. Duić, Neven; Alves, Luis Manuel; Carvalho, Maria da Graça: Kyoto Protocol Objectives by Promoting the Technology Transfer to Small Island Developing Countries: Santo Antao, Cape Verde // New and Renewable Technologies for Sustainable Development [Eds: N.H. Afgan, Carvalho, Maria da Graça], Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, Dordrecht, London, 105-116 (2002)
  47. Duić, Neven; Juretić, Franjo; Zeljko, Mladen; Bogdan, Željko: Kyoto Protocol Objectives in Croatia Energy Planning // New and Renewable Technologies for Sustainable Development [Eds: N.H. Afgan, Carvalho, Maria da Graça], Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, Dordrecht, London, 221-231 (2002)
  48. Duić, Neven; Alves, Luis Manuel; Carvalho, Maria da Graça: Potential of Kyoto Protocol in Transfer of Energy Technologies to Insular Countries // Transactions of FAMENA XXV-2, 27-38 (2001)
  49. Duić, Neven: Contribution to the Mathematical Modelling of Gaseous Fuel Combustion in a Steam Generator Furnace // PhD thesis, FSB, Zagreb, 171 pp. (1998)
  50. Duić, Neven: Solar thermal power plants on the way to commercialization (in Croatian) // Sunčeva energija 14-2, 61-68 (1993)
  51. Bogdan, Željko; Duić, Neven: Application of multigrid correction method on flow calculation in a steam generator combustion chamber (in Croatian) // Transactions of FSB XVII1, Zagreb, 140-154 (1993)
  52. Duić, Neven: Three dimensional mathematical model of the processes in the steam generator furnace // Master thesis, FSB, Zagreb, 121 pp. (1993)
  53. Bogdan, Željko; Duić, Neven: Heat transfer calculation of the furnace with a two-dimensional mathematical model (in Croatian) // Transactions of FSB XVI, Zagreb, 197-204 (1992).
  54. Bogdan, Željko; Duić, Neven: The mathematical model of the steam generator combustion chamber // Automatika 33, 93-98 (1992) reprint from Proc. of the 37th International Annual Conference KoREMA, Zagreb, 77-80 (1992) 
Review papers published in journals
  1. Nastasi, Benedetto; Markovska, Natasa; Pukšec, Tomislav; Duić, Neven, Ready solutions for today and tomorrow - Renewable and sustainable energy systems // Renewable & sustainable energy reviews, Volume 196 (2024), 114341  [IF 15.9, Q1, 2 cit]
  2. Song, Dongran; Shen, Guoyang; Huang, Chaoneng; Huang, Qian; Yang, Jian; Dong, Mi; Joo,Young Hoon; Duić, Neven, Review on the Application of Artificial Intelligence Methods in the Control and Design of Offshore Wind Power Systems // Journal of marine science and engineering, 12 (2024), 3; 424 [IF 2.744, Q2, 0 cit]
  3. Miškić, Josip; Pukšec, Tomislav; Duić, Neven, Sustainability of energy, water, and environmental systems: a view of recent advances: Special issue dedicated to 2021 conference on sustainable development of energy, water, and environment systems // Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 24 (2022), 10; 2983-2990 [IF 3.636, Q1, 7 cit]
  4. Chu, Wenxiao; Vicidomini, Maria; Calise, Francesco; Duić, Neven; Østergaard, Poul Alborg; Wang, Qiuwang; da Graça Carvalho, Maria, Recent Advances in Technologies, Methods, and Economic Analysis for Sustainable Development of Energy, Water, and Environment Systems // Energies, 15 (2022), 19; 7129, 24 [IF 3.252, Q1, 0 cit]
  5. Østergaard, Poul Alberg; Duić, Neven; Noorollahi, Younes; Kalogirou, Soteris, Renewable energy for sustainable development // Renewable energy, 199 (2022), 1145-1152 [IF 8.634, Q1, 0 cit]
  6. Chu, Wenxiao; Vicidomini, Maria; Calise, Francesco; Duić, Neven; Østergaard, Poul Alborg; Wang, Qiuwang; da Graça Carvalho, Maria, Recent Advances in Low-Carbon and Sustainable, Efficient Technology: Strategies and Applications // Energies, 15 (2022), 19; 2954, 30 [IF 3.252, Q1, 3 cit]
  7. Pukšec, Tomislav; Duić, Neven, Sustainability of energy, water and environmental systems: a view of recent advances // Clean technologies and environmental policy, 24 (2022), 457-465 [IF 3.636, Q1, 0 cit]
  8. Chu, Wenxiao; Calise, Francesco; Duić, Neven; Østergaard, Poul Alborg ; Vicidomini, Maria; Wang, Qiuwang, Recent Advances in Technology, Strategy and Application of Sustainable Energy Systems // Energies 13 (2020), 19; 5229, 29 Download [IF 2.702, Q2, 0 cit]
  9. Østergaard, Poul Alberg; Duic, Neven; Noorollahi, Younes; Mikulcic, Hrvoje; Kalogirou, Soteris, Sustainable development using renewable energy technology // Renewable energy, 146, 2430-2437 (2019) [IF 6.274, Q1, 328 cit]
  10. Calise, Francesco; Vicidomini, Maria; Costa, Mário; Wang, Qiuwang; Østergaard, Poul Alberg; Duić, Neven, Toward an Efficient and Sustainable Use of Energy in Industries and Cities // Energies 12 (16) (2019) [IF 2.702, Q3, 0 cit]
  11. Piacentino, Antonio; Duic, Neven; Markovska, Natasa; VadMathiesen, Brian; Guzović, Zvonimir; Eveloy, Lund, Valerie, Henrik, Sustainable and cost-efficient energy supply and utilisation through innovative concepts and technologies at regional, urban and single-user scales // Energy 182, 254-268 (2019) [IF 4.968, Q1, 0 cit]
  12. Baleta, Jakov; Mikulčić, Hrvoje; Klemeš, Jiří Jaromír; Urbaniec, Krzysztof; Duić, Neven, Integration of Energy, Water and Environmental Systems for a Sustainable Development // Journal of cleaner production 215, 1424-1436 (2019) [IF 5.651, Q1, 62 cit]
  13. Lund, Henrik; Duić, Neven; Østergaard, Poul Alberg; Mathiesen, Brian Vad, Future district heating systems and technologies: On the role of smart energy systems and 4th generation district heating // Energy 165, A, 614-619 (2018) [IF 4.968, Q1, 162 cit]
  14. Lund, Henrik; Alberg Østergaard, Poul; Chang, Miguel; Werner, Sven; Svendsen, Svend; Sorknæs, Peter; Thorsen, Jan Eric; Hvelplund, Frede; Ole Gram Mortensen, Bent; Vad Mathiesenf, Brian; Carsten, Bojesen; Duić, Neven; Zhang, Xiliang; Möller, Bernd, The status of 4th generation district heating: Research and results // Energy; 164, 147-159 (2018) [IF 4.968, Q1, 387 cit]
  15. Calise, Francesco; Costa, Mário; Wang, Qiuwang; Zhang, Xiliang; Duić, Neven, Recent Advances in the Analysis of Sustainable Energy Systems // Energies 11; 10 (2018) [IF 2.676, Q2, 0 cit]
  16. Urbaniec, Krzysztof; Mikulčić, Hrvoje; Rosen, Marc A.; Duić, Neven, A holistic approach to sustainable development of energy, water and environment systems // Journal of Cleaner Production 155; Part 1; 1-11 (2017) IF 4.959 , Q1, 40 cit]
  17. Mikulčić, Hrvoje; Klemeš, Jiří Jaromír; Vujanović, Milan; Urbaniec, Krzysztof; Duić, Neven, Reducing Greenhouse Gasses Emissions by Fostering the Deployment of Alternative Raw Materials and Energy Sources in the Cleaner Cement Manufacturing Process // Journal of cleaner production 136; Part B; 119-132 (2016) [IF 4.959 , Q1, 242 cit] 

  18. Mikulčić, Hrvoje; Klemeš, Jiří Jaromír; Duić, Neven, Shaping sustainable development to support human welfare // Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy 18; 6; 1633-1639 (2016) [IF 3.331 , Q2, 10 cit] 

  19. Markovska, Natasa; Duić, Neven; Vad Mathiesen, Brian; Guzović, Zvonimir; Piacentino, Antonio; Holger, Schlör; Lund, Henrik, Addressing the main challenges of energy security in the twenty-first century – Contributions of the conferences on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems // Energy (Oxford), 115, 3; 1504-1512 (2016) [IF 4.292, Q1, 32 cit]
  20. Duić, Neven; Urbaniec, Krzysztof; Huisinghc, Donald, Review: Components and structures of the pillars of sustainability // Journal of Cleaner Production 88; 1-12 (2015) [IF 4.959, Q1, 48 cit]
Editorial Papers Published in Journals
  1. Nastasi, Benedetto; Duić, Neven; Perera, Amarasinghage; Zhang, Menglin; Wu, Jianzhong, Sustainable development of energy systems // Applied energy, 377 (2025), 124655
  2. Beljan, Doris; Duic, Neven, Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems - Volume XII // Journal of sustainable development of energy, water and environment systems, 12 (2024), 4; 1-29
  3. Østergaard, Poul Alberg; Duic, Neven; Kalogirou, Soteris, Sustainable development using integrated energy systems and solar, biomass, wind, and wave technology // Renewable energy, 235 (2024), 121359-x
  4. Kılkış, Şiir; Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven; Rosen, Marc A.; Ahmad Al-Nimr, Moh’d, Sustainable development of energy, water and environment systems as a key opportunity for decarbonisation // Energy conversion and management, 320 (2024), 118953-x
  5. Østergaard, Poul Alberg; Duic, Neven, Sustainable Energy Planning and Management with energy scenario modelling, GIS tools and demand projection // International journal of sustainable energy planning and management, 42 (2024), 1-4
  6. Mikulčić, Hrvoje; Duić, Neven; Dewil, Raf, Climate change adoption for sustainable economic development // Journal of environmental management, 370 (2024), 122838-5
  7. Astiaso Garcia, Davide; Raskovic, Predrag; Duić, Neven; Al-Nimr, Moh’d Ahmad, Technologies and strategies fostering the sustainable development of energy, water and environment systems // Energy conversion and management. X, 24 (2024), 100736-x
  8. Chu, Wenxiao; Vicidomini, Maria; Calise, Francesco; Duić, Neven; Østergaard, Poul Alberg; Wang, Qiuwang; da Graça Carvalho, Maria,  Hot Topics at the 18th SDEWES Conference in 2023: A Conference Report // Energies (Basel), 17 (2024), 18; 4702-4721
  9. Bešenić, Tibor; Vujanović, Milan; Besagni, Giorgio; Duić, Neven; Markides, Christos N., Clean energy technologies and energy systems for industry and power generation: Current state, recent progress and way forward // Applied thermal engineering, 254 (2024), 1-9
  10. Østergaard, Poul Alberg; Lund, Henrik; Johannsen, Rasmus Magni; Sperling, Karl; Duić, Neven, Ten years of sustainable energy planning and management // International journal of sustainable energy planning and management, 40 (2024), 1-7.
  11. Lund, Henrik; Østergaard, Poul Alberg; Duic, Neven; Mathiesen, Brian Vad,  Special issue on smart energy systems from the 8th SESAAU2022 conference // Energy (Oxford), 288 (2024), 129951-x
  12. Astiaso Garcia, Davide; Dionysis, Giannakopoulos; Raskovic, Predrag; Duić, Neven; Ahmad Al-Nimr, Moh'd, Advanced technological options for sustainable development of energy, water and environment systems upgrade towards climate neutrality // Energy Conversion and Management: X, 22 (2024), 100528, 6
  13. Miškić, Josip; Pukšec, Tomislav; Duić, Neven, A view of recent advances in the field of sustainability: overview dedicated to 2022 SDEWES conferences // Clean technologies and environmental policy, 26 (2024), 1-9
  14. Beljan, Doris; Duić, Neven, Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems - Volume XI // Journal of sustainable development of energy, water and environment systems, XI (2023), 4; 1110479, 34
  15. Chu, Wenxiao; Vicidomini, Maria; Calise, Francesco; Duić, Neven; Østergaard, Poul Alberg ; Wang, Qiuwang; Da Graça Carvalho, Maria, Review of Hot Topics in the Sustainable Development of Energy, Water, and Environment Systems Conference in 2022 // Energies, 16 (2023), 7897, 20
  16. Trafczynski, Marian; Urbaniec, Krzysztof; Alabrudzinski, Slawomir; Mikulčić, Hrvoje; Duić, Neven, The optimization and engineering at the service of the sustainable development of energy, water and environment systems // Optimization and engineering, 25 (2024), 1; 1-12
  17. Chu, Wenxiao; Duić, Neven; Wang, Qiuwang, Recent advances in energy storage and energy saving technologies: SDEWES special issue in 2022 // Energy storage and saving, 3 (2024), 1; 1-4
  18. Prina, Matteo Giacomo; Feijoo, Felipe; Mimica, Marko; Duić, Neven, Advances in energy system modeling, sector coupling, and emission reduction strategies // e-Prime, advances in electrical engineering, electronics and energy, 6 (2023), 6; 100316
  19. Pfeifer Antun; Guzović, Zvonimir; Piacentino, Antonio; Markovska, Natasa; Duić, Neven; Lund, Henrik, Cutting-edge science for sustainable development - SDEWES 2022 special issue // Energy (Oxford), 284, (2023.), 1; 1-15
  20. Østergaard, Poul Alberg; Duić, Neven; Noorollahi, Younes; Kalogirou, Soteris, Advances in renewable energy for sustainable development // Renewable energy, 219 (2023.), 119377, 5
  21. Kılkış, Şiir; Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven; Rosen, Marc A.; Al-Nimr, Moh'd Ahmad, Sustainable development of energy, water and environment systems in the critical decade for climate action // Energy conversion and management, 296 (2023.), 117644
  22. Lund, Henrik; Østergaard, Poul Alberg; Duić, Neven; Mathiesen, Brian Vad, Special issue on smart energy systems from the 7th SESAAU2021 conference // Energy (Oxford), 263 (2023.), D; 125975, 3
  23. Nastasi, Benedetto; Markovska, Nataša; Duić, Neven; Pukšec, Tomislav; Foley, Aoife, Techniques and technologies to board on the feasible renewable and sustainable energy systems // Renewable & sustainable energy reviews, 182 (2023), 113428 Download
  24. Mikulčić, Hrvoje; Wang, Xuebin; Duić, Neven; Dewil, Raf, Climate crisis and recent developments in bio-based restoration of ecosystems // Journal of environmental management, 332 (2023), 117417
  25. Xi'an Jiaotong University) Chu, Wenxiao; Duić, Neven; Wang, Qiuwang, Sustainable energy integration with energy storage and energy saving technologies: SDEWES special issue in 2021 // Energy Storage and Saving (2022)
  26. Vujanović, Milan; Besagni, Giorgio; Duić, Neven; Markides, Christos, Innovation and advancement of thermal processes for the production, storage, utilization and conservation of energy in sustainable engineering applications // Applied thermal engineering, 221 (2023), 119814
  27. Garcia, Davide Astiaso; Dionysis, Giannakopoulos; Raskovic, Predrag; Duić, Neven; Al-Nimr, Moh'd Ahmad, Climate change mitigation by means of sustainable development of energy, water and environment systems // Energy Conversion and Management: X, 17 (2023), 100335
  28. Guzović, Zvonimir; Duić, Neven; Piacentino, Antonio; Markovska, Natasa; Vad Mathiesen, Brian; Lund, Henrik, Editorial: SDEWES science - The path to a sustainable carbon neutral world // Energy (Oxford), 284 (2023.), 128620, 5
  29. Gjorgievski, Vladimir, Z.; Markovska, Natasa; Vad Mathiesen, Brian; Duić, Neven, Smart energy demand for the sustainable development of energy, water and environment systems // Smart energy, 8 (2022), 100091, 3
  30. Miškić, Josip; Pukšec, Tomislav; Duić, Neven, Special issue section of Clean Technology and Environmental Policy dedicated to 16th SDEWES conference // Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 24 (2022), 10; 2981-2981 [IF 3.636, Q1, 0 cit]
  31. Guzović, Zvonimir; Duić, Neven; Piacentino, Antonio; Markovska, Natasa; Vad Mathiesen, Brian; Lund, Henrik, Paving the way for the Paris Agreement: Contributions of SDEWES science // Energy (Oxford), 263 (2023), Part A; 125617, 15 [IF 7.147, Q1, 0 cit]
  32. Duić, Neven, Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems – volume X // Journal of sustainable development of energy, water and environment systems 10 (2022.), 4; 1100438 
  33. Rašković, Predrag O.; Cvetanović, Gradimir; Vujanović, Milan; Schneider, Daniel R.; Guzović, Zvonimir; Duić, Neven; Oka, Simeon N., The progress toward more sustainable energy, water and environmental systems approaches and applications // Thermal science, 26 (2022), 5B; 4057-4066 [IF 1.971, Q3, 0 cit]
  34. Trafczynski, Marian; Urbaniec, Krzysztof; Mikulčić, Hrvoje; Duić, Neven, Introductory remarks on the special issue of Optimization and Engineering dedicated to SDEWES 2021 conference // Optimization and engineering, (2022), 1-16 [IF 2.619, Q2, 0 cit]
  35. Kılkış, Şiir; Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven; Rosen, Marc A.; Al-Nimr, Moh'd Ahmad, Effective mitigation of climate change with sustainable development of energy, water and environment systems // Energy conversion and management, 269 (2022), 116146, 15 [IF 11.533, Q1, 30 cit]
  36. Østergaard, Poul Alberg; Johannsen, Rasmus Magni; Duić, Neven; Lund, Henrik, Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environmental Systems and Smart Energy Systems // International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management, 34 (2022), 1-4
  37. Guzović, Zvonimir; Duić, Neven; Piacentino, Antonio; Markovska, Nataša; Vad Mathiesen, Brian; Lund, Henrik, Recent advances in methods, policies and technologies at sustainable energy systems development // Energy (Oxford), 245 (2022), 123-276 [IF 7.147, Q1, 41 cit]
  38. Pukšec, Tomislav; Duić, Neven, Special issue section of clean technology and environmental policy dedicated to SDEWES 2020 conferences // Clean technologies and environmental policy, 24 (2022), 455-455  [IF 3.636, Q1, 0 cit]
  39. Mikulčić, Hrvoje; Baleta, Jakov; Wang, Xuebin; Duić, Neven; Raf, Dewil, Sustainable development in period of climate crisis // Journal of environmental management, 303 (2022), 114271, 6 Download
  40. Nastasi, Benedetto; Markovska, Natasa; Puksec, Tomislav; Duić, Neven; Foley, Aoife, Renewable and sustainable energy challenges to face for the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals // Renewable & sustainable energy reviews, 157 (2022), 112071, 7
  41. Duić, Neven, Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems – volume IX // Journal of sustainable development of energy, water and environment systems 9 (2021.), 4; 1090414 
  42. Seixas, Júlia; Østergaardb, Poul Alberg; Johannsenb, Rasmus Magni; Duic, Neven, Energy Transition and Sustainability // International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management, 32 (2021), 1-4 Download
  43. Kılkış, Şiir; Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven; Rosen, Marc A.; Al-Nimr, Moh'd Ahmad, Accelerating mitigation of climate change with sustainable development of energy, water and environment systems // Energy conversion and management, 245 (2021), 114606, 3
  44. Trafczyński, Marian; Urbaniec, Krzysztof; Mikulčić, Hrvoje; Duić, Neven, A preface to the special issue of optimization and engineering dedicated to SDEWES 2020 conferences // Optimization and engineering22 (2021), 1681-1692 Download
  45. Østergaard, Poul Alberg; Duić, Neven; Noorollahi, Younes; Kalogirou, Soteris A., Recent advances in renewable energy technology for the energy transition // Renewable energy, 179 (2021), 877-884
  46. Wołosz, Krzysztof J.; Urbaniec, Krzysztof; Duić, Neven, Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES) // Sustainability, 13 (2021), 9; 4939
  47. Gjorgievski, Vladimir Z.; Markovska, Natasa; Pukšec, Tomislav; Duić, Neven; Foley, Aoife, Supporting the 2030 agenda for sustainable development: Special issue dedicated to the conference on sustainable development of energy, water and environment systems 2019 // Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 143 (2021), 110920 Download
  48. Xuexiu, Jia; Duić, Neven, Advanced methods and technologies towards environmental sustainability // Clean technologies and environmental policy 23, 709–710 (2021)
  49. Vujanović, Milan; Wang, Qiuwang; Mohsen Mousa; Duić, Neven; Yan, Jinyue, Recent progress in sustainable energy-efficient technologies and environmental impacts on energy systems // Applied energy, 116280, 8 (2020) Download
  50. Mikulčić, Hrvoje; Perković, Luka; Duić, Neven, A preface to the special issue of optimization and engineering dedicated to SDEWES 2019 conference // Optimization and engineering, 22 (2021)  Download
  51. Nielsen, Tore Bach; Lund, Henrik; Østergaard, Poul Alberg; Duić, Neven; Vad Mathiesen, Brian, Perspectives on Energy Efficiency and Smart Energy Systems from the 5th SESAAU2019 conference // Energy, 216, 119260  (2021)
  52. Østergaard, Poul Alberg; Duić, Neven; Noorollahi, Younes; Kalogirou, Soteris, Latest progress in Sustainable Development using renewable energy technology // Renewable energy, 162, 1554-1562 (2020)
  53. Mikulčić, Hrvoje; Baleta, Jakov; Wanga, Xuebin; Duić, Neven; Dewil, Raf, Green development challenges within the environmental management framework // Journal of Environmental Management277, 111477 (2021) Download
  54. Kılkış, Şiir; Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven; Rosen, Marc A.; Al-Nimr, Moh'd Ahmad, Advances in integration of energy, water and environment systems towards climate neutrality for sustainable development // Energy Conversion and Management225, 113410 (2020) Download
  55. Duić, Neven, Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems – volume VIII // Journal of sustainable development of energy, water and environment systems 8, 846-848 (2020) Download
  56. Østergaard, Poul Alberg; Johannsen, Rasmus Magni; Duić, Neven, Sustainable Development using renewable energy systems // International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management 29, 1-6 (2020) Download
  57. Mohsen, Mousa; Duić, Neven, Special Issue of Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems Dedicated to ICEWES 2018 Conference // Journal of sustainable development of energy, water and environment systems 8; 3, 438-440 (2020)  Download
  58. Lund, Henrik; Duic, Neven; Alberg Østergaard, Poul; Vad Mathiesen, Brian, Perspectives on Smart Energy Systems from the SES4DH 2018 conference // Energy 190, 116318 (2020)
  59. Piacentino, Antonio; Catrini, Pietro; Markovska, Natasa; Guzović, Zvonimir; Vad Mathiesen, Brian; Ferrari, Simone; Duić, Neven; Lund, Henrik, Editorial: Sustainable development of energy, Water and Environment Systems // Energy, 190, 116432 (2020)
  60. Pukšec, Tomislav; Markovska, Nataša; Duić, Neven, Addressing the transition to sustainable energy systems: Special issue dedicated to the 2018 conferences on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES) //Renewable & sustainable energy reviews, 119 109520 (2020)
  61. Johannsen,Rasmus Magni; Østergaard, Poul Alberg; Duić, Neven, Editorial-international journal of sustainable energy planning and management volume 25 // International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management, 25, 1-2 (2020) 
  62. Mikulčić, Hrvoje; Wang, Xuebin; Duić, Neven; Dewil, Raf, Environmental problems arising from the sustainable development of energy, water and environment system // Journal of environmental management, 259 109666 (2020) Download
  63. Vujanović, Milan; Wang, Qiuwang; Mohsen, Mousa; Duić, Neven; Yan, Jinyue, Sustainable energy technologies and environmental impacts of energy systems // Applied energy, 256 113919 (2019)
  64. Kılkış, Şiir; Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven; Montorsi, Luca; Wang, Qiuwang; A. Rosen, Marc; Al-Nimr, Moh'd Ahmad, Research frontiers in sustainable development of energy, water and environment systems in a time of climate crisis // Energy conversion and management, 199, 111938 (2019)
  65. Pukšec, Tomislav; Foley, Aoife; Markovska, Natasa; Duić, Neven, Life cycle to Pinch Analysis and 100% renewable energy systems in a circular economy at sustainable development of energy, Water and Environment Systems 2017 // Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 108, 572-577 (2019)
  66. Duić, Neven, Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems – Volume VI // Journal of sustainable development of energy, water and environment systems 6, 4, 800-801 (2018)
  67. Vujanović, Milan; Schneider, Daniel Rolph; Oka, Simeon; Guzović, Zvonimir; Duić, Neven, From the Guest editors: Energy systems, multiphase flows, and sustainable combustion technologies // Thermal science, 26 22 (2018), 5; 7-21 
  68. Mikulčić, Hrvoje; Duić, Neven; Schlör, Holger; Dewil, Raf, Troubleshooting the problems arising from sustainable development // Journal of environmental management 231, 52-57 (2018)

  69. Lund, Hendrik; Duić, Neven; Østergaard, Poul Alberg; Mathiesen, Brian Vad, Smart Energy and District Heating: Special Issue dedicated to the 2016 Conference on Smart Energy Systems and 4th Generation District heating // Energy 160, 1220-1223 (2018)

  70. Kılkış, Şiir; Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven; Rosen, A.Marc; Al-Nimrd, Moh'd Ahmad, Advancements in sustainable development of energy, water and environment systems // Energy conversion and management 176, 164-183 (2018)
  71. Markovska, Nataša; Duić, Neven; Mathiesen, Brian Vad; Guzović, Zvonimir; Schlor, Holger; Bats Bjelić, Ilija; Lund, Hendrik, Shedding light on energy transition: Special issue dedicated to 2016 conferences on sustainable development of energy, water and environment systems // Energy 144, 322-325 (2018)
  72. Nižetić, Sandro; Barbir, Frano; Duić, Neven; Papadopoulo s, Agis, Exergy, energy and environment // International journal of hydrogen energy 43; 5794-5794 (2018)
  73. Pukšec; Tomislav, Leahy; Paul, Foley; Aoife, Markovska; Nataša, Duić, Neven, Sustainable development of energy, water and environment systems 2016 // Renewable & sustainable energy reviews 82; 1685-1690 (2018)
  74. Mikulčić, Hrvoje; Duić, Neven; Dewil, Raf, Environmental management as a pillar for sustainable development // Journal of Environmental management 203; 867-871 (2017)
  75. Foley, Aoife; Smyth, Beatrice; Pukšec, Tomislav; Markovska, Nataša; Duić, Neven, A review of developments in technologies and research that have had a direct measurable impact on sustainability considering the Paris agreement on climate change // Renewable & sustainable energy reviews 68; 835-839 (2017)[IF 14.982, Q1, 39 cit] 
  76. Lund, Henrik; Duić, Neven; Østergaard, Poul Alberg; Mathiesen, Brian Vad, Smart Energy Systems and 4th Generation District Heating // Energy 110; 1-4; (2016) [IF 4.292, Q1, 43 cit] 
  77. Schneider, Daniel Rolph; Guzović, Zvonimir; Duić, Neven; Boldyryev, Stanislav, Energy transition in South East and Central Europe // Thermal science 20, 4, 11-20 (2016)
  78. Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven; Vujanović, Milan; Kılkış, Şiir; Rosen, Marc; Al-Nimr, Moh’d Ahmad, Sustainable development of energy, water and environment systems for future energy technologies and concepts // Energy Conversion and Management 125; 1-14 (2016) Download[IF 9.709, Q1, 33 cit]
  79. Nemet, Andreja; Klemeš,Jiří Jaromír; Duić, Neven; Yan, Jinyue, Improving sustainability development in energy planning and optimisation // Applied Energy 184, 1241-1245 (2016)
  80. Alberg Østergaard, Poul; Duić, Neven, Editorial - International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management // International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management, 11, 1-2 (2016)
  81. Duić, Neven, Editorial: Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems – Volume IV // Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, 4, 4, 430-431 (2016)
  82. Mikulčić, Hrvoje; Klemeš, Jiří Jaromír; Duić, Neven, Special issue section of clean technology and environmental policy dedicated to SDEWES 2015 // Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 18, 6, 1631-1632 (2016)
  83. Đukić, Ankica; Barbir, Frano; Duić, Neven, Hydrogen and fuel cells: A preface to the special issue section on “The 14th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES), 27 September-2 October, Dubrovnik, Croatia” // International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 41, 13797-13799 (2016) [IF 3.205, Q2, 0 cit]
  84. Urbaniec, Krzysztof; Mikulčić, Hrvoje; Duić, Neven; Lozano, Rodrigo, SDEWES 2014 - Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems // Journal of cleaner production, 130, 1-11 (2016)
  85. Duić, Neven, Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems – Volume III // Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, 3, 4, 436-436 (2015)
  86. Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven; Rosen, Marc A, Editorial: Sustainable development of energy, water and environment systems // Energy Conversion and Management, 104, 1-7 (2015)
  87. Markovska, Nataša; Duić, Neven; Guzović, Zvonimir; Mathiesen, Brian Vad, Preface – Sustainable development of energy, water and environment systems // Energy, 92, 3, 241-243 (2015)
  88. Duić, Neven, Is the success of clean energy guaranteed? // Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 17, 8, 2093-2100 (2015) Download
  89. Duić, Neven, Editorial: Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems – Volume II // Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, 2, 4, 422-422 (2014)
  90. Markovska, Nataša; Klemeš, Jiri, Jaromir; Duić, Neven; Guzović, Zvonimir; Mathiesen, Lund, Henrik; Brian Vad; Yan, Jinyue, Sustainable development of energy, water and environment systems // Applied Energy, 135, 597-599 (2014)
  91. Markovska, Nataša; Klemeš, Jiri, Jaromir; Duić, Neven; Guzović, Zvonimir; Mathiesen, Lund, Henrik; Brian Vad; Yan, Jinyue, Sustainable development of energy, water and environment systems // Energy, 76, 1-3 (2014)
  92. Alberg Ostergaard, Poul; Duić, Neven, Sustainable Energy, Water and Environmental Systems // International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management, 3, 1-4 (2014)
  93. Duić, Neven; Rosen, Marc A., Sustainable Development of Energy Systems // Energy Conversion and Management, 87, 1057-1062 (2014)
  94. Schneider, Daniel R.; Guzović, Zvonimir; Duić, Neven, Spaceship Earth – Will we be able to prevail? Question of Sustainability // Thermal science 18, 3, 9-11 (2014)
  95. Duić, Neven, Editorial: Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems - Volume I // Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems1, 4, 390-390 (2013)
  96. Duić, Neven; Guzović, Zvonimir; Kafarov, Vyatcheslav; Klemeš, Jiří Jaromír; Mathiessen, Brian Vad; Yan, Jinyue, Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems // Applied Energy, 101, 3-5 (2013)
  97. Varbanov Sabev, Petar; Duić, Neven, Editorial: Strategic Supply, Security and Efficiency of Energy Systems using Renewables, Waste and Pollution Minimisation // Chemical Engineering Transactions, 34, 1-6 (2013)
  98. Markovska, Natasa; Duic, Neven; Guzovic, Zvonimir; Mathiesen, Brian Vad; Lund, Henrik, Our common future – 25 years later: Sustainable development WHATs, HOWs and WHOs of energy, water and environment systems // Energy (Oxford), 57, 1-3 (2013)
  99. Vučijak, Branko; Duić, Neven; Kupusović, Tarik; Mohsen, Mousa, Special Issue Devoted to Selected Papers from the 6th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems // International Journal of Sustainable Water and Environmental Systems (SWES), 4, 1-3 (2012)
  100. Schneider, Daniel Rolph; Guzović, Zvonimir; Rašković, Predrag; Duić, Neven, From the Guest editors: Sustainable Development - Challenge to Use the Resources in a More Efficient Way, Integrating Processes, and Reusing Waste for Energy Production // Thermal Science, 16, 3, 5-7 (2012)
  101. Duić, Neven; Urbaniec, Krzysztof, Conference report - 6th Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems // Journal of Cleaner Production, 24, 202-203 (2012)
  102. Mathiesen, Brian Vad; Duić, Neven; Stadler, Ingo; Rizzo, Gianfranco; Guzović, Zvonimir, The interaction between intermittent renewable energy and the electricity, heating and transport sectors // Energy (Oxford), 48, 2-4 (2012)
  103. Duić, Neven; Guzović, Zvonimir; Henrik, Lund, Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems // Energy (Oxford), 36, 1839-1841 (2011)
  104. Duić, Neven, Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems // Strojarstvo, 52, 403 (2010)
  105. Duić, Neven; Guzović, Zvonimir; Schneider, Daniel Rolph, Editorial Introduction – Southeast Europe in the process of implementation of new European energy and environment strategy // Thermal Science, 14, 3, I-II (2010)
  106. Afgan, Naim H.; Bogdan, Željko; Duić, Neven; Guzović, Zvonimir; Lior, Noam, Editorial Introduction – Special Issue: 4th Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water & Environment // Energy The International Journal, 34, 5, 511-512 (2009)
  107. Barbir, Frano; Duić, Neven; Guzović, Zvonimir, Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems // International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 34, 6979-6979 (2009)
  108. Duić, Neven; Guzović, Zvonimir; Afgan, Naim, From the Guest Editors – Sustainable development and the new energy policy in South East Europe: Special issue dedicated to Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems // Thermal Science, 12, 4, 3-3 (2008)
  109. Afgan, Naim; Bogdan, Željko; Duić, Neven; Guzović, Zvonimir; Lior, Noam, Editorial Introduction – Special issue – Dedicated to 3rd Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems - Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2005 // 32, 6, 873-874 (2007)
  110. Afgan, Naim; Bogdan, Željko; Duić, Neven; Lior, Noam, Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue of Energy: Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems // Energy, 30, 8, 1219-1220 (2005)
  111. Afgan, Naim; Bogdan, Željko; Duić, Neven; Guest Editorial to the Special Issue of Management of Environmental Quality: Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems // Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal, 14, 4, 443-443 (2003)
  112. Duić, Neven; Guzović, Zvonimir; Afgan, Naim, From the Guest Editors - Sustainable development and the new energy policy in South East Europe: Special issue dedicated to Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems // Thermal Science, 12, 4, 3-3 (2008)


  1. Duić, Neven; da Costa, Mário Manuel Gonçalves; Wang, Qiuwang; Calise, Francesco; Østergaard, Poul Alberg, Selected Papers from SDEWES 2018 Conferences on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems // Energies, 508 pgd. (2020) 
  2. Calise, Francesco; Costa, Mário; Wang, Qiuwang; Xiliang, Zhang; Duić, Neven, // Reprint: Special Issue "Selected Papers from SDEWES 2017: The 12th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems // Energies, 335 pgd. (2019) 
  3. Afgan, Naim; Bogdan, Željko; Duić, Neven; Guzović, Zvonimir, Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems - Volume III // Singapore : World Scientific, 602 pgs. (2007)
  4. Afgan, Naim; Bogdan, Željko; Duić, Neven; Guzović, Zvonimir, Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems - Volume II // Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, Zagreb, 486 pgs. (2005)
  5. Afgan, Naim; Bogdan, Željko; Duić, Neven, Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems // A. A. Balkema Publishers, Rotterdam, 380 pgs. (2004)


Scientific Papers Published in Conference Proceedings
  1. Rutz, D.; Ball, I.; Di Costanzo, B.; Janssen, R.; Tretter, H.; Knaus, K.; Drexlmeier, S.; Baumann, C.; Puente, F.; Šegon, V.; Balić, D.; Silajdzic, F.; Arnaut, S.; Nikolaev, A.; Jerotić, S.; Stegnar, G.; Markovska, N.; Duic, N.; Skreiberg, Ø.; Mišech, A.; Arrowsmith, G., An urgent call for the phase-out of fossil space heating systems and for the support of renewables in the heating sector // European Biomass Conference and Exhibition Proceedings 2020 (2020) Download
  2. Colmorgen, F.; Khawaja. C.; Rutz, D.; Gerdes, H.; Kiresiewa, Z.; Anzaldúa, G.; Tarpey, J.; Tröltzsch, J.; Davies, S.; Kah, S.; João, E.; Georgieva, N.; Mannhardt, B.; Herlitze, I.; Robijns, C.; Stoyanov, M.; Metzova, L.; Pavlova, I.; Mihajloska, E.; Gjorgievski, V.; Markovska, N.; Duic, N.; Pauna, C.; Iorgulescu, R.; Diaconescu, T.; Cosnita, D.; Simonescu, M.; Lazdina, D.; Makovskis, K.; Neimane, S.; Rakowski, M.; Szulecka, O.; Mytlewski, A.; Skrzynska, D., Bio-Based Strategies and Roadmaps for Enhanced Rural and Regional Development in the EU // European Biomass Conference and Exhibition Proceedings 2020 (2020) Download
  3. Rutz, Dominik; Janssen, Reiner; Worm, Jakob; Doczekal, Christian; Zweiler, Richard; Pukšec, Tomislav; Duić, Neven; Doračić, Borna; Sunko, Rok; Sunko, Blaž; Gjogievski, Vladimir; Dimov, Ljupco; Markovska, Natasha; Bozikaliev, Vasilj; Rajakovic, Nikola; Batas Bjelic, Ilija; Kazagic, Anes; Redzic, Elma; Tresnjo, Dino; Jerotic, Slobodan; Mladenović, Bojana; Fejzovic, Emir; Babić, Amra; Petrovic, Marin; Kolbl, Mitja Towards the implementation of small district heating grids in south-eastern europe // European Biomass Conference and Exhibition Proceedings 2019 (2019)
  4. Karabegović, Almir; Ponjavić, Mirza; Duić, Neven; Novosel; Tomislav, Location Intelligence in Cogenerated Heating Potential Data Analysis // Proceedings of the 2019 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, FedCSIS 2019 
  5. Bedoić, Robert; Špehar, Ana; Čuček, Lidija; Ćosić, Boris; Pukšec, Tomislav; Duić, Neven, Anaerobic digestion of pretreated food waste and bone meal // Online Proceedings of the 27th EUBCE – Lisbon ( 2019)
  6. Maruševac, Tena; Ćosić, Boris; Duić, Neven, Using high-temperature seawater heat pump for pool heating and domestic hot water preparation in a special hospital // Digital Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Technologies - SpliTech 2019 (2019)
  7. Dorotić, Hrvoje; Pukšec, Tomislav; Duić, Neven, Exergy destruction and carbon dioxide emission taxes and their influence on district heating system optimization // Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, 1377-1388 (2019) 
  8. Bedoić, Robert; Ćosić, Boris; Pukšec, Tomislav; Duić, Neven, Application of mechanistically inspired model on biogas production at the biogas plant // Digital Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Smart and Sustainable TechnologiesSplit (2018)
  9. Pavičević, Matija; Tomić, Ivan; Quoilin, Sylvain; Zucker, Andreas; Krajačić, Goran; Pukšec, Tomislav; Duić, Neven, Applying the Dispa-SET model on the Western Balkans power systems // Proceedings of the 12th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, SDEWES2017.0935, 1-19 (2017)
  10. Bešenić, Tibor; Vujanović, Milan; Petranović, Zvonimir; Mikulčić, Hrvoje; Duić, Neven, Numerical Simulation of Solid Fuel Combustion // Proceedings of the European Combustion Meeting (2017)
  11. Mikulčić, Hrvoje; von Berg, Eberhard; Vujanović, Milan; Duić, Neven, Numerical Investigation of Pulverized Coal Combustion inside a Cement Rotary kiln // Digital Proceedings of the 8th European Combustion Meeting (ECM 2017)
  12. Petranović, Zvonimir; Vujanović, Milan; Edelbauer, Wilfried; Duić, Neven, Qualitative Analysis of Diesel Spray Development for Different Modelling Approaches // Proceedings of the European Combustion Meeting (2017)
  13. Hu, Zhongfa; Wang, Xuebin; Li, Yan; Bai, Shengjie; Mikulčić, Hrvoje; Tan, Houzhang; Vujanović, Milan; Duić, Neven, Soot formation during plastic waste pyrolysis in an entrained flow reactor at 1273-1573K // Digital Proceedings of 12th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems - SDEWES / Ban, Marko et al. (ur.). Zagreb : Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture (2017)
  14. Liu, Xing; Tan, Houzhang; Wang, Yibin; Mikulčić, Hrvoje; Vujanović, Milan; Duić, Neven, Low NOx Combustion and SCR Flow Field Optimization in a Low Volatile Coal fired boiler // Digital Proceedings of 12th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems - SDEWES / Ban, Marko et al. (ur.). Zagreb : Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture (2017)
  15. Mikulčić, Hrvoje; Li, Shuaishuai; Wang, Xuebin; Vujanović, Milan; Tan, Houzhang; Duić, Neven, TGA investigation of polyurethane plastic thermal properties under different atmospheric conditions // Digital Proceedings of 12th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems - SDEWES / Ban, Marko et al. (ur.). Zagreb : Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture (2017)
  16. Shuaishuai, Li; Jin, Qiming; Wang, Xuebin; Mikulčić, Hrvoje; Vujanović, Milan; Tan, Houzhang; Duić, Neven; Hu, Zhongfa, Synergetic effect of waste plastics and straw co-pyrolysis: a combined study in thermogravimetric analyser and a fixed bed reactor // Digital Proceedings of 12th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems - SDEWES / Ban, Marko et al. (ur.). Zagreb : Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture (2017)
  17. Vujanović, Milan; Petranović, Zvonimir; Jurić, Filip; Edelbauer, Wilfried; Duić, Neven, Coupling of general gas phase reactions and spray approaches for combustion and emission modelling // Proceedings of 13th international conference on energy for a clean environment (2017)
  18. Wang, Xuebin; Zihan, Liu; Mikulčić, Hrvoje; Li, Shuaishuai; Vujanović, Milan; Tan, Houzhang; Duić, Neven; Hu, Zhongfa, Kinetics study on the catalysis effect of KCl, K2SO4, and K2CO3 during oxy-biomass combustion // Digital Proceedings of 12th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems - SDEWES / Ban, Marko et al. (ur.). Zagreb : Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture (2017)
  19. Zhu, Yiming, Tan, Houzhang; Niu, Yanqing; Wang, Yibin; Mikulčić, Hrvoje; Vujanović, Milan; Duić, Neven, Modelling study on the effect of ash fusion characteristics on the biomass slagging behavior // Digital Proceedings of 12th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems - SDEWES / Ban, Marko et al. (ur.). Zagreb : Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture (2017)
  20. Dorotić, Hrvoje; Novosel, Tomislav; Duić, Neven; Pukšec, Tomislav, Heat demand mapping and district heating grid expansion analysis: Case study of Velika Gorica // International Conference Energy, Environment and Material Systems (EEMS 2017), Polanica-Zdrój, Poland (2017)
  21. Petranović, Zvonimir; Edelbauer, Wilfried; Vujanović, Milan; Priesching, Peter; Tatschl, Reinhard; Duić, Neven, Modeling of Reactive Spray Processes in DI Diesel Engines // SAE World Congress 2017, Multi-dimensional engine modelling, Detroit, USA (2017)
  22. Bešenić, Tibor; Vujanović, Milan; Mikulčić, Hrvoje; Duić, Neven, Numerical Modelling of Emissions of Nitrogen Oxides in Solid Fuel Combustion // Digital Proceedings of the 12th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems - SDEWES / Ban, Marko (ur.). (2017)
  23. Pfeifer, Antun; Bošković, Fran; Dobravec, Viktorija; Matak, Nikola; Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven; Pukšec, Tomislav, Building smart energy systems on Croatian Islands by increasing integration of renewable energy sources and electric vehicles // Proceedings of 2017 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2017 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe (EEEIC / I&CPS Europe), Milano, Italy (2017)
  24. Pavičević, Matija; Novosel, Tomislav; Pukšec, Tomislav; Duić, Neven, Anual heat storage optimisation in urban regeneration projects from an energy planning perspective // Međunarodni kongres Energija i okoliš (2016)
  25. Petranović, Zvonimir; Edelbauer, Wilfried; Vujanović, Milan; Duić, Neven, Modelling of the reactive sprays employing the Euler Eulerian multi-continuum approach // Proceedings of the 27th European Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems (ILASS- Europe) (2016)
  26. Boldyryev, Stanislav; Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven, Cost Effective Heat Exchangers Network of Total Site Heat Integration // PRES 2016 Conference, Prague, Czech Republic (2016)
  27. Batas-Bjelić, Ilija; Rajaković, Nikola; Duić, Neven, Smart municipal energy grid within electricity market // Digital Proceedings of 2nd South East European Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems - SEE SDEWES / Ban, Marko et al. (ur.) (2016.)
  28. Segurado, Raquel; Madeira, J.F.A.; Costa, Mario; Duić, Neven; Carvalho, Maria da Graça, Optimization of energy and water supply systems in S. Vicente, Cape Verde // The Congress on Numerical Methods in Engineering (CMN 2015), Lisabon, Portugal (2015)
  29. Petranović, Zvonimir; Edelbauer, Wilfried; Vujanović, Milan; Duić, Neven, CFD modelling of Diesel spray and combustion using homogenous gas phase reactions within the Euler-Eulerian framework // Proceedings of the European Combustion Meeting, Budapest, Hungary (2015)
  30. Barkaoui, Alae-Eddine; Boldyryev, Stanislav; Duić, Neven; Krajačić, Goran; Guzović Zvonimir, Appropriate Integration of Geothermal Energy Sources by Pinch Approach: Case Study of Croatia // Digital Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems - SDEWES // Ban, Marko et al. (ur.). Zagreb: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, (2015)
  31. Komušanac, Ivan; Ćosić, Boris; Perković, Luka; DUić, Neven, Experience with solar-driven LiBr/H2O absorption cooling system in Vodovod Dubrovnik d.o.o. // 12. International Conference on Accomplishment in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology, Banja Luka (2015)
  32. Mikulčić, Hrvoje; von Berg, Eberhard; Vujanović, Milan; Duić, Neven, CFD modelling of biomass combustion in an experimental drop tube furnace // Digital Proceedings of the Clean Air 2015 Conference. Lisabon, Portugal, (2015)
  33. Boldyryev, Stanislav; Ćosić, Boris; Krajačić, Goran; Dominković, Dominic, F.; Štefanec, Kristjan; Duic, Neven, Pollution reduction in Croatian food industry via Total Site heat recovery // Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Sustainability Science and Engineering / Cabezas, Heriberto (ur.), 32 (2015)
  34. Mikulčić, Hrvoje; Vujanović, Milan; Wang, Xuebin; Tan, Houzhang; Duić, Neven, Modelling Wooden Biomass Combustion in an Vertical Experimental Furnace // Digital Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems - SDEWES / Ban, Marko et al. (ur.). (2015)
  35. Novosel, Tomislav; Ban, Marko; Duić, Neven; Markovska, Nataša; Borozan, Vesna; Pukšec, Tomislav; Tomić, Tihomir; Krajačić, Goran, Influence of district heating on future energy systems: Case study for the heat demand mapping and energy planning of the City of Osijek // Proceedings of 17th Symposium on Thermal Science and Engineering of Serbia. Niš, Serbia : University of Niš, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Niš, 444-451 (2015)
  36. Novosel, Tomislav; Dedinec Aleksandar; Ćosić, Boris; Markovska, Nataša; Pukšec, Tomislav; Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven, Role of district heating in energy systems with a high share of renewables – A case study for the country of Macedonia // Digital Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems - SDEWES / Ban, Marko .... [et al.] (ur.). - (ur.). (2015)
  37. Novosel, Tomislav; Pukšec, Tomislav; Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven, Role of district heating in systems with a high share of renewables: Case study for the city of Osijek // Abstract book of the International Scientific Conference CONECT 2015 / Blumberga, Dagnija ; et.all (ur.). Riga : Institute of Energy Systems and Environment, Riga Technical University, 2015. 14-14 (2015)
  38. Wang, Jin; Vujanović, Milan; Baleta, Jakov; Duić, Neven; Guzović, Zvonimir, Effects of surface deposition and droplet injection on film cooling // Digital Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems - SDEWES / Ban, Marko .... [et al.] (ur.).2015. 0283-1-0283-15 (2015)
  39. Wang, Yibin, Wang, Xuebin; Tan, Houzhang; Du, Wenzhi; Mikulčić, Hrvoje; Duić, Neven, The investigation on characterization of available salts extracted from three kinds of biomass ashes // Digital Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems - SDEWES / Ban, Marko et al. (ur.). (2015)
  40. Baleta, Jakov; Vujanović, Milan; Duić, Neven; Pachler, Klaus; Schellander, David, Improvement of the numerical framework for selective catalytic reduction applications // Proceedings of the European Combustion Meeting – 2015. Budapest, P2-65 (2015)
  41. Vujanović, Milan; Petranović, Zvonimir; Duić, Neven; Baleta, Jakov, Modelling of diesel injection process using eulerian multiphase approach // Digital Proceedings of the 9th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems - SDEWES2014 / Ban, Marko et al. (ur.), Zagreb: University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture (2014)
  42. Segurado, Raquel; Costa, Mário; Duić, Neven; Carvalho, Maria da Graça, Integrated analysis of energy and water supply in islands. Case study of S. Vicente, Cape Verde // Digital Proceedings of the 9th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems - SDEWES2014 / Ban, Marko et al. (ur.), Zagreb: University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture (2014)
  43. Novosel, Tomislav; Ćosić, Boris; Pukšec, Tomislav; Krajačić, Goran; Mustafa, Manal; Vad Mathiesen, Brian; Lund, Henrik; Duić, Neven, 100 % renewable energy systems using wind, PV and desalination: A case study for the country of Jordan // Digital Proceedings of the 9th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems - SDEWES2014 / Ban, Marko et al. (ur.), Zagreb: University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture (2014)
  44. Batas Bjelic, Ilija; Rajakovic, Nikola; Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven, Valuing the moderation options in Serbia for higher wind penetrations // Digital Proceedings of the 9th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems - SDEWES2014 / Ban, Marko et al. (ur.), Zagreb: University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture (2014)
  45. Mikulčić, Hrvoje; Cabezas, Heriberto; Vujanović, Milan; Duić, Neven, Emergy and Ecological Footprint Based Analysis of Different Cement Manufacturing Processes // Digital Proceedings of the 9th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems - SDEWES2014 / Ban, Marko et al. (ur.), Zagreb: University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture (2014)
  46. Gašparović, Goran; Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven, Sustainability of Cruise Ship Conference Tourism // Digital Proceedings of The 9th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems - SDEWES2014, Venice-Istanbul, 2014 / Ban, Marko; Duić, Neven; Markovska, Nataša; Schneider, D.R; Guzović, Zvonimir; Schlor, Holger; Ćosić, Boris; Krajačić, Goran; Perković, Luka ; Vujanović, Milan (ur.), Zagreb: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture (2014)
  47. Baleta, Jakov; Vujanović, Milan; Duić, Neven; Pachler, Klaus, Numerical modelling of film separation in CFD wall film module // Digital Proceedings of the 9th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems - SDEWES2014 / Ban, Marko .... [et al.] (ur.), Zagreb: University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture (2014)
  48. Petranović, Zvonimir; Edelbauer, Wilfried; Vujanović, Milan; Duić, Neven, The O’Rourke droplet collision model for the Euler-Eulerian framework // Proceedings of the 26th European Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems (ILASS- Europe) (2014)
  49. Mikulandrić, Robert; Goran, Krajačić, Neven, Duić, Potential of district heating systems in Eastern Europe // Digital Proceedings of the 1st South East European Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems / Ban, Marko ; Duić, Neven ; Markovska, Nataša ; Schneider, Daniel R. ; Guzović, Zvonimir ; Schlör, Holger ; Ćosić, Boris ; Krajačić, Goran ; Perković, Luka ; Vujanović Milan (ur.). - Zagreb : Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, Zagreb (2014)
  50. Markovska, Natasa; Taseska-Gjorgievska, Verica; Dedinec, Aleksandar; Obradovic Grncarovska, Teodora; Duić, Neven; Pop-Jordanov, Jordan; Kanevce, Gligor, EU 2030 climate targets - a perspective of an EU candidate country // Digital Proceedings of the 1st South East European Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems / Ban, Marko ; Duić, Neven ; Markovska, Nataša ; Schneider, Daniel R. ; Guzović, Zvonimir ; Schlör, Holger ; Ćosić, Boris ; Krajačić, Goran ; Perković, Luka ; Vujanović Milan (ur.). - Zagreb : Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, Zagreb (2014)
  51. Babak, Tatiana; Khavin, Gennadii; Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven, Possibility of heat pump use in central hot water supply system // Digital Proceedings of 1st South East European Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems - SEE SDEWES Ohrid 2014, Ban, Marko ; (ur.). Zagreb : Fakultet Strojarstva i Brodogradnje (2014)
  52. Dominković, Dominik F.; Bačelić Medić, Zlatko; Ćosić, Boris; Duić, Neven, An Optimization Model for Combining Seasonal Pit Thermal Energy Storage and Biomass Trigeneration Energy System // Digital Proceedings of 1st South East European Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems / Ban, Marko ; Duić, Neven ; Markovska, Nataša ; Schneider, Daniel R. ; Guzović, Zvonimir ; Schlör, Holger ; Ćosić, Boris ; Krajačić, Goran ; Perković, Luka ; Vujanović Milan (ur.). Zagreb : Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, Zagreb, 0210-1-0210-15 (2014)
  53. Gašparović, Goran; Prebeg, Pero; Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven, Multi-objective Long-term Optimization of Energy Systems with High Share of Renewable Energy Resources // Digital Proceedings of The 1st South East European Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems / Ban, Marko ; Duić, Neven ; Markovska, Nataša ; Schneider, D.R ; Guzović, Zvonimir ; Schlor, Holger ; Ćosić, Boris ; Krajačić, Goran ; Perković, Luka ; Vujanović, Milan (2014)
  54. Baleta, Jakov; Vujanović, Milan; Pachler, Klaus; Duić, Neven, Implementation and validation of the mathematical model of surface tension into CFD wall film module // Proceedings of the jointly organized 11th. World Congress on Computational Mechanics - WCCM XI, 5th. European Congress on Computational Mechanics - ECCM V, 6th. European Congress on Computational Fluid Dynamics - ECFD VI / Onate, Eugenio ; Oliver, Xavier ; Huerta, Antonio (ur.).
    Barcelona, Španjolska : International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE), 5249-5255 (2014)
  55. Novosel, Tomislav; Perković, Luka; Ban, Marko; Keko, Hrvoje; Pukšec, Tomislav; Krajačić Goran; Duić, Neven, Hourly transport energy demand modeling – Impact of EVs on the Croatian electricity grid // Digital Proceedings of 1st South East European Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems - SEE SDEWES Ohrid 2014 / Ban, Marko ; (ur.). Zagreb : Fakultet Strojarstva i Brodogradnje (2014)
  56. Baleta, Jakov; Vujanović, Milan; Duić, Neven; Pachler, Klaus, Modelling and implementation of surface tension effects into CFD wall film module // Digital Proceedings of the 1st South East European Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems - SEE SDEWES Ohrid 2014 / Ban, Marko .. [et al.] (ur.). Zagreb : University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, 0034-1-0034-10 (2014)
  57. Vujanović, Milan; Petranović, Zvonimir; Duić, Neven, Modelling of Hot Diesel Injection Process Using Eulerian Multiphase Method // Digital Proceedings of 1st South East European Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems - SEE SDEWES Ohrid 2014 / Ban, Marko .. [et al.] (ur.) Zagreb : Fakultet Strojarstva i Brodogradnje (2014)
  58. Mikulandrić Robert, Krajačić Goran, Duić Neven, Gennadii Khavin, Henrik Lund, Brian Vad Mathiesen, Poul Ostergaard, Performance analysis of hybrid district heating system // Proceedings of the 8th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, Dubrovnik, Croatia (2013)
  59. Katić, Katarina; Perković, Luka; Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven; Ban, Marko; Novosel, Tomislav, Application of the Four Step Model in Energy Planning of Electric Vehicles – Case study for the City of Zagreb, Croatia // Digital Proceedings of 8th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems – SDEWES Conference / Ban, Marko .. [et al.] (ur.). - Zagreb : University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture (2013)
  60. Novosel, Tomislav; Ćosić, Boris; Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven; Lund, Henrik; Mathiesen, V. Brian; Mohsen, S. Mousa; Ashhab, S. Moh'd; Ababneh, K. Amer, The desalination module in the EnergyPLAN advanced energy system analyses tool: a case study for Jordan // International Conference on Integrated Renewable Energy, Desalination and Water Supply - IREDeW, Amman, Jordan (2013)
  61. Novosel, Tomislav; Pukšec, Tomislav; Ćosić, Boris; Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven; Mohsen, S. Mousa; Ashhab, S. Moh'd; Ababneh, K. Amer, The influence of renewable energy sources on Jordan's current energy system // International Conference on Integrated Renewable Energy, Desalination and Water Supply - IREDeW, Amman, Jordan (2013)
  62. Petranović, Zvonimir; Vujanović, Milan; Duić, Neven, Modelling and Simulation of Pollutant Formation in Diesel Engines // Digital Proceedings of 8th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems / Ban, Marko, et al. (ur.). (2013)
  63. Batas Bjelić, Ilija; Skokljev, Ivan; Krajačić, Goran; Pukšec, Tomislav; Duić, Neven, Integrating consumer flexibility as virtual storage option in energy system planning // Digital Proceedings of 8th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems – SDEWES Conference / Ban, Marko .... [et al.] (ur.). - Zagreb : University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture (2013)
  64. Mikulčić, Hrvoje; von Berg, Eberhard; Vujanović, Milan; Duić, Neven, CFD Simulation of Co-combustion of Biomass and Coal in a Cement Calciner // Digital Proceedings of 8th Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, Dubrovnik, Croatia (2013)
  65. Mikulčić, Hrvoje; Vujanović, Milan; Duić, Neven, CFD Simulation of Pulverized Coal Combustion in a Cement Calciner // Digital Proceedings of 8th Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, Dubrovnik, Croatia (2013)
  66. Novosel, Tomislav; Irsag, Bojan; Pukšec, Tomislav; Duić, Neven, Economic viability of biogas plants in relation to raw material input and transportation methods // Digital Proceedings of 8th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems – SDEWES Conference / Ban, Marko .... [et al.] (ur.). - Zagreb : University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture (2013)
  67. Šare, Anamarija; Krajačić, Goran; Pukšec, Tomislav; Duić, Neven, The Impact of Electrification in the Transport Sector on the Power Curve, and the Integration of Renewable Energy Sources in to the Power Systems of the Dubrovnik Region // Digital Proceedings of 8th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems – SDEWES Conference / Ban, Marko .... [et al.] (ur.). - Zagreb : University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture (2013)
  68. Petranović, Zvonimir; Edelbauer Wilfried; Vujanović Milan; Duić Neven, Validation of Eulerian-Eulerian Approach for Diesel Sprays, and 3D Coupling with Lagrangian Spray Approach // Digital Proceedings of 25th European Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems (2013)
  69. Mikulčić, Hrvoje; von Berg, Eberhard; Vujanović, Milan; Priesching, Peter; Tatschl, Reinhard; Duić, Neven, Computational Fluid Dynamic Simulation of Wooden Biomass Combustion // Digital Proceedings of 6th European Combustion Meeting. Lund, Sweden (2013)
  70. Vujanović, Milan; Duić, Neven; Tatschl, Reinhard, Modeling of nitrogen pollutants in combustion systems // Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Process Systems Engineering (PSE ASIA), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (2013)
  71. Mikulčić, Hrvoje; von Berg, Eberhard; Vujanović, Milan; Priesching, Peter; Tatschl, Reinhard; Duić, Neven, Calcination Modelling for Cement Industry – Latest Development in FIRE // Digital Proceedings of The AVL Advanced Simulation Technologies (AST) International User Conference 2013, Graz, Austria (2013)
  72. Baleta, Jakov; Pachler, Klaus; Vujanović, Milan; Duić, Neven, Numerical investigation of wallfilm formation for SCR applications // Digital Proceedings of 8th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems – SDEWES Conference, 2013. / Ban, Marko .... [et al.] (ur.). Zagreb : University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, 0270-1.-0270-16 (2013)
  73. Batas Bjelić, Ilija; Rajaković, Nikola; Ćosić, Boris; Duić, Neven, Feasibility of Serbian renewable energy policy in reaching EU2020 goals // Digital Proceedings of 8th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems – SDEWES Conference / Ban, Marko .... [et al.] (ur.). Zagreb : University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture 0248-1-0248-10 (2013)
  74. Cerovac, Tin; Ćosić, Boris; Pukšec, Tomislav; Duić, Neven, Advanced System Analysis Using Scenario Approach – the Case Study of Croatia // Digital Proceedings of 8th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems – SDEWES Conference / Ban, Marko .... [et al.] (ur.). Zagreb : University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture 0474-1-0474-14 (2013)
  75. Ćosić, Boris; Krajačić, Goran; Markovska, Natasa; Batas Bjelić, Ilija; Rajaković, Nikola; Duić, Neven, 100% Renewable Energy Solutions for Regions: the Case of South East Europe // Energija, ekologija, ekonomija. Beograd (2013)
  76. Ćosić, Boris; Maršić, Tomislav; Krajačić, Goran; Markovska, Natasa; Batas Bjelić, Ilija, Gota, Dan-Ioan; Hasović, Zihnija; Rajaković, Nikola; Duić, Neven, The Effect of Regionally Integrated Energy Systems on CO2 Emissions Reduction and Wind Integration: the Case of South East Europe // Conference Proceedings of 6th International conference on sustainable Energy and Environmental Protection. Maribor, 161-169 (2013)
  77. Ćosić, Boris; Pfeifer, Antun; Duić, Neven, Energy System Planning With a High Share of Renewable Energy Sources: the Case Study of Bosnia and Herzegovina // Proceedings DEMI 2013 / Golubović Bugarski, Valentina (ur.).
    Banja Luka : Faculty of Mechanical Engineering 649-656 (2013)
  78. Goran Gašparović, Goran Krajačić, Anamarija Šare, Neven Duić, Advanced modelling of an electric vehicle module in the H2RES energy planning software // Digital Proceedings of The 8th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems in SDEWES Conference / M. Ban, N. Duić, Z. Guzović, N. Markovska, D.R. Schneider, J.J. Klemes, P. Varbanov, A. Ababneh, P.A. Ostergaard, D. Connolly, V. Kafarov, G. Krajačić, H. Lund, B. Vad Mathiesen, M. Mohsen, B. Moller, L. Perković, S.K. Sikdar, M. Vujanović (ur.). Zagreb (2013)
  79. Mustafa, Manal; Novosel, Tomislav; Gašparović, Goran; Duić, Neven; Krajačić, Goran, Desalination and Water Storage Modeling in H2RES Energy Planning Model // Digital Proceedings of 8th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems – SDEWES Conference / Ban, Marko (ur.). Zagreb : University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture (2013)
  80. Novosel, Tomislav; Ćosić, Boris; Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven; Mohsen, Mousa; Ashhab, Sami; Ababneh, Amer, Potential for the penetration of renewable energy sources in Jordan’s energy system // CAPE FORUM 2013 Book of Abstracts / Narodoslawsky, Michael ; Niemetz, Nora (ur.). Graz : Graz University of Technology, 28-28 (2013)
  81. Novosel, Tomislav; Ćosić, Boris; Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven; Mohsen, S. Mousa; Ashhab, S. Moh'd; Ababneh, K. Amer, The Influence of Renewable Energy Sources and Energy Storage Technologies on Fuel Consumption in Jordan // Digital Proceedings of 8th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems – SDEWES Conference / Ban, Marko .... [et al.] (ur.). Zagreb : University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, 0292-1-0292-11 (2013)
  82. Perković, Luka; Ban, Marko; Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven, Receding horizon model predictive control for smart management of microgrids under the day-ahead electricity market // Digital Proceedings of 8th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems – SDEWES Conference / Ban, Marko .... [et al.] (ur.). - Zagreb : University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture (2013)
  83. Philipp Petruschke, Goran Gašparović, Philip Voll, Goran Krajačić, Neven Duić, Andre Bardow, RenewIslands meets optimization: Efficient synthesis of renewable energy systems // Digital Proceedings of The 8th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems in SDEWES Conference / M. Ban, N. Duić, Z. Guzović, N. Markovska, D.R. Schneider, J.J. Klemes, P. Varbanov, A. Ababneh, P.A. Ostergaard, D. Connolly, V. Kafarov, G. Krajačić, H. Lund, B. Vad Mathiesen, M. Mohsen, B. Moller, L. Perković, S.K. Sikdar, M. Vujanović (ur.). Zagreb (2013)
  84. Pukšec, Tomislav; Mathiesen, Brian Vad; Novosel, Tomislav; Duić, Neven, Energy demand modelling and GHG emission reduction: case study Croatia // Digital Proceedings of 8th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems – SDEWES Conference / Ban, Marko ; [et al] (ur.). (2013)
  85. Ćosić, Boris; Bačelić, Zlatko; Duić, Neven. 100% Renewable Energy Systems of Islands: the Case of Island of Hvar // Proceedings of the 5th International Forum on Renewable Energy Sources / Iljaš, Branko (ur.). Zagreb : Energetika Marketing d.o.o., (2012)
  86. Schneider, Daniel Rolph; Sanopoulos, Dimitris; Mohsen, Mousa; Vad Mathiesen, Brian; Voutetakis, Paris; Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven. Improving capacity of Jordanian Research in Integrated Renewable Energy and Water supply – JoRIEW project // Proceedings of 7th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems – SDEWES Conference / Ban, Marko ; Duić, Neven ; Guzović, Zvonimir ; Klemeš, Jiri Jaromir ; Markovska, Nataša ; Schneider, Daniel Rolph ; Varbanov, Petar ; Krajačić, Goran (ur.). Skopje : Grafotisok, Skopje, Macedonia, (2012)
  87. Boldyryev, Stanislav O.; Kapustenko, Petro; Duic, Neven, Analysis of more efficient and sustainable future district heating networks // Digital Proceedings of The 7th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems – SDEWES Conference, Ohrid, Macedonia (2012)
  88. Bačelić Medić, Zlatko; Pukšec, Tomislav; Mathiesen, Brian Vad; Duić, Neven, Modelling energy demand of Croatian industry sector // Digital Proceedings of The 7th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems – SDEWES Conference, Ohrid, Macedonia (2012)
  89. Mikulčić, Hrvoje; Markovska, Nataša; Vujanović, Milan; Filkoski, Risto V.; Ban, Marko; Duić, Neven, Potential for CO2 emission reduction in the cement industry // Digital Proceedings of The 7th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems – SDEWES Conference, Ohrid, Macedonia (2012)
  90. Pukšec, Tomislav; Lulić, Zoran; Mathiesen, Brian Vad; Duić, Neven, Energy Policy and Long Term Energy Demand of a Transport Sector: Case Study Croatia //Digital Proceedings of The 7th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems – SDEWES Conference, Ohrid, Macedonia (2012)
  91. Ban, Marko; Perković, Luka; Duić Neven, Mapping the High Altitude Wind Energy in Southeast Europe // Digital proceedings of SDEWES2012 Conference / Ban, Marko ; Duić, Neven ; Guzović, Zvonimir ; Klemeš, Jiri Jaromir ; Markovska, Nataša ; Schneider, Daniel R. ; Varbanov P., Zagreb : Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, 2012. 0045-1-0045-9, Ohrid, Macedonia (2012)
  92. Batas, B. Ilija; Rajaković, Nikola; Ćosić, Boris; Duić, Neven, Optimal wind power generation in existing Serbian power system // Proceedings of 7th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems – SDEWES Conference / Ban, Marko ... [et al.] Skopje : Grafotisok, Skopje, Macedonia (2012)
  93. Ćosić, Boris; Krajačić, Goran; Markovska, Nataša; Duić, Neven; Batas, B. Ilija, Regional Approach for a 100% Renewable Energy Systems: The Case of South East Europe // Proceedings of 7th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems – SDEWES Conference / Ban, Marko ... [et al.] Skopje : Grafotisok, Skopje, Macedonia (2012)
  94. Novosel, Tomislav; Ćosić, Boris; Krajačić, Goran; Mohsen, S. Mousa; Duić, Neven, Integration of Renewables and Water Supply: the Case of Jordan // 2nd International 100% Renewable Energy Conference and Exhibition (IRENEC2012) Proceedings / Uyar, T. S. ; Saglam, M. ; Sulukan, E.; 338-343., Istanbul, Turkey (2012)
  95. Mikulčić, Hrvoje; von Berg, Eberhard; Vujanović, Milan; Priesching, Peter; Tatschl, Reinhard; Duić, Neven, Numerical modelling of pulverized coal combustion for a cleaner cement production // Digital Proceedings of the 34th International Symposium on Combustion (2012)
  96. Novosel, Tomislav; Ćosić, Boris; Krajačić, Goran; Mohsen, S. Mousa; Duić, Neven, The importance of Jordan’s Red Sea-Dead Sea project for the integration of high share of intermittent renewable energy sources // Proceedings of 7th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems – SDEWES Conference / Ban, Marko ... [et al.] Skopje : Grafotisok, Skopje, Macedonia (2012)
  97. Mikulčić, Hrvoje; von Berg, Eberhard; Vujanović, Milan; Priesching, Peter; Tatschl, Reinhard; Duić, Neven, CFD Analysis of a Cement Calciner for a Cleaner Cement Production // PRES 2011 Conference, Prague, Czech Republic (2012.)
  98. Pukšec, Tomislav; Duić, Neven, Energy policy and long term energy demand in Croatian households sector // 20. Forum of Croatian Energy Society, Zagreb, Croatia (2011)
  99. Ban, Marko; Krajačić, Goran; Grozdek, Marino; Ćurko, Tonko; Duić, Neven, The Role of Cool Thermal Energy Storage in Integration of Renewable Energy Sources and Peak Load Reduction // Digital Proceedings of 6th Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems / Ban, Marko ; Duić, Neven ; Guzović, Zvonimir (ur.). Zagreb : Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, Zagreb, Croatia (2011)
  100. Ćosić, Boris; Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven, Towards 100% renewable energy system: the case of Macedonia // Digital Proceedings of 6th Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems / Ban, Marko ; Duić, Neven ; Guzović, Zvonimir (ur.) Zagreb : Printera, Dubrovnik, Croatia (2011)
  101. Ćosić, Boris; Markovska, Nataša; Taseska, Verica; Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven, Improving the RES absorption capacity of the Macedonian energy system // Proceedings of 24th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems / Milorad Bojic ... [et al.] (ur.) 2556-2564.., Niš, Serbia (2011)
  102. Irsag, Bojan; Pukšec, Tomislav; Duić, Neven, Long term energy demand projection and potential for energy savings of Croatian tourist-catering trade sector // 6th Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems / Ban, Marko ; Guzović, Zvonimir ; Duić, Neven (ur.) Zagreb : Printera, Dubrovnik, Croatia (2011)
  103. Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven; Lončar, Dražen; Raguzin, Igor, Large Scale Integration of Wind Energy by Financial Mechanisms for Support of Pumped Hydro Storage Installations // Digital Proceedings of 6th Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems / Ban, Marko ; Duić, Neven ; Guzović, Zvonimir (ur.) Zagreb : Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, Zagreb, Croatia (2011)
  104. Krajačić, Goran; Šakić, Nikola; Duić, Neven; Lončar, Dražen, Prediction of Wind Power Plants Energy Production by use of the Publicly Available Wind Measurement Data // Digital Proceedings of 6th Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems / Ban, Marko ; Duić, Neven ; Guzović, Zvonimir (ur.) Zagreb : Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, Zagreb, Croatia (2011)
  105. Mikulčić, Hrvoje; Minić, Ivica; von Berg, Eberhard; Fidaros, Dimitris K.; Vujanović, Milan; Priesching, Peter; Tatschl, Reinhard; Duić, Neven; Stefanović, Gordana, Reducing CO2 emissions in cement industry – the calcination model // Proceedings of ECOS 2011 - The 24th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, Novi Sad, Serbia (2011)
  106. Mikulčić, Hrvoje; von Berg, Eberhard; Vujanović, Milan; Priesching, Peter; Tatschl, Reinhard; Duić, Neven, CFD simulation of calcination process for cement production - model implementation and validation // Proceedings of 9th European Conference on Industrial Furnaces and Boilers, Estoril, Portugal (2011)
  107. Mikulčić, Hrvoje; von Berg, Eberhard; Vujanović, Milan; Priesching, Peter; Tatschl, Reinhard; Duić, Neven, Numerical Modelling of Calcination Reaction Mechanism // Proceedings of 5th European Combustion Meeting, Cardiff, Wales, UK (2011)
  108. Mikulčić, Hrvoje; Vujanović, Milan; Duić, Neven, Reducing the CO2 emissions in Croatia’s cement industry – the pre-calciner model // Book of Abstracts 6th Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, (Digital Proceedings), Dubrovnik, Croatia (2011)
  109. Pavković, Dragomir; Pukšec, Tomislav; Duić, Neven, Energy demand modelling for the Croatian education sector // 21 st. International Symposium on Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning / Andrassy, Mladen (ur.), 44-45., Zagreb : Energetika Marketing d.o.o., Zagreb, Croatia (2011)
  110. Pukšec, Tomislav; Mathiesen Vad, Brian; Duić Neven, Potentials for energy savings and long term energy demands for Croatian households sector // 6th Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems / Ban, Marko ; Guzović, Zvonimir ; Duić, Neven (ur.) Zagreb : Printera, Dubrovnik, Croatia (2011)
  111. Pukšec, Tomislav; Mathiesen, Brian Vad; Duić Neven, Long term energy demand projections for Croatian transport sector // The 24th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems - ECOS 2011 / Milorad Boić ; Noam Lior ; Jovan Petrović ; Gordana Stefanović ; Vladimir Stefanović (ur.) Novi Sad, Niš: Linija projekt (2011)
  112. Ćosić, Boris; Markovska, Natasa; Taseska, Verica; Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven, The Potential of GHG Emissions Reduction in Macedonia by Renewable Electricity // PRES 2011 Conference, Florence, Italy (2011)
  113. Sanopoulos, Dimitris; Ćosić, Boris; Mohsen, S. Mousa; Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven. Renewable Energy Solutions for the Regions: Integrated Approach to Energy and Water Systems // Proceedings, Vol.3 / Lekkas, T.D. (ur.). Atena : Global-NEST, 1623-1631 (2011)
  114. Pukšec, Tomislav; Duić, Neven, Geographic distribution and economic potential of biogas from Croatian farming sector // PRES 2011 Conference, Florence, Italy (2011)
  115. Duić, Neven; Krajačić, Goran; Mathiesen, Brian Vad; Carvalho, Maria da Graça, Smart energy storages for integration of renewables in 100% independent energy systems // PRES 2010 Conference, Prague, Czech Republic (2010)
  116. Ćosić, Boris; Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven, Estimation of Used Cooking Oil Potential for Biofuels Production in Republic of Croatia // Energy and the Environment 2010 / Franković, Bernard (ur.).
    Rijeka : Croatian Solar Energy Association, 163-170., Rijeka, Croatia (2010)
  117. Ćosić, Boris; Stanić, Zoran; Duić, Neven, Technical potential and geographic distribution of biomass for energy use: A case study of Croatia // Sustainable Development and Climate Change / Stefanović, Gordana (ur.), 68-73., Niš, Serbia (2010)
  118. Ćosić, Boris; Stojanović, Branislav; Stefanović, Gordana; Duić, Neven, Potential, regional distribution and the cost of delivered biomass at the power plant location: A case study of the Republic of Serbia // Sustainable Development and Climate Change / Stefanović, Gordana (ur.),43-48., Niš, Serbia (2010)
  119. Martins, Rui; Alves, Luis; Krajačić, Goram; Duić, Neven, The Use of Hydrogen to Store Energy in Islands: the Porto Santo Island H2RES System // Conference Proceedings of the 8th Hypothesis Conference, Lisabon, Portugal (2009)
  120. Ban, Marko; Priesching, Peter; Duić, Neven, 3D Simulation of N-heptane Ignition Using ECFM-3Z Combustion Model and Pre-tabulated Ignition Data // Conference Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Modelling Fluid Flow / Vad, J (ur.).Budimpešta : Budapest Univeristy of Technology and Economics, 627-632., Budapest, Hungary (2009)
  121. Ćosić, Boris; Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven, Biofuels Improving Sustainability of Transport in Croatian Tourist Resorts // 14. Symposium of Thermal Engineers of Serbia, Sokobanja, Serbia (2009)
  122. Ćosić, Boris; Duić, Neven; Stanić, Zoran, Geographic distribution of economic potential of agricultural and forest biomass residual for energy use in Croatia // Digital Proceedings of the 5th Dubrovnik Proceedings of the 5th Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, Dubrovnik, Croatia (2009)
  123. Duić, Neven; Segurado, Raquel; Alves, Luis Manuel; Krajačić, Goran, Integrated energy and water planning on an arid island, case of S. Vicente, Cape Verde // ICEGES 2009 - International Conference and Exhibition on Green Energy & Sustainability for Arid Region & Mediterranean Countries, Amman, Jordan (2009)
  124. Kazagić, Anes; Smajević, Izet; Duić, Neven, Selection of Sustainable Technologies for Combustion of Bosnian Coals // Digital Proceedings of the 5th Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, Dubrovnik, Croatia (2009)
  125. Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven; Carvalho, Maria da Graça, How to achive 100% RES Electricity Supply for Portugal? // Digital Proceedings of the 5th Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, Dubrovnik, Croatia (2009)
  126. Lončar, Dražen; Duić, Neven; Bogdan, Željko, Technical and economic potential of small and micro-cogeneration systems in residential and tertiary sector in Croatia // Digital Proceedings of the 5th Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, Dubrovnik, Croatia (2009)
  127. Pukšec, Tomislav; Duić, Neven, Biogas potential in Croatian farming sector // Digital Proceedings of the 5th Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, Dubrovnik, Croatia (2009)
  128. Segurado, Raquel; Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven; Alves, Luis Manuel, Increasing the penetration of renewable energy resources in S. Vicente, Cape Verde // Digital Proceedings of the 5th Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, Dubrovnik, Croatia (2009)
  129. Kirac, Mislav; Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven, Planning energy sector development in Croatian agricultural sector following guidelines of the European Energy Policy "20-20-20" (in Croatian) // Zbornik radova 18. Forum: Energy day in Croatia, Zagreb, Croatia (2009)
  130. Krajačić, Goran; Mathiesen, Brian Vad; Duić, Neven; Carvalho, Maria da Graça, The role of energy storages in energy independent Croatia // Zbornik radova 18. Forum: Energy day in Croatia, Zagreb, Croatia (2009)
  131. Martins, Rui; Krajačić, Goran; Alves, Luis Manuel; Duić, Neven; Azevedo, Toste; Carvalho, Maria da Graça, Energy Storage in Islands - Modelling Porto Santo’ s Hydrogen System // PRES 2009 Conference, Rome, Italy (2009)
  132. Perković, Luka; Baburić, Mario; Priesching, Peter; Duić, Neven, CFD Simulation of Methane Jet Burner // Proceedings 4th European Combustion Meeting (CD), P810270-P810270, Wien, Austria (2009)
  133. Ćosić, Boris; Duić, Neven, Mapping of Agricultural and Wood Biomass Potential in Croatia // Održivi razvoj i klimatske promene / Stefanović, Gordana ; Živković, Nenad (ur.). 185-189., Niš, , grafika GALEB, Niš, Serbia (2008)
  134. Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven; Zoulias, Manos; Coroyannakis, Panos; Panteri, Eirini; Tsikalakis, Antonis, Addressing barriers to Storage technologies for increasing the penetration of Intermittent Energy Source - STORIES project (in Croatian) // Zbornik radova 8. međunarodnog znanstveno-stručnog savjetovanja Energetska i procesna postrojenja i 3. međunarodnog foruma o obnovljivim izvorima energije / Iljaš, Branko (ur.). Zagreb : Energetika - Marketing, Dubrovnik, Croatia (2008)
  135. Perković, Luka; Greif, David; Tatschl, Reinhard; Priesching, Peter; Duić, Neven, 3D CFD Calculation of Injector Nozzle Model Flow for Standard and Alternative Fuels // Proceedings of Fifth International Conference on Transport Phenomena In Multiphase Systems, Bialystok, Poland (2008)
  136. Pukšec, Tomislav; Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven, CO2 reduction potential in Croatian dairy farming sector // Energija i okoliš 2008 / Franković, Bernard (ur.). 101-109., Rijeka : Tisak Zambelli, Rijeka, Croatia (2008)
  137. Vujanović, Milan; Edelbauer, Wilfried; Von Berg, Eberhard; Tatschl, Reinhard; Duić, Neven, Enhancement and validation of an Eulerian Eulerian approach for Diesel Sprays // CD Proceedings of 22nd European Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems ILASS 2008, Como Lake, Italy (2008)
  138. Duić, Neven; Schneider, Daniel Rolph; Raguzin, Igor; Krajačić, Goran; Lončar, Dražen; Bogdan, Željko, Renewable energy policy in Croatia // CD Proceedings of 9th IAEE European Energy Conference, Florence, Italy (2007)
  139. Stefanović, Gordana; Trajanović, Miroslav; Duić, Neven; Ferk, Martina, Pollution data tracking in the Western Balkan Countries: A state-of-th-art review // CD Proceedings of 4th Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment System / Guzović, Zvonimir (ur.) Zagreb : FSB, Dubrovnik, Croatia (2007)
  140. Ban, Marko; Duić, Neven; Priesching, Peter, Optimization of Diesel Autoignition Tabulation Procedures for AVL Code "Fire" // CD Proceedings - ECCOMAS CFD 2006, Egmond aan Zee, Netherlands (2006)
  141. Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven; Carvalho, Maria da Graça, Advanced Decentralized Energy Generation a Step Towards Sustainable Development of Croatian Islands // ECOS 2006, Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, 1275-1282., Aghia Pelagia, Crete, Greece (2006)
  142. Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven, Energy planning of the island of Mljet in the context of maximization of renewable energy sources (in Croatian) // CD Proc. of the Energetska i procesna postrojenja, Energetika marketing, Dubrovnik, Croatia (2006) 
  143. Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven; Carvalho, Maria da Graça, Maximization of Renewable Energy Sources in Energy Supply of the Island of Mljet // ENERGEX 2006, The 11th International Energy Conference and Exhibition, Stavanger, Norway (2006)
  144. Schneider, Daniel Rolph; Ban, Marko; Duić, Neven; Bogdan, Željko, Croatia´s RES potential for Decentralized Power Production // Proceedings of the 6th Balkan Power Conference, Ohrid, Macedonia (2006)
  145. Vujanović, Milan; Baburić, Mario; Duić, Neven; Priesching, Peter; Tatschl, Reinhard, Application of Reduced Mechanisms for Nitrogen Chemistry in Numerical Simulation of a Turbulent Non-Premixed Flame // Conference Proceeding: Modelling Fluid Flow, 916-922., Budapest, Hungary (2006)
  146. Fernandes, Tomas Rei; Yetano Roche, Maria; Hugh, Michael John; Duić, Neven; Gonçalves, Gonçalo; Carvalho, Maria da Graça, A Discussion on the Potential for the Development of Hydrogen as an Energy Carrier in Portugal // CD Proc. of the CLEANAIR 2005, 8th International Conference on Energy for a Clean Environment, Lisbon, Portugal (2005)
  147. Baburić, Mario; Tatschl, Reinhard; Duić, Neven, Numerical Simulation of Jet Diffusion Flames with Radiative Heat Transfer Modeling // CD Proc. of 2005 ASME Summer Heat Transfer Conference, HT2005-72419, San Francisco, CA, (2005)
  148. Vujanović, Milan; Baburić, Mario; Schneider, Daniel Rolph; Duić, Neven; Priesching, Peter; Tatschl, Reinhard, User Function Approach in Modelling of Nitrogen Oxides in Commercial CFD Code FIRE // CD Proc. of the ECOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Combustion, Lisbon, Portugal (2005)
  149. Sanopoulos, Dimitrios; Duić, Neven, Development of Environmental Guidelines for the Region of Western Balkans // CD Proc. of the 3rd Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, Dubrovnik, Croatia (2005)
  150. Ban, Marko; Duić, Neven; Priesching, Peter, Simulation of soot formation and analysis of the "Advanced soot model" parameters in an internal combustion engine // CD Proc. of the 3nd Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, Dubrovnik, Croatia (2005)
  151. Vujanović, Milan; Schneider, Daniel Rolph; Baburić, Mario; Duić, Neven; Priesching, Peter; Tatschl, Reinhard, A comprehensive modelling of NOx formation in combustion systems based on reduced chemical reaction mechanisms // CD Proc. of the 3nd Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, Dubrovnik, Croatia (2005)
  152. Lund, Henrik; Duić, Neven; Krajačić, Goran; Carvalho, Maria da Graça, Two Sustainable Energy System Analysis Models. A comparison of methodologies and results // CD Proc. of the 3nd Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, Dubrovnik, Croatia (2005)
  153. Duić, Neven; Fonseca, José Pedro; Carvalho, Maria da Graça, Increasing the Penetration of Renewable Energy by Merging Energy and Water Supply Systems: case study Corvo Island, Azores // CD Proc. of the 3rd Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, Dubrovnik, Croatia (2005)
  154. Schneider, Daniel Rolph; Duić, Neven; Bogdan, Željko; Ban, Marko; Grubor, Borislav; Stefanović, Predrag; Dakić, Dragoljub; Repić, Branislav; Stevanović, Žarko; Žbogar, Ana; Studović, Maja; Nemoda, Stevan; Oka, Nikola; Đurović, Dejan; Kadić, Nikola; Bakić, Vukman; Belošević, Srdjan; Erić, Aleksandar; Mladenović, Rastko; Paprika, Milijana; Delalić, Nijaz; Lekić, Alija; Bajramović, Rasim; Teskeredžić, Armin; Smajević, Izet; Džaferović, Ejub; Begić, Fajik; Lulić, Haris; Metović, Sađit; Petrović, Semin; Đugum, Adnan; Kadrić, Džana; Hodžić, Nihad; Kulić, Fahrudin; Kazagić, Anes; Gafić, Admir, Mapping the potential for Decentralised Energy Generation based on RES in Western Balkans // CD Proc. of the 3nd Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, Dubrovnik, Croatia (2005)
  155. Žilić, Tihomir; Lončar, Dražen; Duić, Neven, Determining purchase price of electrical energy coming from industrial cogeneration plants (in Croatian) // Proc. of the 6th Int. symposium Power and Process Plants, Dubrovnik, Croatia (2004)
  156. Duić, Neven; Krajačić, Goran; Lerer, Maria; Firak, Mihajlo; Carvalho, Maria da Graça, Hydrogen from Renewable Energy as Energy Carrier in Island Energy Supply // Proceedings of the Energy and Environment, 2004, 149-158., Opatija, Croatia (2004)
  157. Baburić, Mario; Raulot, Alexandre; Schneider, Daniel Rolph; Priesching, Peter; Wiesler, Bruno; Tatschl, Reinhard; Duić, Neven, Radiation and non-premixed combustion modelling in SWIFT - latest developments // CD ROM Proceedings of International User Meeting 2003, Advanced Simulation Technologies, Graz, Austria (2003)
  158. Baburić, Mario; Raulot, Alexandre; Coelho, Pedro J.; Duić, Neven, Application of the conservative discrete transfer radiation method to a furnace with complex geometry // CD Proceedings of a Symposium organised by the International Centre for Heat and Mass Transfer, Kirkenes-Bergen, Norway (2004) 
  159. Baburić, Mario; Schneider, Daniel Rolph; Duić, Neven; Basara, Branislav; Priesching, Peter; Tatschl, Reinhard, Steady laminar flamelet concept and hybrid turbulence modelling strategy applied on numerical simulation of a turbulent piloted jet diffusion flame // Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Trends in Numerical and Physical Modelling of Turbulent Processes in Gas Turbine Combustors (and Automotive Engines), 45-51., Heidelberg, Germany (2004) 
  160. Lerer, Maria; Duić, Neven; Alves, Luis Manuel; Carvalho, Maria da Graça, H2RES, Energy Planning Tool for Increasing the Penetration of Renewable Energy Sources in Island Energy Supply // CD Proceedings of the International Conference on New and Renewable Energy Technologies for Sustainable Development, Evora, Portugal (2004)
  161. Vujanović, Milan; Duić, Neven, Numerical simulation of flow in a complex geometry of the Heat Recovery Steam Generator (in Croatian) // Proc. of the 6th Int. symposium Power and Process Plants, Dubrovnik, Croatia (2004)
  162. Baburić, Mario; Duić, Neven; Raulot, Alexandre; Tatschl, Reinhard; Wiesler, Bruno: Accurate Discrete Transfer Radiation Modelling in Industrial Furnaces - a Validation Study // Proceedings of the Conference on MODELLING FLUID FLOW 2003, 262-268., Budapest, Hungary (2003)
  163. Baburić, Mario; Schneider, Daniel Rolph; Bogdan, Željko; Duić, Neven: User Functions as a Development Tool in Commercial CFD Environments // CD Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, HEFAT2003, Livingstone, Victoria Falls, Zambia (2003)
  164. Baburić, Mario; Raulot, Alexandre; Duić, Neven: Implementation of Discrete Transfer Radiation Method into SWIFT CFD Code // CD Proceedings of 11th Symposium of Thermal Engineers from Serbia and Montenegro, Energy, Energy Efficient and Ecologically Acceptable Processes in Thermal, Chemical and Process Engineering, Zlatibor, Serbia (2003) 
  165. Duić, Neven; Carvalho, Maria da Graça: Increasing the Renewable Energy Penetration by Hydrogen Energy Storage in Isolated Energy Systems // CD Proceedings of 11th Symposium of Thermal Engineers from Serbia and Montenegro, Energy, Energy Efficient and Ecologically Acceptable Processes in Thermal, Chemical and Process Engineering, Zlatibor, Serbia (2003)
  166. Duić, Neven; Carvalho, Maria da Graça: Increasing the Penetration of Intermittent Renewable Energy Sources in Island Energy Supply // CD Proc. of the 2nd Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, Dubrovnik, Croatia (2003)
  167. Lipošćak, Marko; Afgan, Naim; Duić, Neven; Carvalho, Maria da Graça: Sustainability assessment of co-generation sector development in Croatia // CD Proc. of the 2nd Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, Dubrovnik, Croatia (2003)
  168. Lipošćak, Marko; Curto, Paolo; Duić, Neven; Carvalho, Maria da Graça: Feasibility of Microcogeneration Plant Installation: Portuguese Legal Framework Implemented in Croatian Circumstances // CD Proc. of the CLEANAIR 2003, 7th International Conference on Energy for a Clean Environment, Lisbon, Portugal (2003)
  169. Schneider, Daniel Rolph; Duić, Neven; Bogdan, Željko: Emission optimisation of a CHP plant // CD Proc. of the CLEANAIR 2003, 7th International Conference on Energy for a Clean Environment, Lisbon, Portugal (2003)
  170. Adum, Boris; Duić, Neven: The influence of household thermal insulation on the fulfilment of Kyoto protocol obligations (In Croatian) // Proc. of the 17th International Symposium of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning INTERKLIMA 2003, 351-373., Zagreb, Croatia (2003)
  171. Lipošćak, Marko; Petrić, Hrvoje; Lončar, Dražen; Duić, Neven; Bogdan, Željko: Model of technoeconomic analysis of microcogeneration plant in residential sector // Proc. of the 17th International Symposium of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning INTERKLIMA 2003, 307-349., Zagreb, Croatia (2003)
  172. Duić, Neven; Alves, Luis Manuel; Carvalho, Maria da Graça: Optimising the Integration of Hydrogen Usage with Intermittent Energy Sources // CD Proc. of the International Conference on New and Renewable Technologies for Sustainable Development, 15 pp., Ponta Delgada, Azores, Portugal (2002) Full paperPresentation
  173. Costa, Anildo; Gonçalves, Gonçalo; Duić, Neven; Carvalho, Maria da Graça: End-Use Versus Supply Side Approach for GHG Reduction in SIDS. Case Study: Cape Verde Islands // CD Proc. of the International Conference on New and Renewable Technologies for Sustainable Development, 17 pp., Ponta Delgada, Azores, Portugal (2002) Full paper
  174. Rei, Patricia; Fonseca, José Pedro; Duić, Neven; Carvalho, Maria da Graça: Integration of Renewable Energy Sources and Hydrogen Storage in the Azores Archipelago // CD Proc. of the International Conference on New and Renewable Technologies for Sustainable Development, 24 pp., Ponta Delgada, Azores, Portugal (2002) Full paperPresentation
  175. Duić, Neven; Juretić, Franjo; Zeljko, Mladen; Bogdan, Željko: Kyoto Protocol Objectives in Croatia Energy Planning: Nuclear Scenario // Proc. of the 4th International Conference Nuclear Option in Countries with Small and Medium Electricity Grids, 10 pp., Dubrovnik, Croatia (2002) Full paperPresentation
  176. Baburić, Mario; Bogdan, Željko; Duić, Neven: A New Approach to CFD Research: Combining AVL's Fire Code with User Combustion Model // Proc. of the 24th International Conference Information Technology Interfaces, 383-388., Cavtat, Croatia (2002) Full paper
  177. Duić, Neven; Jureković, Tomislav; Carvalho, Maria da Graça; Bogdan, Željko: Comparison of Liberalization of Electricity Market in Portugal and Croatia (in Croatian) // Proc. of the 5th Int. symposium Power and Process Plants,10 pp., Dubrovnik, Croatia (2002) Full paperPresentation
  178. Duić, Neven; Jureković, Tomislav; Carvalho, Maria da Graça: Effects of liberalising the Portuguese energy market (in Croatian) // Proc. of the HED Forum 2001 - 10th Forum - Energy Day in Croatia, Liberalisation and privatisation of energy sector in economies in transition and European Union - experiences and perspectives, 83-97., Zagreb, Croatia (2001) Full paper Presentation
  179. Duić, Neven; Alves, Luis Manuel; Carvalho, Maria da Graça: Potential of Kyoto Protocol Clean Development Mechanism in Transfer of Energy Technologies to Developing Countries // Internet Proc. Congress Papers of the 18th World Energy Congress Full paper, 18th World Energy Congress, 16pp., Buenos Aires, Argentina (2001) Full paper Presentation
  180. Duić, Neven; Carvalho, Maria da Graça: Experiences and plans of Portugal in developing energy markets (in Croatian) // Proc. of the HED Forum 2000 - 9th Forum - Energy Day in Croatia, Restructuring, privatisation and market changes of energy systems, 177-189., Zagreb, Croatia (2000) Full paper Presentation
  181. Duić, Neven; Alves, Luis Manuel; Carvalho, Maria da Graça: Kyoto protocol objectives by promoting the technology transfer to small island developing countries: Santo Antao, Cape Verde // CD Proc. of the New and Renewable Technologies for Sustainable Development, 9pp., Funchal, Madeira, (2000) Full paper Presentation
  182. Duić, Neven; Juretić, Franjo; Zeljko, Mladen; Bogdan, Željko: Kyoto Protocol Objectives in Croatia Energy Planning // CD Proc. of the New and Renewable Technologies for Sustainable Development, 9pp., Funchal, Madeira, Portugal (2000) Full paper Presentation
  183. Schneider, Daniel Rolph; Duić, Neven; Bogdan, Željko: SO3 Reduction in the 210 MW Oli-fired Power Plant Sisak // Proc. of the 5th European Conference on Industrial Furnaces and Boilers, 6pp., Espinho-Porto, Portugal (2000) Full paper
  184. Duić, Neven; Bogdan, Željko: Modeling of Pollutants Formation in Gas Fired Furnaces // Proc. of the Optimisation of Thermotechnical and Thermoenergy Systems, 363-374., Opatija, Croatia (1998) Full paper
  185. Bogdan, Željko; Schneider, Daniel Rolph; Duić, Neven: Influence of burner load distribution on furnace behavior // Proc. of the 4th European Conference on Industrial Furnaces and Boilers, 6pp., Espinho-Porto, Portugal (1997) Full paper
  186. Bogdan, Željko; Schneider, Daniel Rolph; Duić, Neven: Influence of burner inclination on furnace behavior // Proc. of the 19th International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces, 409-414., Porto, Portugal (1997)
  187. Coelho, Pedro J.; Duić, Neven; Carvalho, Maria da Graça: Application of a domain decomposition technique to the mathematical modelling of a solid fuel combustion chamber of a ramjet // ICAS Proc. of the 20th Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences, 2000-2007, Sorrento, Naples, Italy (1996)
  188. Schneider, Daniel Rolph; Duić, Neven; Bogdan, Željko: Application of Monte Carlo method to the radiative heat transfer medeling in a boiler furnace (in Croatian) // Proc. of the Energetska i procesna postrojenja, Energetika marketing, 259-264., Dubrovnik, Croatia (1996)
  189. Duić, Neven; Schneider, Daniel Rolph; Bogdan, Željko: Sensitivity analyses of the additive correction multigrid method applied to furnace modeling // Proc. of the 18th International Conference Information Technology Interfaces '96, 383-392., Pula, Croatia (1996)
  190. Bogdan, Željko; Duić, Neven; Schneider, Daniel Rolph: Three-dimensional simulation of the performance of an oil-fired combustion chamber // Proc. of the 2nd European Thermal Sciences & 14th UIT National Heat Transfer Conference, 1493-1498., Rome, Italy (1996)
  191. Coelho, Pedro J.; Lemos, Carlos; Carvalho, Maria da Graça; Duić, Neven: Modeling of a solid fuel combustion chamber of a ramjet using a multi-block domain decomposition technique // 34th Aerospace Sciences Meeting & Exhibit, AIAA 96-0840, 11pp., Reno, NV, USA (1996)
  192. Duić, Neven; Bogdan, Željko; Schneider, Daniel Rolph; Šerman, Nikola; Afgan, Naim: Tube leakage effect on radiation heat flux in boiler // Proc. of the ICHMT International Symposium on Radiative Heat Transfer, 610-619., Kuşadasi, Turkey (1995)
  193. Bogdan, Željko; Duić, Neven; Schneider, Daniel Rolph; Šerman, Nikola; Afgan, Naim: Leakage detection in power plant boiler // Proc. of the 3rd European Conference on Industrial Furnaces and Boilers, 6pp. , Lisbon, Portugal (1995)
  194. Bogdan, Željko; Duić, Neven: Zone boiler furnace calculation (in Croatian) // Proc. of the Energetska i procesna postrojenja, Energetika marketing, 165-169., Dubrovnik, Croatia (1994)
  195. Duić, Neven; Bogdan, Željko: Modeling of the high-temperature dissociation of CO2 in the steam generator furnace // Proc. of the 16th International Conference Information Technology Interfaces '94, 265-270., Pula, Croatia (1994)
  196. Bogdan, Željko; Schneider, Daniel Rolph; Duić, Neven: Prediction of the thermal radiation heat transfer in a furnace by Monte Carlo zone method // Proc. of the 16th International Conference Information Technology Interfaces '94, 253-258., Pula, Croatia (1994)
  197. Bogdan, Željko; Duić, Neven: Three-dimensional simulation of the combustion process in an oil-fired furnace // Proc of the 15th International Conference Information Technology Interfaces '93, 351-356., Pula, Croatia (1993)
  198. Bogdan, Željko; Duić, Neven: Numerical simulation of air-flow in a heated room // Proc. of the 12th International Symposium of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning INTERKLIMA '93, 7-12., Zagreb, Croatia (1993)
  199. Bogdan, Željko; Duić, Neven: The three-dimensional mathematical model of the horizontal furnace // Proc. of the 38th International Annual Conference KoREMA, 584-587, Zagreb, Croatia (1993)
  200. Bogdan, Željko; Duić, Neven: Mathematical model of a gas fired furnace (in Croatian) // 2. colloquium Modeling in science, technology and society, CROSS (in print), Zagreb, Croatia (1992)
  201. Duić, Neven; Bogdan, Željko: The mathematical model of the production of carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide in the steam generator furnace (in Croatian) // Proc. of the International Symposium on Energy and Environment ´92, 255-262., Opatija, Croatia (1992).
  202. Bogdan, Željko; Duić, Neven: The mathematical model of the steam generator combustion chamber // Proc. of the 37th International Annual Conference KoREMA, 77-80., Zagreb, Croatia (1992)
  203. Duić, Neven: The mathematical model of a steam accumulator // Proc. of the 11th International Symposium of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning INTERKLIMA 91, 249-256., Zagreb, Croatia (1991)


Abstracts in Conference Proceedings
  1. Tomić, Ivan; Pavičević, Matija; Quoilin, Sylvain; Zucker, Andreas; Krajačić, Goran; Pukšec, Tomislav; Duić, Neven, Applying the Dispa-SET model on the seven countries from the South East Europe // 8th Energy Planning and Modeling of Energy Systems - Meeting Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia (2017)

  2. Dorotić, Hrvoje; Pavičević, Matija; Novosel, Tomislav; Pukšec, Tomislav; Duić, Neven, An hourly based optimization model of district heating system with building retrofit with the time horizon of one year, case study of Velika Gorica // 3rd International Conference On Smart Energy Systems dnd 4th Generation District Heating Systems, Copenhagen, Denmark (2017)
  3. Pavičević, Matija; Novosel, Tomislav; Pukšec, Tomislav; Duić, Neven, Heat storage sizing and optimization for district heating from an energy planning perspective // 4th International Conference on Contemporary Problems of Thermal Engineering Poland (2016)

  4. Petranović, Zvonimir; Edelbauer, Wilfried; Vujanović, Milan; Duić, Neven; Priesching, Peter; Tatschl, Reinhard, CFD modelling of spray and combustion process using avl FIRE // Digital Proceedings of The 36th International Symposium on Combustion Korea (2016)
  5. Dominković, Dominik Franjo; Ćosić, Boris; Perković, Luka; Ban, Marko; Duić, Neven, A Hybrid optimization model for biomass trigeneration plant location: the Case of the City of Petrinja, Croatia // Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Sustainability Science and Engineering, Balatonfured, Hungary (2015)
  6. Markovska, Natasa; Dedinec, Aleksandar; Taseska-Gjorgievska, Verica; Obradovic Grncarovska, Teodora; Duić, Neven; Pop-Jordanov, Jordan; Kanevce, Gligor, Towards post-2020 climate change regime: Comparative assessment of various scenarios and contributions // Digital Proceedings of the 1st South East European Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems / Ban, Marko ; Duić, Neven ; Markovska, Nataša ; Schneider, Daniel R. ; Guzović, Zvonimir ; Schlör, Holger ; Ćosić, Boris ; Krajačić, Goran ; Perković, Luka ; Vujanović Milan (ur.). - Zagreb : Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, Zagreb, 2014. 48-48. (2014)
  7. Mikulčić, Hrvoje; von Berg, Eberhard; Vujanović, Milan; Priesching, Peter; Tatschl, Reinhard; Duić, Neven, CFD Simulation of Co-combustion of Solid Recovered Fuel and Coal in a Cement Calciner // Digital Proceedings of The 35th International Symposium on Combustion, San Francisco, USA (2014)
  8. Ćosić, Boris; Ban, Marko; Perković, Luka; Lončar, Dražen; Duić, Neven, Optimal Location of Biomass Power Plants for District Heating: the Case of Sisak-Moslavina County // Digital Proceedings of the 1st South East European Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems / Ban, Marko ; Duić, Neven ; Markovska, Nataša ; Schneider, Daniel R. ; Guzović, Zvonimir ; Schlör, Holger ; Ćosić, Boris ; Krajačić, Goran ; Perković, Luka ; Vujanović Milan (ur.). Zagreb : Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, Zagreb, 48-48 (2014)
  9. Perković, Luka; Duić, Neven, Framework of coherent structure method (CSM) for LES simulation of isothermal and reacting swirling flows // Conference Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction, Prag, Czech Republic (2014)
  10. Duić, Neven, The influence of renewable energy sources on Jordan's current energy system // International Conference on Integrated Renewable Energy, Desalination and Water Supply – IREDEW 2013, Amman, Jordan (2013)
  11. Duić, Neven, The desalination module in the EnergyPLAN advanced energy system analyses tool: a case study for Jordan // International Conference on Integrated Renewable Energy, Desalination and Water Supply – IREdeW 2013, Amman, Jordan (2013)
  12. Perković, Luka; Priesching, Peter; Duić, Neven, Large eddy simulation of two significantly different turbulent premixed flames in the framework of SGS model based on coherent structures // Digital Proceedings of 6th European Combustion Meeting, Lund, Sweden (2013)
  13. Duić, Neven; Krajačić, Goran; Pukšec, Tomislav; Ćosić, Boris; Novosel, Tomislav; Ridjan, Iva, Renewable Energy Sources, Energy Efficiency and Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions as main sources of Development of „Green Economy“ in Croatia until 2050 // Smanjenje emisija CO2 za 80% do 2050. godine - realnost ili utopija / Jelavić, Branka (ur.). Zagreb : Hrvatsko energetsko društvo, 39-40 (2012)
  14. Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven; Zmijarević, Zlatko, Increasing acceptance of wind powerplants into the power system by application of solutions for energy storage // Zbornik radova 9. međunarodnog znanstveno-stručnog savjetovanja Energetska i procesna postrojenja i 4. međunarodnog foruma o obnovljivim izvorima energije / Iljaš, Branko (ur.). Zagreb : Energetika - Marketing (2010)
  15. Ban, Marko; Duić, Neven, Cool-flame auto-ignition of automotive fuels in the ECFM-3Z combustion model // The 33rd International Symposium on Combustion, Beijing, China (2010)
  16. Vujanović, Milan; Edelbauer, Wilfried; Tatschl, Reinhard; Duić, Neven, Modelling of diesel injection process using eulerian multiphase method // The 33rd International Symposium on Combustion, Beijing, China (2010)
  17. Duić, Neven, Integrated Energy and Water Planning in Energy Systems with High Penetration of Renewables // ICEGES 2009, Amman, Jordan (2009)
  18. Duić, Neven, Energy security and energy systems with high penetration of renewables // eSCIT09 Conference, Veszprem, Hungary (2009)
  19. Duić, Neven; Kolekeski, Aleksandar; Trajanović, Miroslav, Mobility in the Western Balkan States // EURAXESS Conference, Potsdam, Germany (2009)
  20. Ban, Marko; Priesching, Peter; Duić, Neven, Auto ignition tabulation of N-Heptane in ECFM-3Z Combustion Model // 4th European Combustion Meeting, Wien, Austria (2009)
  21. Ban, Marko; Duić, Neven; Priesching, Peter, Ignition Tabulation Of Automotive Fuels For ECFM-3Z Combustion Model // Fuels and Combustion in Engines, Istanbul, Turkey (2008)
  22. Vujanović, Milan; Duić, Neven, Computer modelling of nitrogen pollutants in combustion of fossil fuels // Marie Curie Workshop 2006 in Croatia and Serbia, Belgrade, 56 (2006)
  23. Baburić, Mario; Duić, Neven; Priesching, Peter; Tatschl, Reinhard; Basara, Branislav; Raulot, Alexandre, Application of the Discrete Transfer Radiation Method in Simulation of Diluted Hydrogen Jet Diffusion Flames // Progress in Computational Heat and Mass Transfer, Volume I, Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Computational Heat and Mass Transfer, Paris-Cachan, 644-646 (2005)
  24. Baburić, Mario; Basara, Branislav; Duić, Neven, Application of a Hybrid Turbulence Model in Numerical Simulation of Diffusion Flames // 30th International Symposium on Combustion: Abstracts of Work-in-Progress Poster Presentations, Chicago, 84-84 (2004)
  25. Alves, Luis Manuel; Santos, Ruy; Costa, Anildo; Duić, Neven; Carvalho, Maria da Graça: Promoting New and Renewable Energy Solutions (NRET) for Energy, Water and Sustainable Tourism in Islands / // International Conference on Renewable Energy Sources for Islands, Tourism and Desalination, Crete (2003)
  26. Chen, Fengzhen; Duić, Neven; Carvalho, Maria da Graça: Introduction of Renewable Energy to Northwest of China Using the Clean Development Mechanism: Cases Studies of Lanzhou and Urumqi // Proc. of the CLEANAIR 2003, 7th International Conference on Energy for a Clean Environment, Lisbon (2003)
  27. Colnar, Mario; Krajačić, Goran; Ban, Marko; Duić, Neven: Interactive Teaching of Energy Management // 10th International Literacy and Education research Network Conference on Learning, London (2003)


Technical Reports
  1. Trifonova et al. 2023. Offshore Renewable Energy for a More Secure and Resilient Central and Eastern Europe. EUKI BLUECEE Project Report  (2023)
  2. Duić, Neven; Pukšec, Tomislav; Krajačić, Goran; Herc, Luka; Kodba, Ana; Dorotić, Hrvoje; Stunjek, Goran; Pfeifer, Antun; Beljan, Doris, Study of Deplinification of the Republic of Croatia  (in Croatian), Zelena Akcija, Zagreb (2023)
  3. V., H.-O. Pörtner, D.C. Roberts, .. .(eds.); Duić, Neven; et. all.IPCC, 2023: Workshop Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Workshop on the Use of Scenarios in the Sixth Assessment Report and Subsequent Assessments [Masson-Delmotte,  Working Group III Technical Support Unit, Imperial College London, United Kingdom, (2023)
  4. Bamberger, Yves; ...; Duić, Neven; et. all, Towards Low-GHG Emissions from Energy use in Selected Sectors (2022 Energy Report) // International Council of Academies of Engineering and Technological Sciences (CAETS) (2023)
  5. Cramer, Wolfgang; Guiot, Joël; Marini, Katarzyna (eds.), Drobinski, Philippe J.; Azzopardi, Barry James; Ben Janet Allal, Houda; Bouchet, Vincent ; Civel, Eduard ; Creti, Anna; Duić, Neven; Fylaktos, Nestor ; Mutale, Joseph ;Pariente-David, Silvia ; Ravetz, Joe; Talioti, Constantinos; Vautard, Robert, 2020: Energy transition in the Mediterranean. In: Climate and Environmental Change in the Mediterranean Basin – Current Situation and Risks for the Future. First Mediterranean Assessment Report (2022)
  6. de Blas Sanz, Ignacio; Capellán-Pérez, Iñigo; Álvarez Antelo, David; Miguel, Luis Javier; Crespo, Yania; Samsó, Roger; Martín, Eneko; Neumann, Marc; Markovska, Natasa; Duic, Neven; Arto, Iñaki; Kratena, Kurt; Tomás, Manuel; Rueda, Mikel; Llases, Luis; Parrado, Gonzalo; Cieplinski, André; Calheiros, Tomás; Ramos, Iván; Ferreras, Noelia; Mediavilla, Margarita; Distefano, Tiziano; Eggler, Lukas; Van Allen, Ole; Sverdrup, Harald, Interim synthesis of the model, selected results and scenario analysis, D9.2 Interim synthesis of the model, selected results and scenario analysis (LOCOMOTION) (2021)
  7. Gillett, William; Bettzüge, Marc Oliver; Blok, Kornelius; Boulouchos, Konstantinos; Bradshaw, Alexander; Bruce, Peter; Duic, Neven; Frank, Harry; Giannopoulos, George; Hamacher, Thomas; Kretzschmar, Jan; Johnsson, Filip; La Poutre, Han; Lauriko, Juhani; Oswald, Kirsten; Schmidt, Thomas Justus; Sturm, Peter-Johann; Ulleberg, Oystein, Decarbonisation of transport: options and challenges (2019)
  8. Schlögl, Robert; Abanades, Carlos; Aresta, Michele; Blekkan, Edd Anders; Cantat, Thibault; Centi, Gabriele; Duić, Neven; Khamlichi, Aïcha El; Hutchings, Graham; Mazzotti, Marco; Mikulcčić, Hrvoje, Novel carbon capture and utilisation technologies (2018)
  9. Petranović, Zvonimir; Edelbauer, Wilfried; Vujanović, Milan; Duić, Neven, Implementation and validation of advanced nozzle- file mapping into the FIRE code (2016)
  10. Petranović, Zvonimir; Edelbauer, Wilfried; Vujanović, Milan; Duić, Neven, Implementation and validation of advanced nozzle- file interface for ELSA spray into the FIRE code (2016)
  11. Petranović, Zvonimir; Edelbauer, Wilfried; Vujanović, Milan; Duić, Neven, Implementation and validation of ROI for inlet boundary condition (2016)
  12. Connolly, David; Hansen, Kenneth; Drysdale, David; Lund, Henrik; Vad Mathiesen, Brian; Werner, Sven; Persson, Urban; Möller, Bernd; Garcia Wilke, Ole; Bettgenhäuser, Kjell; Pouwels, Willemijn; Boermans, Thomas; Novosel, Tomislav; Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven; Trier, Daniel; Møller, Daniel; Michael Odgaard, Anders; Laurberg Jensen, Linn, Enhanced Heating and Cooling Plans to Quantify the Impact of Increased Energy Efficiency in EU Member States - Work Package 2, Main Report: Executive Summary (2015)
  13. Connolly, David; Hansen, Kenneth; Drysdale, David; Lund, Henrik; Vad Mathiesen, Brian; Werner, Sven; Persson, Urban; Möller, Bernd; Garcia Wilke, Ole; Bettgenhäuser, Kjell; Pouwels, Willemijn; Boermans, Thomas; Novosel, Tomislav; Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven; Trier, Daniel; Møller, Daniel; Michael Odgaard, Anders; Laurberg Jensen, Linn, Enhanced Heating and Cooling Plans to Quantify the Impact of Increased Energy Efficiency in EU Member States - Work Package 2, Country Report: Croatia (2015)
  14. Ćosić, Boris; Duić, Neven, Pre-feasibility study of seawater heat pumps in the elementary school Ivan Gundulić, Dubrovnik, Croatia - ENERCOAST Deliverable 2.4 (2015)
  15. Ćosić, Boris; Duić, Neven, Pre-feasibility study of the solar cooling/heating system in the Hotel Jadran, Rijeka - ENERCOAST Deliverable 2.4 (2015)
  16. Ćosić, Boris; Filipović, Petar; Perković, Luka; Vujanović, Milan; Duić, Neven, Case Studies Report on Feasibility Studies Regarding Relevant Economic, Technical and Environmental Aspects - ADRIACOLD Project Deliverable 6.2 (2015)
  17. Ćosić, Boris; Perković, Luka; Baleta, Jakov; Duić, Neven, Technical, Environmental and Economic analysis of low and medium size of solar cooling systems, heat pumps with sea water, wind turbines and tidal current technologies - ENERCOAST Deliverable 2.2 (2015)
  18. Ćosić, Boris; Perković, Luka; Filipović, Petar; Duić, Neven, Pre-feasibility study of new solar cooling/heating system in elementary school Ivan Gundulić, Dubrovnik - ADRIACOLD Project Deliverable 6.2 (2015)
  19. Dović, Damir; Ćosić, Boris; Duić, Neven, Hands-on guidelines useful to help decision makers to adopt the solar cooling system - ADRIACOLD Project Deliverable 6.3 (2015)
  20. Hernandez, Patxi; Llamas, Cristina; Molina, Patricia; Nicolas, Olatz; Rodríguez, Francisco; Urriolabeitia, Josu; Carmona, Juan Luis; Eneriz, Sagrario; Donker, Jasper; Jongeneel, Sophie; Massink, Roel; Overberg, Marion; Puksec, Tomislav; Pfeifer, Antun; Duic, Neven; Krajacic, Goran; Brezovac, Vesna; Lizacic Vidakovic, Mira; Kosoric, Danilo; Veliki, Tomislav, Stakeholder Mapping - FosterREG Deliverable 2.2 (2015)
  21. Mikulčić, Hrvoje; von Berg, Eberhard; Priesching, Peter; Vujanović, Milan; Duić, Neven, Implementation and validation of solid combustion models into the FIRE code (2015)
  22. Mikulčić, Hrvoje; von Berg, Eberhard; Vujanović, Milan; Priesching, Peter; Duić, Neven, Cement calciner simulation instructions (2015)
  23. Molina, Patricia; Nicolas, Olatz; Rodríguez, Francisco; Urriolabeitia, Josu; Carmona, Juan Luis; Llamas, Cristina; Hernandez, Patxi; Eneriz, Sagrario; Donker, Jasper; Jongeneel, Sophie; Overberg, Marion; Puksec, Tomislav; Pfeifer, Antun; Duic, Neven; Krajacic, Goran; Brezovac, Vesna; Lizacic Vidakovic, Mira; Kosoric, Danilo; Veliki, Tomislav, EE in Urban regeneration framework Report - FosterREG Deliverable 2.1 (2015)
  24. Petranović, Zvonimir; Edelbauer Wilfried; Vujanović, Milan; Duić, Neven, Multiphase General Gas phase reactions (2015)
  25. Petranović, Zvonimir; Edelbauer, Wilfried; Vujanović, Milan; Duić, Neven, Eulerian Spray O'Rourke Collision model (2014)
  26. Ćosić, Boris; Perković, Luka; Pukšec, Tomislav; Petranović, Zvonimir; Mikulčić, Hrvoje; Pfeifer, Antun; Duić, Neven, Pre-feasibility study of new solar cooling/heating system in hotel “Berulia” - ADRIACOLD Project Deliverable 6.2 (2014)
  27. Ćosić, Boris; Vujanović, Milan; Perković, Luka; Mikulčić, Hrvoje; Novosel, Tomislav; Tomić, Tihomir; Duić, Neven, Pre-feasibility study of new solar cooling/heating system in hotel “Marina” - ADRIACOLD Project Deliverable 6.2 (2014)
  28. Ćosić, Boris; Vujanović, Milan; Pukšec, Tomislav; Petranović, Zvonimir; Novosel, Tomislav; Đurković, Aleksandar; Duić, Neven, Pre-feasibility study of new solar cooling/heating system in hotel “Maestral” - ADRIACOLD Project Deliverable 6.2 (2014)
  29. Duić, Neven; Pukšec, Tomislav; Grozdek, Marino; Novosel, Tomislav; Vujanović, Milan; Franz, Mladen; Andrassy, Mladen, A guide to the European Sustainable Energy Award for Prisons - Enhancing and recognising sustainable energy practice IEE- 10/383/SI2.589428 (2014)
  30. Gašparović, Goran; Ćosić, Boris; Prebeg, Pero; Duić, Neven; Baotić, Mato, Technical report on the revision of the microgrid design and components sizing algorithms based on the developed microgrid control algorithms - MICROGRID project Deliverable D3.3.1 (2014)
  31. Karanfilovski, Aleksandar; Aleksovska, Nina; Ristevski, Pece; Popovska, Cvetanka; Mukaetov, Dusko; Dimov, Zoran; Cukaliev, Ordan; Poposka, Emilija; Dimitrov, Lazo; Andonov, Sreten; Melovski, Ljupčo; Hristovski, Slavčo; Matevski, Vlado; Ivanov, Gjorgje; Nikolov, Nikola; Nestorovski, Ljupco; Gjorgjev, Dragan; Salua, Osorio; Burns, Peter M.; Schmidt, Michael; Britta, Rudolf; Kostadinovska-Daskalovska, Katerina; Markovska, Nataša; Duić, Neven; Kanevce, Gligor; Dedinec, Aleksandar; Gjogieska Taseska, Verica; Velevski, Gjorgi; Ristovski, Igor; Mukaetov, Landau, Seth, Third National Communication on Climate Change // Ministry of environment and physical planning, Macedonia (2013)
  32. Duić, Neven, “Third National Report to UNFCCC” - Analyses of possible GHG emissions limitations, UNDP (2013)
  33. Duić, Neven; Krajačić, Goran; Pukšec, Tomislav; Novosel, Tomislav, Pre-feasibility study of a biogas plant: City of Osijek scientific center for renewable energy sources (in Croatian) (2013)
  34. Gašparović, Goran; Ćosić, Boris; Duić, Neven, Procedure for photovoltaic system selection, construction and placing for a DC microgrid in a building - MICROGRID Project Deliverable D3.2.2 (2013)
  35. Novosel, Tomislav; Pukšec, Tomislav; Duić, Neven, Common Training Program - Deliverable 4.1 (2013)
  36. Ćosić, Boris; Gašparović, Goran; Duić, Neven; Vašak, Mario, Concepts of optimization procedures for microgrids sizing – assessment of objectives and constraints - MICROGRID Project Deliverable D3.1.1 (2012)
  37. Duić, Neven; Haramina, Tatjana; Perković, Luka, High Altitude Wind Energy - HAWE Deliverable 10.3: Materials Selection and Aerodynamic Studies Report (2012)
  38. Duić, Neven; Pukšec, Tomislav; Krajačić, Goran; Franz, Mladen; Vujanović, Milan; Novosel, Tomislav, Farm Audit Reports, and summary biogas production potential - GERONIMO II-BIOGAS IEE- 10-228 (2012)
  39. Gašparović, Goran; Duić, Neven; Jelavić, Mate; Horvath, Kristian; Baotić, Mato, Deliverable D3.1.2: Technical report on the designed procedure for microgrid sizing (2012)
  40. Gulin, Marko; Vašek, Mario; Baotic, Mato; Dragicevic, Tomislav; Duic, Neven; Jelavic, Mate, Technical report on the hierarchical control of DC microgrids - MICROGRID Project Deliverable D1.1.1 (2012)
  41. Gulin, Marko; Vašek, Mario; Baotić, Mato; Dragičević, Tomislav; Duić, Neven; Horvath, Kristian, Principles and methodologies for REES power profiles prediction - MICROGRID Project Deliverable D2.1.1 (2012)
  42. Ćosić, Boris; Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven, Planning future broadening and upscaling: Croatia - BIOSIRE project Deliverable 3.2 (2011)
  43. Ćosić, Boris; Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven, Revised Report on future Planning: Croatia - BIOSIRE project Deliverable 5.4 (2011)
  44. Perković, Luka; Priesching, Peter; Duić, Neven, Implementation of CFMLES model into AVL's code FIRE (2011)
  45. Perković, Luka; Priesching, Peter; Duić, Neven, Turbulent inflow and volume initialization for LES (2011)
  46. Ćosić, Boris; Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven, Road Map for changing behaviour: Croatian regions - BIOSIRE project Deliverable 3.1, (2010)
  47. Ćosić, Boris; Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven, Report on the National Workshop in Croatia - BIOSIRE project Deliverable 4.2, (2010)
  48. Mikulčić, Hrvoje; Von Berg, Eberhard; Vujanović, Milan; Priesching, Peter; Tatschl, Reinhard; Duić, Neven, Modelling the Process of Calcination, (2010)
  49. Pukšec, Tomislav; Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven, FLICK THE SWITCH course material: Deliverable 3.5 - CIP Intelligent Energy Europe Flick the Switch “ Instigating Simple Energy Efficient Behavioural Practices in Schools Getting Energy ”, EIE/07/639/SI2.499207, (2010)
  50. Pukšec, Tomislav; Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven, Report on Selected past IEE tools and materials: Deliverable 3.2 - CIP Intelligent Energy Europe Flick the Switch “ Instigating Simple Energy Efficient Behavioural Practices in Schools Getting Energy ”, EIE/07/639/SI2.499207, (2010)
  51. Pukšec, Tomislav; Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven, Specifications of the Campaign Structure, Tools and Materials: Deliverable 2.3 - CIP Intelligent Energy Europe Flick the Switch “ Instigating Simple Energy Efficient Behavioural Practices in Schools Getting Energy ”, EIE/07/639/SI2.499207, (2010)
  52. Pukšec, Tomislav; Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven, Overview of Campaign methodology and modalities: Deliverable 3.1 - CIP Intelligent Energy Europe Flick the Switch “ Instigating Simple Energy Efficient Behavioural Practices in Schools Getting Energy ”, EIE/07/639/SI2.499207, (2010)
  53. Ćosić, Boris; Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven, Refined transition strategy, Dubrovnik Region, Island of Mljet – National Park, Island of Losinj - BIOSIRE project Deliverable 2.3, (2009)
  54. Ćosić, Boris; Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven, Market Transformation Plan, Dubrovnik Region Island of Mljet – National Park, Island of Losinj, (2009)
  55. Pukšec, Tomislav; Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven, Content for GERONIMO web site: Deliverable 4.3 - CIP Intelligent Energy Europe GERONIMO „ Getting Energy Reduction on Agendas in Industrial Manufacturing Operations ”, EIE/07/220/SI2.466709, (2009)
  56. Pukšec, Tomislav; Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven, Content Plan: Deliverable 4.1 - CIP Intelligent Energy Europe GERONIMO „ Getting Energy Reduction on Agendas in Industrial Manufacturing Operations ”, EIE/07/220/SI2.466709, (2009)
  57. Duić, Neven; Lončar, Dražen; Ćosić, Boris, Analysis of the potential construction of power plants fired with biomass and selection of the optimal location (in Croatian) (2009)
  58. Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven, H2RES energy planning model (2009)
  59. Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven; Panteri, Eirini; Tsikalakis, Antonis; Caralis, George; Zoulias, Manos, O. Parissis, Report on the Investigation of Tariff Schemes - STORIES project Deliverable 3.3 (2009)
  60. Perković, Luka; Priesching, Peter; Duić, Neven, Feasibility Study of the Simulation of a Waste Furnace (2008)
  61. Lončar, Dražen; Duić, Neven; Bogdan, Željko, National Cogeneration Potential of the Republic of Croatia (in Croatian) (2008)
  62. Lončar, Dražen; Duić, Neven, Investment Opportunities in Croatian Wind Sector - Legal and market aspects, FSB, Zagreb (2008)
  63. Lončar, Dražen; Duić, Neven; Bogdan, Željko, National potential of cogeneration in Croatia - phase I, FSB, Zagreb (2008)
  64. Šegon, Velimir; Kulišić, Biljana; Kojaković, Ana; Domac, Julije; Duić, Neven; Lulić, Zoran; Dobranović, Bojan, Plan of placing biofuels on the domestic market for 2008, EIHP, Zagreb (2007)
  65. Tešnjak, Sejid; Tomiša, Tomislav; Marušić, Ante; Mikuličić, Vladimir; Kuzle, Igor; Skok, Srđan; Šerman, Nikola; Bogdan, Željko; Stegić, Milenko; Duić, Neven; Lončar, Dražen; Tipurić, Darko; Tušek, Boris; Šimurina, Jurica; Gelo, Tomislav; Bilas, Vlatka; Vukoja, Oriana, Applicability aspects of HERA's plan of Tariff system for production, distribution and supply of thermal energy Methodology (in Croatian), FER, Zagreb (2006)
  66. Vujanović, Milan; Duić, Neven, Validation of Eulerian Spray Modelling, FSB, Zagreb (2006)
  67. Schneider, Daniel Rolph; Duić, Neven; Bogdan, Željko; Ban, Marko; Grubor, Borislav; Stefanović, Predrag; Dakić, Dragoljub; Repić, Branislav; Stevanović, Žarko; Žbogar, Ana; Studović, Maja; Nemoda, Stevan; Oka, Nikola; Đurović, Dejan; Kadić, Nikola; et al; Delalić, Nijaz; Lekić, Alija; Bajramović, Rasim; Teskeredžić, Armin; Smajević, Izet; Džaferović, Ejub; Begić, Fajik; Lulić, Haris; Metović, Sađit; Petrović, Semin, Map of the potential for Decentralised Energy Generation potential in Western Balkans, Deliverable 1, FSB, Zagreb, ADEG: FP6 – 509187 (2005)
  68. Bürer, Meinrad; Foradini, Flavio; Bauen, Ausilio; Duić, Neven; Lerer, Maria; Fonseca, Jose Pedro; Alves, Luis Manuel; Carvalho, Maria da Graça; Nakken, Torgeir; Hansen, Anne Marit; Gonzales, Penelope Ramirez; Marrero, Augustin; Suarez, Salvador; Oliveira, Filipe; Henriques, Claudia; Psarras, John; Zevgolis, Dimitris; Coroyannakis, Panos, Description of system configurations and model design, results and analysis for selected integrated RES/H2 systems and H2 end-uses, Deliverable 2, IST, Lisbon, RenewIslands: NNE5-2002-00073 (2005)
  69. Bogdan, Željko; Duić, Neven; Lončar, Dražen, Multicriterial evaluation of the cogeneration technology as a basis for development of new tariff system (in Croatian) (2004)
  70. Baburić, Mario; Schneider, Daniel Rolph; Duić, Neven, Laminar Flamelet Combustion Module Implementation into SWIFT Code, FSB, Zagreb (2004)
  71. Ban, Marko; Duić, Neven, Multidimensional Simulation of Soot Formation in Diesel Engines, FSB, Zagreb (2004)
  72. Duić, Neven; Raguzin, Igor; Lipoščak, Marko; Doukelis, Aggelos, The Framework for National CHP Strategy, Deliverable 6.1, FSB, Zagreb (2004)
  73. Vujanović, Milan; Schneider, Daniel Rolph; Baburić, Mario; Duić, Neven, Modelling of NOx Formation, FSB, Zagreb (2004)
  74. Lipoščak, Marko; Afgan, Naim; Duić, Neven; Carvalho, Maria Graça, Measures and Policies for Sustainable CHP Management, Deliverable 5.1, LIFE Sustainable Development of Croatian CHP Capacity (2003)
  75. Lipoščak, Marko; Afgan, Naim; Duić, Neven; Rouvas, Alexandros; Carvalho, Maria da Graça, Measures for Optimisation of Social Impact of CHP, Deliverable 4.1., LIFE Sustainable Development of Croatian CHP Capacity, CTT (2003)
  76. Bogdan, Željko; Duić, Neven; Lipoščak, Marko; Schneider, Daniel Rolph; Rouvas, Alexandros; Lončar, Dražen, Measures for Optimisation of Environmental Impact of CHP, Deliverable 3.1., LIFE Sustainable Development of Croatian CHP Capacity, CTT (2003)
  77. Bogdan, Željko; Duić, Neven; Rouvas, Alexandros; Lipoščak, Marko; Lončar, Dražen, Optimisation Procedure of CHP Management, Deliverable 2.1., LIFE Sustainable Development of Croatian CHP Capacity, CTT (2003)
  78. Carvalho, Maria da Graça; Costa, Anildo; Lopes, Abraao; Santos, Daniel; Pipio, Ana; Alves, Luis Manuel; Duić, Neven; Fernades, Ulisses; Tavares, Gilberto; Fonseca, José Pedro; Duarte, Luís; Pinhao, Margarida; Martins, Alvaro; Mendes, Antonieta; Neves, Antonio Varela; Pascoal, Eurico; Oliveira, Filipe; Monteiro, Maria Alice, Plano energético nacional - Plano de política energética de Cabo Verde para o período 2003-2012, Ministério da Economia Crescimento e Competitividade, República de Cabo Verde, Direcção Geral da Indústria e Energia, Lisbon (2003)
  79. Baburić, Mario; Duić, Neven, Implementation of Discrete Transfer Radiation Method (DTRM) in FIRE, 3D CFD Simulation of an oil-fired Furnace with radiation, FSB, Zagreb, 46 pp. (2002)
  80. Baburić, Mario; Schneider, Daniel Rolph; Duić, Neven, Implementation of a New Oil Combustion Model Into the Fire Code, 3D CFD Simulation of an oil-fired Furnace, FSB, Zagreb, 54 pp. (2001)
  81. Duić, Neven, Cálculo das emissoes de CO2 evitadas devido ao uso de Gás Natural 1997-2000, IST, Lisbon, 18 pp. (2001)
  82. Duić, Neven; Pereira, Jose Carlos F.; Kobayashi, Marcelo; Silva, Artur, Implementation of Nozzle Geometry and Nozzle Boundary Condition into the Compressible Version of COPPEF, Part B, version 2, Technical Note D2-WP2, Improvement and Updates of the COPPEF Code II, IST, Lisbon, 129 pp. (1999)
  83. Pereira, Jose Carlos F.; Kobayashi, Marcelo; Duić, Neven, Implementation of Nozzle Geometry and Nozzle Boundary Condition into the Compressible Version of COPPEF, Part A, version 3, Technical Note D2-WP2, Improvement and Updates of the COPPEF Code II, IST, Lisbon, 34 pp. (1999)
  84. Pereira, Jose Carlos F.; Kobayashi, Marcelo; Duić, Neven, Compressibility, Part B, version 3, Technical Note D1-WP2, Improvement and Updates of the COPPEF Code II, IST, Lisbon, 24 pp. (1998)
  85. Duić, Neven, Local Residuals Monitoring, Part B, version 2, Technical Note D1-WP1, Improvement and Updates of the COPPEF Code II, IST, Lisbon, 9 pp. (1997)
  86. Duić, Neven, Local Residuals Monitoring, Part A, version 2, Technical Note D1-WP1, Improvement and Updates of the COPPEF Code II, IST, Lisbon, 9 pp. (1997)
  87. Coelho, Pedro J.; Duić, Neven; Lemos, Carlos; Silva, Artur, Implementation of the Multi-block Concept in COPPEF, revision 4, Technical Note D2-WP4, Improvement and Updates of the COPPEF Code, IST, Lisbon, 153 pp. (1995)
  88. Bogdan, Željko; Duić, Neven, Distribution of heat flow in steam generators X-571 A / B firing gaseous fuel (in Croatian), FSB, Zagreb, 75 pp. (1992).
  89. Bogdan, Željko; Slavica, Ž.; Mustapić, N.; Duić, Neven, Study on the restoration possibility of air-lenge tract block 1 TE Sisak, IV part (in Croatian), FSB, Zagreb, 24 pp. (1990).


Conference Proceedings, Book of Abstracts and Journal Special Issues Guest Editorships
  1. Ban, Marko ; Duić, Neven ; Anić Vučinić, Aleksandra ; Baleta, Jakova ; Fan, Yee Van ; Gjoka, Konalsi ; Kabashi, Skender ; Klemeš, Jiri Jaromir ; Pula, Gazmend ; Varbanov, Petar Sabev ; Vujanović, Milan, Book of Abstracts of the 5th SEE Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems // 5th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, 5th SEE SDEWES 2022, Vlore, Albania (2022)
  2. Ban, Marko ; Duić, Neven ; Schneider, Daniel Rolph ; Ancona, Valeria ; Astiaso Garcia, Davide ; Barra Caracciolo, Anna ; Borello, Domenico ; Buonomano, Annamaria ; Pukšec, Tomislav ; Mikulčić, Hrvoje ; Vujanović, Milan ; et. all (ur.), Book of Abstracts of the 16th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems // 16th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, SDEWES 2021, Dubrovnik, Croatia (2021)
  3. Ban, Marko ; Duić, Neven ; Schneider, Daniel Rolph ; Buonomano, Annamaria ; Calise, Francesco ; Chacartegui, Ricardo ; Díaz-Ramírez, Maryori C. ; Eveloy, Valerie ; Palombo, Adolfo ; Stadler, Ingo ; et. all, Book of Abstracts of the 15th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems // 15th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, SDEWES 2020, Cologne, Germany (2020)
  4. Ban, Marko; Schneider, Daniel Rolph; Lund, Henrik; Duić, Neven; Guzović, Zvonimir; Markovska, Nataša; Carvalho, Maria da Graça; Hanjalic, Kemal; Varbanov, Petar Sabev; Fan, Yee Van; Klemeš, Jiri Jaromir; Vujanović, Milan, Book of Abstracts of the 4th SEE Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems // 4th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, 4th SEE SDEWES 2020, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina (2020)
  5. Ban, Marko; Sahin, Oz; Varbanov, Petar Sabev; Duić, Neven; Guzović, Zvonimir; Schneider, Daniel Rolph; Klemeš, Jiri Jaromir, Book of Abstracts of the 1st Asia Padific Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems // 1st AP Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, Gold Coast, Australia (2020)
  6. Ban, Marko; Duić, Neven; Schneider, Daniel Rolph; Guzović, Zvonimir, Book of Abstracts 2nd Latin American Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems // 2nd Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, 2nd LASDEWES , Buenos Aires, Argentina (2020)
  7. Ban, Marko; Duić, Neven; Schneider, Daniel Rolph; Guzović, Zvonimir; Bounomano, Annamaria; Calise, Francesco; Cantore, Nicola; Chacartegui, Ricardo; Costa, Mario; Dominković, Dominik Franjo; Elshkaki, Ayman; Eveloy, Valerle; Fan, Yee Van; Grobelak, Anna; Guteša Božo, Milana; Kacprzak, Malgorzata; Kalogirou, Soteris; Klemeš, Jiri Jaromir, Kovač, Ankica; Krajačić, Goran; Ma, Ting; Madsen, Henrik; Marker, Carolin; Meschede, Henning; Mikulčić, Hrvoje; Noro, Marco; Palombo, Adolfo, Piacentino, Antonio; Premrov, Miroslav; Romagnoli, Alessandro; Schiemann, Martin; Schlor, Holger; Šlaus, Ivo; Valera-Medina, Agustin; Vanoli, Laura; Sabev Varbanov; Petar, Venghaus, Sandra; Vialetto, Giulio; Vujanović, Milan; Wang, Qiuwang; Yang, Jian; Zidanšek, Aleksander; Žegarac Leskovar, Vesna, Book of Abstracts of the 14th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems // 14th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, SDEWES 2019, Dubrovnik, Croatia (2019)

  8. Ban, Marko; Duić, Neven; Piacentino, Antonio; Schneider, Daniel Rolph; Guzović. Zvonimir; Buonomano, Annamaria; Calise, Francesco; Ciulia, Giuseppina; Ferrari, Simone; Kalogirou, Soteris; Krajačić, Goran; Klemeš, Jiri Jaromir; Mikulčić, Hrvoje; Micale, Giorgio; Montarsi, Luca; Palombo, Adolfo; Post, Jan; Sabev Varbanov, Petar; Sannino, Giannmaria; Tadeo, Fernando; Tamburini, Alessandro; Vanoli, Laura; Vlachos, Savvas; Wang, Qiuwang, Yang, Jian, Book of Abstracts of the 13th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems // 13th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, SDEWES 2017, Palermo, Italy (2018)

  9. Ban, Marko ; Duić, Neven ; Batas Bjelić, Ilija ; Rajaković, Nikola ; Schneider, Daniel Rolph ; Guzović, Zvonimir ; Costa, Mario ; Klemeš, Jiri Jaromir ; Sabev Varbanov ; Petar, Petranović, Zvonimir ; Ragossnig, Arne M. ; Schlor, Holger ; Venghaus, Sanfra ; Vujanović, Milan, Book of Abstracts of the 3rd SEE Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems // 3rd Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, 3rd SEE SDEWES 2018, Novi Sad, Serbia (2018)
  10. Rutz, Dominik; Janssen, Reiner; Worm, Jakob; Doczekal, Christian; Zweiler, Richard; Pukšec, Tomislav; Duić, Neven; Doračić, Borna; Sunko, Rok; Sunko, Blaž; Gjorgievski, Vladimir; Dimov, Ljupco; Markovska, Nataša; Bozikaliev; Vasil; Rajaković, Nikola; Batas Bjelić, Ilija; Kazagić, Anes; Redžić, Elma; Trešnjo, Dino; Jerotić, Slobodan; Mladenović, Bojana; Fejzović; Emir; Babić, Amra; Petrović, Marin; Kolbl, Mitja, The role of biomass for small district heating grids for south-eastern Europe - the CoolHeating project // 26th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, Copenhagen, Denmark (2018)
  11. Ban, Marko; Duić, Neven; Schneider, Daniel Rolph; Guzović, Zvonimir; Alves, Rita Maria Brito; Costa, Mario; Rudi Henri; Giannetti, Biagio; Haddad, Assed; Hewer, Thiago; Kilkis, Siir; Filho, Guenther C. Krieger; Kulay, Luiz; Mesquita, Andre; Vujanović, Milan, Book of Abstracts of the 1st Latin American Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems // 1st Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, 1st LASDEWES , Rio de Janeiro, Brazil(2018)
  12. Rutz, Dominik; Mergner, Rita; Janssen, Richard; Soerensen, Per-Alex.; Jensen, Linn; Doczekal, Christian; Zweiler, Richard; Pukšec, Tomislav; Duić, Neven; Doračić, Borna; Sunko, Rok; Sunko, Blaž; Markovska, Nataša; Gjorgievski, Vladimir; Bozhikaliev, Vasil; Rajković, Nikola; Batas Bjelić, Ilija; Kazagic, Anes; Redzic, Elma; Smajevic, Izet; Jerotić, Slobodan; Mladenović, Bojana; Fejzovic, Emir; Babić, Amra, Petrovic, Marin, Kolbl, Mitja, The combination of biomass with solar thermal energy and other renewables for small heating grids: The coolheating project // 25th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, Stockholm, Sweden (2017)
  13. Rutz, Dominik; Mergner, Rita; Janssen, Richard; Ribić, B., Kostic, R., Hadžić, A., Mijić, G., Pukšec, Tomislav, Duić, Neven; Zweiler, Richard; Doczekal, Christian; Novakovits, P., Gruevska, A., Antevski, G., Chaloski, M., Mitkovski, D., Petrusevski, K., Cvetkovska, E., Chacón Ladrón de Guevara, L., Rodríguez-Acuña, R., García, A., Médieu, A., Kazeroni, M., Benchmarking different treatment methods for organic municipal solid waste // 25th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, Stockholm, Sweden (2017)
  14. Rutz, Dominik; Janssen, Richard; Ugalde, Juan Manuel; Hofmeister, Morten; Sorensen, Per Alex; Jensen, Linn Laurberg; Doczekal, Christian; Zweiler, Richard; Pukšec, Tomislav; Duić, Neven; Doračić, Borna; Sunko, Rok; Sunko, Blaž; Markovska, Natasha; Karanfilovska, Meri; Rajaković, Nikola; Batas-Bijelić, Ilija; Kazagić, Anes; Ademović-Tahirović, Alma; Smajević, Izet; Jerotić, Slobodan; Mladenović, Bojana; Fejzović, Emir; Babić, Amra; Mataradžija, Milada; Kolbl, Mitja; Zrinski, Tomi, Small, modular and renewable district heating & cooling grids for communities in South-Eastern Europe // 24th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, Netherlands (2017)
  15. Ban, Marko; Duić, Neven; Schneider, Daniel Rolph; Guzović, Zvonimir; Alberg Østergaard, Poul; Boldyryev, Stanislav; Callise, Francesco; Chacartegui, Ricardo; Costa, Mario; Eveloy, Valerle; Klemeš, Jiri Jaromir; Lund, Hendrik; Mathiesen, Brian Vad; Nastasi, Benedetto; Olabi, Abdul Ghani; Piacentino, Antonio; Schlor, Holger; Stadler, Ingo; Šlaus, Ivo; Unami, Koichi; Vanoli, Laura; Varbanov, Petar; Vujanović, Milan; Zidanšek, Aleksander, Book of Abstracts of the 12th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems // 12th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, SDEWES 2017, Dubrovnik, Croatia (2017)
  16. Rutz, Dominik; Mergner, Rita; Duić, Neven; Pukšec, Tomislav; Doračić, Borna; Laurberg Jensen, Linn; Soerensen, Per-Alex; Doczekal, Christian; Zweiler, Richard; Sunko, Rok; Sunko, Blaž; Markovska, Natasa; Gjorgievski, Vladimir; Bozhikaliev, Vasil; Rajaković, Nikola; Batas Bjelić, Ilija; Kazagić, Anes; Redzic, Elma; Jerotić, Slobodan; Mladenović, Bojana; Fejzović, Emir; Babić, Amra; Mataradzija, Milada; Petrović, Marin; Kolbl, Mitja, Small, modular and renewable heating grids in South-Eastern Europe // 12th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, SDEWES 2017, Dubrovnik, Croatia (2017)
  17. Markovska, Nataša; Duić, Neven; Vad Mathiesen, Brian, Guzović, Zvonimir; Piacentino, Antonio; Schlör, Holger; Lund, Hendrik, Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, Energy 115-3, pp 1503-1790 (2016)
  18. Nemet, Andreja; Klemeš,Jiří Jaromír; Duić, Neven; Yan, Jinyue, Special Issue: The 10th Dubrovnik Conference, Dubrovnik, 2015, Applied Energy 184, pp 1241-1550 (2016)
  19. Special Volume: SDEWES 2014 - Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems / Urbaniec, Krzysztof; Mikulčić, Hrvoje; Duić, Neven; Lozano, Rodrigo; Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 130, Pages 1-272 (2016)
  20. Book of Abstracts of the 11th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems / Ban, Marko; Duić, Neven; Costa, Mario; Schneider, Daniel Rolph; Guzović, Zvonimir; Eveloy, Valerie; Kilkiş, Şiir; Klemeš, Jiří Jaromír; Pukšec, Tomislav; Varbanov, Petar; Vujanović, Milan; et al (ur.). Zagreb : Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture (2016)
  21. Book of Abstracts of the 2nd SEE Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems / Ban, Marko; Duić, Neven; Zidanšek, Aleksander; Schneider, Daniel Rolph; Guzović, Zvonimir; Šlaus, Ivo; Batas Bijelić, Ilija; Jacobs, Gary; Kilkiş, Şiir; Klemeš, Jiří Jaromír; Pukšec, Tomislav; Ragossnig, Arne M.; Rajaković, Nikola; Schlör, Holger; Varbanov, Petar; et al (ur.). Zagreb : Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture (2016)
  22. First Annual PhD Workshop / Parunov, Joško; Zovko Brodarac, Zdenka; Duić, Neven; Pustaić, Dragan; Đukić, Goran; Cajner, Franjo; Runje, Biserka; Terze, Zdravko; Jokić, Andrej; Bauer, Branko; Sorić, Jurica; Matijević, Božidar; Majetić, Dubravko (ur.). Zagreb : Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and naval Architecture ; Faculty of Metallurgy (2015)
  23. Book of Abstracts of the 10th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems / Ban, Marko; Duić, Neven; Schneider, Daniel Rolph; Guzović, Zvonimir; Arora, Meenakshi; Barbir, Frano; Boldyryev, Stanislav; Connolly, David; Davidson, Brian; Đukić, Ankica; Vujanović, Milan; Pukšec, Tomislav; et al (ur.). Zagreb : Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture (2015)
  24. Markovska, Nataša; Duić, Neven; Guzović, Zvonimir; Vad Mathiesen, Brian, SDEWES 2013: Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, Energy 76, pp 1-1036 (2014)
  25. Book of Abstracts of the 9th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems / Ban, Marko; Duić, Neven; Guzović, Zvonimir; Schneider, Daniel Rolph; Klemeš, J.J.; Varbanov, P.; Sikdar, Subhas K; Shadman, Farhang; Kafarov, V.; Krajačić, Goran; Perković, Luka; Vujanović, Milan; et al (ur.). Zagreb : Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture (2014)
  26. Duić, Neven ; Rosen, Marc , Special section on Sustainable Development of Energy Systems, Energy Conversion and Management 87, pp 1-1332 (2014)
  27. Ostergaard, Poul Alberg; Duić, Neven, Sustainable energy, water and environmental systems - Special issue, International journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management 3 (2014)
  28. Duić, Neven; Guzović, Zvonko, Submissions selected from 8th SDEWES Conference, Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems 2, 1-4 (2014)
  29. Schneider, R. Daniel; Guzović, Zvonko; Duić, Neven; Stojiljković, M. Mladen, Special issue with selected papers from 8th SDEWES Dubrovnik Conference, selected papers 16th SIMTERM Sokobanja Simposium and three Open Forum papers, Thermal Science 18, 3 (2014)
  30. Book of Abstracts of the 1st South East European Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems / Ban, Marko; Duić, Neven; Markovska, Nataša; Schneider, Daniel R.; Guzović, Zvonimir; Schlör, Holger; Ćosić, Boris; Krajačić, Goran; Perković, Luka; Vujanović Milan (ur.). Zagreb : Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture (2014)
  31. Markovska, Nataša; Duić, Neven; Filho, Walter Leal, Special issue: 7th Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal 25, 1 (2014)
  32. Book of Abstracts of The 8th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems / Ban, Marko; Duić, Neven; Guzović, Zvonimir; Markovska, Nataša; Schneider, Daniel R.; Klemeš, J.J.; Varbanov, P.; Ababneh, A.; Alberg Ostergaard, P.; Connolly, D.; Kafarov, V.; Krajačić, Goran; Lund, H.; Mathiesen, B.V.; Möller, B.; Perković, Luka; Vujanović, Milan (ur.). Zagreb : Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture (2013)
  33. Duić, Neven; Guzović, Zvonimir, Submissions selected from 6th and 7th SDEWES Conference, Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, 1, 1 (2013)
  34. Duić, Neven; Varbanov, Petar Sabev, SDEWES: 7th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia, 1-7 July 2012, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 34 (2013)
  35. Markovska, Nataša; Duić, Neven; Guzović, Zvonimir; Mathiesen, Brian Vad; Lund, Henrik, Special Issue: 7th Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, Ohrid, Macedonia, SDEWES2012., Energy - The International Journal 57, pp 1-808 (2013)
  36. Duić, Neven, Special Issue: The 6th Dubrovnik Conference, Dubrovnik September 2011, Strojarstvo, 55, 1 (2013)
  37. Duić, Neven; Guzović, Zvonimir; Kafarov, Vyatcheslav; Klemeš, Jirí Jaromír; Mathiessen, Brian vad; Yan, Jinyue, Special Issue: The 6th Dubrovnik Conference, Dubrovnik, September 2011, Applied Energy, 88, 2, pp 419-558 (2013)
  38. Mathiesen, Brian Vad; Duić, Neven; Stadler, Ingo; Rizzo, Gianfranco; Guzović, Zvonimir, Special Issue: 6th Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, Dubrovnik, Croatia, SDEWES2011, Energy - The International Journal, 48, 1, pp 1-582 (2012)
  39. Schneider, Daniel Rolph; Guzović, Zvonimir; Rašković, Predrag; Duić, Neven, Special Issue: "Sustainable development – challenge to use resources in a more efficient way, integrating processes and reusing waste for energy production" containing in Part I a selection of papers presented at 2011 Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, Dubrovnik, Croatia, September 25 - 29, Thermal Science Archive, 16, 3, (2012)
  40. Ban, Marko; Duić, Neven; Guzović, Zvonimir; Klemeš, Jiri Jaromir; Markovska, Nataša; Schneider, Daniel Rolph; Varbanov Petar, Book of Abstracts of The 7th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems / Skopje, Macedonia : Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, (2012)
  41. Vučijak, Branko; Duić, Neven; Kupusović, Tarik; Mohsen, Mousa, Special Issue Devoted to Selected Papers from the 6th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems // International Journal of Sustainable Water and Environmental Systems (SWES) 4; 1-3 (2012)
  42. Duić, Neven; Guzović, Zvonimir, Special Issue: 5th Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, Dubrovnik, Croatia, September 29 - October 3 2009., Energy - The International Journal, 36, 4, pp 1839-2314 (2011)
  43. Ban, Marko; Duić, Neven; Guzović, Zvonimir, Book of Abstracts of The 6th Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems / Zagreb : Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture (2011)
  44. Duić, Neven, Special Issue: The 5th Dubrovnik Conference, Dubrovnik, September 29 - October 3 2009, Strojarstvo 52, 4, pp 401-407 (2010)
  45. Duić, Neven; Guzović, Zvonimir; Schneider, Daniel Rolph; Oka, Simeon, Special Issue of Thermal Science: Southeast Europe in the process of implementation of new European energy and environment strategy // Thermal Science, 14 (2010)
  46. 5th Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems ; Dubrovnik, Croatia, June 4-8 2007 : book of abstracts, Zagreb : Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture (2009)
  47. Guzović, Zvonimir; Duić, Neven; Barbir, Frano, Special Issue: 4th Dubrovnik Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 4-8 June 2007, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 34, 16, pp 6581-7130 (2009)
  48. Afgan, Naim H.; Bogdan, Željko; Duić, Neven; Guzović, Zvonimir; Lior, Noam, Editorial Introduction - Special Issue: 4th Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water & Environment., Editorial Introduction - Special Issue: 4th Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water & Environment // Energy The International Journal, 34, 5; 511-512 (2009)
  49. Guzović, Zvonimir; Duić, Neven, Cehil, Mislav, 4th Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems ; Dubrovnik, Croatia, June 4-8 2007 : book of abstracts, Zagreb : Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture (2007)
  50. Duić, Neven; Bogdan, Željko; Afgan, Naim, Special Issue of the Journal Thermal Science, 11-3, dedicated to the Dubrovnik 2005 Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 5-19 June 2005., Thermal Science Archive, 11, 3 (2007)
  51. Guzović, Zvonimir; Duić, Neven; Ban, Marko (ur.)., Proceedings of the 4th Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, Dubrovnik, Croatia, June 4-8, 2007, Zagreb : Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture (2007)
  52. Afgan, Naim; Bogdan, Željko; Duić, Neven; Guzović, Zvonimir; Lior, Noam, Editorial Introduction - Special issue - Dedicated to 3(rd) Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems - Dubrovnik, Croatia - 2005.. // Energy. 32, 6; 873-874 (2007)
  53. Afgan, Naim; Bogdan, Željko; Duić, Neven; Guzović, Zvonimir; Klemeš, Jiri Jaromir; Friedler, F.; Lior, Noam, Double Special Issue: 2nd Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems/PRES 03 and PRES 2004 Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction // Energy, The International Journal 31, 13, (2006)
  54. Duić, Neven; Naim Afgan; Bogdan, Željko, Special Issue of Thermal Science: Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems // Thermal Science 9-3, (2005)
  55. Naim Afgan; Bogdan, Željko; Duić, Neven, Special Issue of Energy: Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems // Energy, The International Journal 30-8, (2005)
  56. Afgan, Naim; Bogdan, Željko; Duić, Neven; Lior, Noam, Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue of Energy: Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems. // Energy. 30, 8; 1219-1220 (2005)
  57. Afgan, Naim; Bogdan, Željko; Neven Duić, Special Issue of Management of Environmental Quality: Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal. 14, 4, 107 pgs. (2003)
  58. Afgan, Naim; Bogdan, Željko; Duić, Neven; Butler, D.; Jowitt, P.; Ashley, R.; Blackwood, D.; Davies, J.; Oltean-Dumbrava, C.; McIlkenny, G.; Foxon, T.; Gilmour, D.; Smith H.; Cavill, S.; Leach, M.; Pearson, P.; Gouda, H.; Samson, W.; Souter, N.; Hendry, S.; Moir, J.; Bouchart, F.; Abukhader, S.; Jonson G.; Kasmo, M.H.; Persson, T.A.; Azar, C.; Cortez, L.A.B.; Griffin, M.W.; Scaramucci, J.A.; Scandiffio, M.I.G.; Braunbeck, O.A.; Mišetić, Stjepan; Pavlin, Željko; Mrakovčić, Milorad; Jurić, Vedran, Special Issue of Management of Environmental Quality: Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems. // Management of environmental quality. 107 (2003)
  59. Afgan, Naim; Bogdan, Željko; Duić, Neven, Guest Editorial to the Special Issue of Management of Environmental Quality: Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems //Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal. 14, 4; 443-443 (2003)
  60. Duić, Neven, Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, Book of Abstracts of Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, Dubrovnik, June 2-7 2002, Energetika marketing, Zagreb (2002) Presentation



since 16  

Economic and legal principals of renewable energy sources, University of Zagreb - Šibenik


Introduction to Energy Management, University of Zagreb - Šibenik


Energy Management, University of Zagreb - Šibenik

since 13  

Advanced Energy Planning, postgraduate, University of Sarajevo, Mechanical Engineering Faculty

since 04  

Numerical Methods in Aerospace Engineering II


Numerical Methods in Heat Transfer, postgraduate


Combustion and Radiation Modelling, postgraduate


Introduction to Energy Technologies, MSc. SEE


Advanced Energy Planning, postgraduate


Energy Markets


Energy Management


Energy Economics


Energy Planning


Combustion and Radiation Modelling


Numerical Methods in Continuum Mechanics

since 03  

Numerical Methods in Engineering

since 99  

Introduction to Energy Management



Managing Human Resources Development

Supervision of Visiting Researchers
  1. Saqib Ali, 2024-2025
  2. Daniele Groppi, in 2021
  3. Felipe Feijoo, 2020-2021
  4. Natasa Markovska, 2019-2021
  5. Kawtar Rimi, 2018 - 2019
  6. Dr. Boubekeur Dokkar, in 2017
  7. Olga Arsenyeva, in 2015
  8. Oleksandr Perevertaylenko, in 2015
  9. Mykhailo Vasyliev, in 2015
  10. Stanislav Boldyryev, 2014 - 2016
  11. Ana Rosso, in 2014
  12. Heriberto Cabezas, in 2014
  13. Eduardo Ortas, in 2013
  14. Amer Khalil Ababneh, 2013 - 2014
  15. Alae-Eddine Barkaoui, 2013-16
  16. Manal Mustafa, in 2013
  17. Omar Badran, in 2012
  18. Moh'd Sami Ashhab, 2012 - 2014
  19. Yassine Zarhloule, in 2012
  20. Genadii Khavin, in 2012
  21. Brian Vad Mathiesen, in 2009
  22. Mousa Mohsen, in 2009
  23. Gordana Stefanović, in 2009
  24. Dušan Marković, in 2009
  25. Ivica Minić, in 2009
  26. Mladen Tomić, in 2009


Supervision of Postdocs

  1. Saqib Ali, since 2024
  2. Antun Pfeifer, since 2023
  3. Hrvoje Dorotić, 2022
  4. Felipe Feijoo, 2020-2021
  5. Jakov Baleta, 2016 - 2017
  6. Hrvoje Mikulčić, 2015 - 2024
  7. Tomislav Pukšec, 2015 - 2017
  8. Alae-Eddine Barkaoui, 2014 - 2016
  9. Luka Perković,  2014 - 2016
  10. Goran Krajačić, 2012 - 2014
  11. Marko Ban, since 2011
  12. Milan Vujanović, 2010 - 2015


Co-supervision of Postdocs

  1. Stanislav Boldyryev, 2016 - 2017
  2. Zvonimir Petranović, 2016 - 2018

Supervision of PhD students
  1. Francisco Javier Flores Gajardo, since 2023
  2. Marko Starčević, since 2023
  3. Doris Beljan, since 2022
  4. Luka Herc, since 2021
  5. Victoria Willson, since 2020
  6. Hrvoje Stančin, Production of alternative fuels by thermochemical conversion of waste materialsPhD thesis, FSB, Zagreb, 227 pp. (2023)
  7. Jurić, Filip, Numerical modelling of radiative heat transfer and tabulated chemical kinetics in multiphase reactive processesPhD thesis, FSB, Zagreb, 274 pp. (2023)
  8. Tena Maruševac, 2017-2019
  9. Meha, Drilon, Increasing the penetration of renewable energy sources by using power to heat technologies in power systems based on coal, PhD thesis, FSB, Zagreb, 174 pp. (2022) 
  10. Pfeifer, Antun, Planning of the energy system using the game theory in coupled marketsPhD thesis, FSB, Zagreb, 201 pp. (2023) 
  11. Matija Pavičević, 2016 - 2018
  12. Dorotić, Hrvoje, Multi criteria method for evaluation of district heating and cooling with regard to individual systemsPhD thesis, FSB, Zagreb, 242 pp. (2022) 
  13. Doračić, Borna, Levelized cost of excess heat method for the assessment of its utilisation in district heating systemsPhD thesis, FSB, Zagreb, 163 pp. (2022) 
  14. Salem AlSaleh, since 2016
  15. Baleta, Jakov, Development of numerical models within the liquid film and Lagrangian spray framework, PhD thesis, FSB, Zagreb, 106 pp. (2016)
  16. Mikulčić, Hrvoje, Numerical modelling of thermo-chemical processes inside a cement calciner for a cleaner cement production, PhD thesis, FSB, Zagreb, 167 pp. (2015)
  17. Pukšec, Tomislav, Influence of energy policy on long term energy demand planning, PhD thesis, FSB, Zagreb, 164 pp. (2015) Presentation
  18. Perković, Luka, Numerical modelling of turbulent premixed jet flames in large eddy simulation framework, PhD thesis, FSB, Zagreb, 136 pp. (2014) Presentation
  19. Krajačić, Goran, The Role of Energy Storage in Planning of 100% Renewable Energy Systems, PhD thesis, FSB, Zagreb, 194 pp. (2012) Presentation
  20. Ban, Marko, Numerical modelling of auto-ignition chemistry kinetics in computational fluid dynamics, PhD thesis, FSB, Zagreb, 140 pp. (2011) Presentation
  21. Vujanović, Milan, Numerical modelling of multiphase flow in combustion of liquid fuel, PhD thesis, FSB, Zagreb, 140 pp. (2010) Presentation
  22. Baburić, Mario, Numerically Efficient Modelling of Turbulent Non-Premixed Flames, PhD thesis, FSB, Zagreb, 168 pp. (2005) Presentation
  23. Tomislav Novosel, The impact of district heating and cooling on the penetration of intermittent renewable energy sources in moderate and Mediterranean climate PhD thesis, FSB, Zagreb,  197 pp. (2023) 
  24. Goran Gašparović, 2012-2016
  25. Boris Ćosić, since 2008
  26. Martina Ferk, 2005-2008
  27. Marko Lipošćak, 2002-2003

Co-supervising PhD students
  1. Petranović, Zvonimir, Numerical modelling of spray and combustion processes using the Euler Eulerian multiphase approach, PhD thesis, FSB, Zagreb, 176 pp. (2016) 
  2. Raquel Segurado (IST), Integrated Planning of Energy and Water Supply in Islands, PhD thesis, (2015) 
  3. Jose Pedro Fonseca (IST), 2004-2006

Supervision of Research MSc students
  1. Rožman, Bernarda, Reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the sugar production sector in Croatia (in Croatian), MSc thesis, supervised by M. Martinis, co-supervised by N. Duić, FSB, Zagreb, 80 pp. (2013) Presentation
  2. Busuttil, Antoine, Analysis of Economically Viable Potential of Renewables in Malta Energy System, MSc thesis, FSB, Zagreb, 151 pp. (2008) Presentation
  3. Vitaljić, Nenad, Potential of renewable energy sources in reduction of CO2 emissions (in Croatian), MSc thesis, FSB, Zagreb, 132 pp. (2006) Presentation
  4. Krstulović, Vedran, Exergoeconomic analysis of the typical energy process in the Croatian industry (in Croatian), MSc thesis, FSB, Zagreb, 105 pp. (2006) Presentation
  5. Vujanović, Milan, CFD simulation of flow in a complex geometry of the Heat Recovery Steam Generator (in Croatian), supervised by Bogdan, Željko ; Duić, Neven, 92 pp. (2003) Presentation

Supervision of MSc students
  1. Beljan, Doris, Analiza osjetljivosti budućih konfiguracija energetskog sustava s obzirom na dostupnost resursa, FSB, Zagreb, 149 pp. (2022)  
  2. Lovrić, Mateo, Planiranje budućih energetskih potreba prometnog sektora u turističkim destinacijama,  FSB, Zagreb, 118 pp. (2022)  
  3. Smiljan, Matija, Conceptual solution of a hybrid power plant consisting of photovoltaic panels and wind turbines, FSB, Zagreb, 150 pp. (2022)  
  4. Herc, Luka, Comparison of different configurations of the energy system of the Republic of Croatia in energy transition, FSB, Zagreb, 122 pp. (2021) 
  5. Leopoldović, Lea, Blue energy potential assessment and their impact on the electricity system of the Republic of Croatia, FSB, Zagreb, 82 pp. (2021) 
  6. Biloš, Josip, Development of a wind power plant project in the market conditions, FSB, Zagreb 108 pp. (2020) 
  7. Opetuk, Filip, Techno-economic analysis of implementation of alternative fuels in transport system in energy transition, FSB, Zagreb, 101 pp. (2019) 
  8. Štrbac, Hrvoje, The application of the biorefinery concept to increase the efficiency and economic viability of a sawmill, FSB, Zagreb,  69 pp. (2019) 
  9. Stančin, Hrvoje, Samples property identification and study methodology of samples analysis, FSB, Zagreb, 74 pp. (2018) 
  10. Šutalo, Zvonimir, The application of the biorefinery concept to increase the efficiency and economic viability of the sugar factory, FSB, Zagreb, (2017)
  11. Tomić, Ivan, Applying the DispaSET model on the Western Balkans power systems, FSB, Zagreb, 130 pp. (2017) 
  12. Lovrak, Ana, Heat demand mapping and energy planning with a focus on district heating - case study for the city of Zagreb, FSB, Zagreb, 55 pp. (2017) 
  13. Pavlinek, Luka, Techno-economic analysis of the integration of renewable energy sources and the transport sector in the energy network of island systems, FSB, Zagreb, 160 pp. (2017) 
  14. Rohlik, Petar, Biowaste utilization for biomethane production, FSB, Zagreb, 78 pp. (2016) 
  15. Dorotić, Hrvoje, Techno-economic analysis of the implementation of a biomass district heating system in the City of Ogulin, FSB, Zagreb, 74. pp (2016) 
  16. Pavičević, Matija, Utilization of heat storage for the increase of the efficiency and economic viability of district heating, FSB, Zagreb. 81 pp. (2016) 
  17. Pfeifer, Antun, Analysis of biomass production potential from short rotation crops on unused agriculture land for use in biomass power plants in Croatia, FSB, Zagreb, 95 pp. (2015) 
  18. Tomić, Tihomir, Economic viability of district heating system with biomass and municipal solid waste in the City of Zagreb, FSB, Zagreb, 153 pp. (2014)
  19. Baleta, Jakov, Numerical Investigation of Wallfilm Formation for Selective Catalytic Reduction Applications, FSB, Zagreb, 76 pp. (2013) Presentation
  20. Katarina Katić, Application of the Four Step Model in Analysis of Personal Vehicles Trips with Future Application on Energy Planning of Electric Vehicles Charging - the Case of City of Zagreb (in Croatian), FSB, Zagreb 79 pp. (2013) Presentation
  21. Cerovac, Tin, Advanced System Analysis Using Scenario Approach - the Case Study of Croatia (in Croatian), FSB, Zagreb 91 pp. (2013) Presentation
  22. Čulig-Tokić, Dario, Comparative Analysis of the District Heating Systems in Croatia and Denmark, FSB, Zagreb, 83 pp. (2013) Presentation
  23. Petranović, Zvonimir, Numerical simulations of spray process during high pressure fuel injection into diesel engine (in Croatian), supervised by Duić, Neven, FSB, Zagreb, 63 pp. (2012) Presentation
  24. Ridjan, Iva, The justification of the use of synthetic fuels in renewable energy systems, supervised by Duić, Neven ; Mathiesen, Brian Vad, FSB, Zagreb, 2012, 84 pp. (2012) Presentation
  25. Šare, Anamarija, Impact of electrification in the transport sector on the power curve and integration of renewable energy sources in the Dubrovnik region (in Croatian), FSB, Zagreb, 69 pp. (2012) Presentation
  26. Irsag, Bojan, Economic viability of centralized biogas plant (in Croatian), FSB, Zagreb, 90 pp. (2012) Presentation
  27. Foschio, Damir, Influence of the turbulence model on the results of numerical simulation of pulverized coal combustion (in Croatian), FSB, Zagreb, 79 pp. (2012) Presentation
  28. Vuleta, Goran, Energy efficiency improvements and implementation of renewable energy sources on dairy farms (in Croatian), FSB, Zagreb, 96 pp. (2012) Presentation
  29. Bratić, Silvio, Planning of development for the energy self-sufficient Island Unije / (in Croatian), FSB, Zagreb, 141 pp. (2011) Presentation
  30. Papeš, Iva, Three dimensional numerical simulation of turbulent premixed combustion by using large eddy simulation approach (in Croatian), FSB, Zagreb, 80 pp. (2011)
  31. Nekić, Iva, Energy audit and analysis of recommended savings for the Police Academy (in Croatian), supervised by I. Balen ; Duić, Neven, FSB, Zagreb, 109 pp. (2010) Presentation
  32. Pavković, Dragomir, Potential of energy consumption reduction and usage of renewable sources in educational buildings (in Croatian), FSB, Zagreb, 83 pp. (2009) Presentation
  33. Car Mihalić, Marica, Potential measures of energy savings in selected school (in Croatian), FSB, Zagreb, 69 pp. (2009) Presentation
  34. Duilo, Ivan, Comparison and validation of different wall film models for low-pressure injection systems (in Croatian), supervised by: Duić, Neven, FSB, Zagreb, 94 pp. (2009) Presentation
  35. Ćosić, Boris, Analysis of Croatian potential for construction of biomass power plants and location selection for plants (in Croatian), FSB, Zagreb, 77 pp. (2009) Presentation
  36. Ćutić, Ivan: Cogeneration potential analysis in service sector in Croatia (in Croatian), FSB, Zagreb, 97 pp. (2009)
  37. Pukšec, Tomislav, Green house gases reduction potential on dairy farms (in Croatian), FSB, Zagreb,  102 pp. (2008) Presentation
  38. Šikić, Antun, 3D computer simulation of a spray (in Croatian), FSB, Zagreb,  78 pp. (2008) Presentation
  39. Sušac, Kata, Modernization of renewable energy sources and cogeneration registry (in Croatian), supervised by Bogdan, Željko ; Duić, Neven, FSB, Zagreb, 75 pp. (2007) Presentation
  40. Bavoljak, Ivan, Assessing investments in energy efficiency based on strategic management method (in Croatian), supervised by N. Štefanić ; Duić, Neven, FSB, Zagreb, 90 pp. (2007)
  41. Hemetek, Boris, Energy system planning on Island Lošinj with use of RenewIslands metodology (in Croatian), FSB, Zagreb,  93 pp. (2007) Presentation
  42. Perković, Luka, 3D CFD Calculation of Injector Nozzle Flow for standard and alternative Fuels (in Croatian), FSB, Zagreb, 73 pp. (2007) Presentation
  43. Maljković, Danica, Analysis of technical potential of energy efficiency measures in kindergartens, (in Croatian), FSB, Zagreb,  90 pp. (2005) Presentation
  44. Krajačić, Goran, Energy planning of the island of Mljet in the context of maximization of renewable energy sources (in Croatian), FSB, Zagreb, 88 pp. (2004) Presentation
  45. Ban, Marko, Soot model parameter analysis in the combustion chamber with variable geometry (in Croatian), Graduation thesis, FSB, Zagreb, 78 pp. (2004) Presentation
  46. Žilić, Tihomir: Sensibility analysis of industrial cogeneration viability to the tariff system (in Croatian), Graduation thesis, FSB, Zagreb, 71 pp. (2003) Presentation 
  47. Adum, Boris, The Influence of Energy Policy in Building Insulation to Satisfying the Kyoto Protocol obligations (in Croatian), Graduation thesis, FSB, Zagreb, 70 pp. (2002) Presentation 

Supervision of BSc students
  1. Lovrić, Mateo, Overview of the current state and techno-economic analysis of offshore wind power plants implementation, FSB, Zagreb, 40 pp. (2020) Presentation
  2. Kirasić, Edi, Tecno-economic analysis of a cogeneration plant connected to the district heating of the City of Ogulin, FSB, Zagreb, 60 pp. (2019) Presentation
  3. Herc, Luka, Techno-economic analysis of a geothermal district heating system, FSB, Zagreb, 64 pp. (2019) Presentation
  4. Capan, Tihomir, Techno-economic analysis of a biomass cogeneration plant as part of a wood industry facility, FSB, Zagreb, 56 pp. (2017) Presentation
  5. Sučić, Matija, Database of energy efficiency measures in the public sector - Case study for Zagreb County, FSB, Zagreb, 41 pp. (2017) Presentation
  6. Stipeljković, Matej, Near-zero energy buildings - deep energy renovation feasibility calculator, FSB, Zagreb 50 pp. (2017) Presentation
  7. Pušić, Tin, Techno-economic analysis of the implementation of a small renewable district heating system in the city of Ozalj, FSB, Zagreb, 53 pp. (2017) Presentation
  8. Polančec, Mateo, Numerical simulation of fuel flow and cavitation phenomena due to the high pressure fuel injection, FSB, Zagreb, 41 pp. (2016) Presentation
  9. Burić, Ivan, Dimensioning of a system for power production from high altitude winds based on Magnus' effect, FSB, Zagreb, 38 pp. (2016) Presentation
  10. Andrić, Karlo Josip, Modelling of energy systems containing the units for power production from high altitude winds, FSB, Zagreb 47 pp. (2015) Presentation
  11. Pavlinek, Luka, Current state and future trends of electricity markets in Croatia with special emphasis on renewable energy sources, FSB, Zagreb 64 pp. (2015) Presentation
  12. Bačeković, Ivan,  Energy systems with a high penetration of district heating and cooling in Croatia (in Croatian), FSB, Zagreb 51 pp. (2015) Presentation
  13. Komušanac, Ivan, Analysis of construction of wind plants  and photovoltaic systems and their impact  on the power system load of the Republic of Croatia, FSB, Zagreb, 40 pp. (2015) Presentation
  14. Čulo, Dario, Renewable Energy as an Economic Growth Driver of Croatia (in Croatian), FSB, Zagreb (2014)
  15. Popović, Ivan, Calculation of contribution of measures for efficient use of energy and increased use of renewable energy sources on decrees of the greenhouse gas emission in the municipalities of the Dubrovnik-Nertva County (in Croatian), FSB, Zagreb 56 pp. (2014) Presentation
  16. Žiher, Ante, Analysis of construction of photovoltaic systems and their impact on the power system load and electricity price on the island o Korčula (in Croatian), FSB, Zagreb 49 pp. (2014) Presentation
  17. Dominković, Franjo Dominik, Long term energy planning for Primorje-Gorski kotar County (in Croatian), FSB, Zagreb 40 pp. (2013) Presentation
  18. Larma, Marijana, Analysis of biomass pellets production potential from forest residues in Bjelovar-bilogora County (in Croatian), FSB, Zagreb 37 pp. (2013) Presentation
  19. Pfeifer, Antun, Energy system planning with a high share of renewable energy sources – the Case study of Bosnia and Herzegovina (in Croatian), FSB, Zagreb 35 pp. (2013) Presentation
  20. Matak, Nikola, Analysis of wind power production from planned wind power plants in the Dubrovnik-Neretva County (in Croatian), FSB, Zagreb, 56 pp. (2013) Presentation
  21. Katić, Katarina, Energy system planning with a high share of renewable energy sources – the Case study of Portugal (in Croatian), FSB, Zagreb, 50 pp. (2012) Presentation
  22. Cerovac, Tin, Potential for reducing energy consumption and penetration of renewable energy sources in buildings of Croatian government sector (in Croatian), FSB, Zagreb, 65 pp. (2012) Presentation
  23. Irsag, Bojan, Energy demand side modeling of Croatian tourist-catering trade sector based on technological, legal and financial mechanisms (in Croatian), FSB, Zagreb, 70 pp. (2011) Presentation
  24. Bratić, Silvio, Comparison of two construction models for a typical building in continental Croatian from energy consumption prospective (in Croatian), supervised by I. Balen ; Duić, Neven, FSB, Zagreb, 60 pp. (2010) Presentation
  25. Papeš, Iva, Monitoring plan for greenhouse gas emission (in Croatian), supervised by Duić, Neven, FSB, Zagreb, 48 pp. (2010) Presentation
  26. Šare, Anamarija, Zero energy building as a power plant (in Croatian), supervised by: V. Soldo, Duić, Neven, FSB, Zagreb, 65 pp. (2010) Presentation
  27. Duilo, Ivan, Comparison of the different wall interaction models with the measuremet results for low pressure injection systems (in Croatian), FSB, Zagreb (2009)
  28. Bernardić, Ana, Energy efficiency enhancement on dairy farms (in Croatian), supervised by: Duić, Neven, FSB, Zagreb, 35 pp. (2008)
  29. Bogdan, Bruno, Energy efficiency and renewable energy sources on a dairy farm (in Croatian), supervised by: Duić, Neven, FSB, Zagreb, 55 pp. (2008)


Co-supervision of BSc students

  1. Vujanović, Milan, CFD simulation of flow in a complex geometry of the Heat Recovery Steam Generator (in Croatian), supervised by Bogdan, Željko, FSB, Zagreb, 92 pp. (2003)
  2. Rei, Patricia, New and Renewable Energy Technologies in Islands and Remote Regions, Integrated Energy Systems for Corvo and Porto Santo, supervised by Carvalho, Maria da Graça, IST, Lisbon, (2002)
  3. Lipošćak, Marko, Micro-cogeneration with Diesel (in Croatian),supervised by Bogdan, Željko, FSB, Zagreb, 90 pp. (2002) Presentation 
  4. Juretić, Franjo, Modelling scenarios of development of Croatian power system (in Croatian), supervised by Bogdan, Željko, FSB, Zagreb, 85 pp. (1999)


Member of PhD thesis Juries

  1. Anders Winther Mortensen, The Role and Feasibility of Electrofuels in the Future Renewable Energy System, PhD thesis, supervised by H. Wenzel University of Southern Denmark, Denmark, (2020)
  2. Dmytro Romanchenko, Importance of the demand-supply balance in district heating systems, PhD thesis, supervised by Mikael Odenberger and Filip Johnsson, Chalmers university, Sweden, (2020) Presentation
  3. Rosso Cerón, Ana María, “Diseño y Aplicación de una metodología basada en lógica difusa para la selección de alternativas sostenibles de generación  eléctrica en zonas no interconectadas de Colombia”, PhD thesis, supervised by V. Kafarov, Industrial University of Santander, Colombia, (2017)
  4. Čengić, Mustafa, Internalization of external environmental benefits from investment in energy efficiency of buildings sector of country in transition, PhD thesis, supervised by E. Dzaferovic, Mašinski Fakultet, Sarajevo (2016)
  5. Petranović, Zvonimir, Numerical modelling of spray and combustion processes using the Euler Eulerian multiphase approach, PhD thesis, supervised by M. Vujanović, FSBZagreb, 176pp. (2016)
  6. Li, XiaoFeng, Energy Diversification Approach to Optimise Buildings' Energy Consumption and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Beyond Green Ratings, PhD thesis, supervised by V. Strezov, Macquarie University, Sydney (2014)
  7. Nielsen, Steffen, Spatial Heat Planning and Heat Demand Reductions in Buildings, PhD thesis, supervised by B. Möller, University of Aalborg, Aalborg, 97 pp. (2014)
  8. Connolly, David, The Integration od Fluctuating Renewable Energy Using Energy Storage, PhD thesis, supervised by M. Leahy, University of Limerick, Limerick, 199 pp. (2011) Presentation
  9. Kazagić, Anes, Investigation of pulverized combustion of Bosnian-Herzegovinian coals focused on selection of new and improvement the existing combustion technologies in thermal power plants (in Bosnian), PhD thesis, supervised by I. Smajevic, MFS, Sarajevo, 206 pp. (2009)
  10. Mathiesen, Brian Vad, Fuel cells and electrolysers in future energy systems, PhD thesis, supervised by Lund, Henrik, Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark, 206 pp. (2008)
  11. Drakulić, Miodrag, The Role of the Longitudinal Ventilation System in Road Tunnel Fire Accidents (in Croatian), PhD thesis, supervised by P. Donjerkovic, FSB, Zagreb, 160 pp. (2006)
  12. Fonseca, José Pedro, Integration of Renewable Energy Sources in Remote and Isolated Regions, PhD thesis, supervised by M.G. Carvalho, IST, Lisbon (2006)
  13. Schneider, Daniel Rolph, Investigation of the possibility of the SO3 reduction during heavy-oil fuel combustion (in Croatian), PhD thesis, supervised by Bogdan, Željko, FSB, Zagreb, 197 pp. (2002)


Member of MSc thesis Juries

  1. Rožman, B., Reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the sugar production sector in Croatia (in Croatian), MSc thesis, supervised by M. Martinis, FSB, Zagreb (2013) Presentation
  2. Igor Raguzin, Model analize troškova i dobiti uporabe biomase u proizvodnji električne energije (in Croatian), UNIOS, Slavonski Brod, 134 pp. (2011) Presentation
  3. Čarapović, L., Simulation of Energy Use and CO2 Emissions for a Given Region (in Croatian), MSc thesis, supervised by N. Ružinski, FSB, Zagreb (2002) 


Supervising Trainees and Visiting students

  1. Sarina Nigg, Switzerland, 2020 (IAESTE)
  2. Alessandra Maria Orlando, Italy 2019 (ERASMUS+)
  3. Federica Di Donna, Italy, 2018 (ERASMUS+)
  4. Marianna Tiano, Italy, 2017 (ERASMUS+)
  5. Flavia Mendes de Almeida Collaco, Brasil, 2017 (ERASMUS+)
  6. Vittoria Battaglia, Italy, 2016 (ERASMUS+)
  7. Carlo Barletta, Italy, 2016 (ERASMUS+)
  8. Hugo Miranda Ramos, Brasil 2016 (IAESTE)
  9. Erdem Alacali, Turkey, 2015 (IAESTE)
  10. Marco Panarella, Italy, 2015 (ERASMUS+)
  11. Martko Wojciech, Germany, 2012 (IAESTE)
  12. Alexander Warlo, Germany, 2011 (IAESTE)
  13. Benjamin Gutschmidt, Germany, 2009 (IAESTE)
  14. Oscar Koller, Germany, 2008 (IAESTE)
  15. Barbara Ippach, Germany, 2007 (IAESTE)
  16. Tunga Sanalp, Turkey, 2004 (IAESTE)
  17. Eli Ratamoza Mejia, Mexico, 2003 (IAESTE)
  18. Patricia Rei, Portugal, 2002
  19. Armando Obregon, Mexico, 2002 (IAESTE)
  20. David Muscat, Malta, 1996 (IAESTE)



Invited Lectures at International Conferences
  1. Duić, Neven, The Importance of Time of Use of Electricity for The Process Industry // 27th Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Savings and Pollution Reduction (PRES 24), Xi'an, Kina (2024) 
  2. Duić, Neven, Smart Energy Systems // The 3rd International Conference on Energy Storage and Saving (ICENSS-2024), Qingdao, Kina (2024)
  3. Duić, Neven, How to achieve energy systems with high penetration of variable renewables in hot and humid climates // 2nd International Conference on Recent Advancements in Mechanical Engineering (ICRAME 2021), Silchar, India (2021)
  4. Duić, Neven, Sustainable energy systems – future steps //  International Scientific Conference Green Economy and Environmental Protection, Belgrade, Serbia (2018)
  5. Duić, Neven, Integration of variable renewable energy into future energy systems // 12th Annual Green Energy Conference (IGEC XII), Xi’an, China (2017)

  6. Duić, Neven, Energy transition – how to integrate variable renewables? // International Conference Energy, Environment and Material Systems (EEMS), Polanica Zdroj, Poland (2017)

  7. Duić, Neven, Integration of power, heating, water and transport systems, using excess in one as resource in the other // 12th SDEWES Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia (2017)
  8. Duić, Neven, How to make islands laboratory? // Greening the Islands 2017, Favignana, Italy (2017)

  9. Duić, Neven, Smart Energy Systems - Issues to solve on the way to 100% RES systems // 9th International Exergy, Energy and Environment Symposium (IEEES9-2017), Split, Croatia (2017)
  10. Duić, Neven; Krajačić, Goran, 100% Renewables energy system for Southeastern Europe, how to make it and how to profit locally from the transition // Conference for Sustainable Energy (CSE), Brasov, Romania (2017)
  11. Duić, Neven, Smart Energy Systems - decoupling from resource based energy // Technology + Society =? Future, Podgorica, Montenegro (2016)
  12. Duić, Neven, Smart Cities as Part of Smart Energy Systems – Efficiency, Renewables and Demand Response // 11th SDEWES Conference, Lisbon, Portugal (2016)
  13. Duić, Neven, Article 14 of the Energy Efficiency Directive - examples from the Republic of Croatia // RENEXPO BiH, Sarajevo, Bosna i Herzegovina (2016)
  14. Duić, Neven, Sustainable development, where we are and where we are heading to? // 2nd SEE SDEWES Conference, Piran, Slovenia (2016)
  15. Duić, Neven, Croatian energy transition // 4th International Symposium on Environmental Management – Towards Circular Economy (SEM2016), Zagreb, Croatia (2016)

  16. Duić, Neven, Smart energy systems // SPLITECH, Split, Croatia (2016)
  17. Duić, Neven, Integration of Variable Renewable Energy Sources into Power Systems // INNOVER EAST training on international cooperation, Minsk, Belarus (2016)
  18. Duić, Neven, Societal Challenge “Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials” New calls 2016-2017: Opportunities for Third/EaP countries //  INNOVER EAST training on international cooperation, Minsk, Belarus (2016)

  19. Duić, Neven, Societal Challenge “Secure, clean and efficient energy” New calls 2016-2017: Opportunities for Third/EaP countries // INNOVER EAST training on international cooperation, Minsk, Belarus (2016)

  20. Duić, Neven, The importance of forecasts for future energy systems // WILL4WIND, Šibenik, Croatia (2015)
  21. Duić, Neven, Smart Energy Systems // 12. International Conference on Accomplishments in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology (DEMI 2015), Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina (2015)
  22. Duić, Neven, Heat demand mapping and advanced energy planning for the City of Osijek // International Conference on District Energy 2015, Portorož, Slovenia (2015)
  23. Duić, Neven, Mitigation of climate change by reducing carbon dioxide emissions in cement industry // PRES 2015, Kuching, Malesia (2015)
  24. Duić, Neven, Smart Energy Systems – the role of water supply in dry climates // International Conference on Energy, Water and Environmental Sciences (ICEWES 2015), Ras Al Khaimah, UAE (2015)
  25. Duić, Neven, The role of sustainable cities in energy systems XXI. Century // EU Sustainable Energy Week, Velika Gorica, Croatia (2015)
  26. Duić, Neven, District heating: Challenges and perspectives // Future comfortable living Conference, Zagreb, Croatia (2015)
  27. Duić, Neven, Potential of Regionally Integrated Energy system on Wind Integration: the Case of South East Europe // The International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE) Conference, Abu Dhabi, UAE (2015)
  28. Duić, Neven, Croatian experience: models and plans of biomass use // Symposium: Biomass solutions for LCP and traffic in Adria region – R&D and application, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina (2014)
  29. Duić, Neven, Involvement of SDEWES Centre and University of Zagreb in the field of Green Energy // Green Energy Forum, Veszprem (2014)
  30. Duić, Neven, District heating: Challenges and perspectives // 1st SEE SDEWES Conference, Ohrid, Macedonia (2014)
  31. Duić, Neven, EU energy and climate policy – issues to solve // CIBSCOL Conference, Cartagena, Colombia (2014)
  32. Duić, Neven, 100% Renewable Energy Solutions for Regions: the Case of South East Europe // XXIX International Conference Energy 2013, Zlatibor, Serbia (2013)
  33. Duić, Neven, Comprehensive Energy Planning based on Renewable Energy Resources // IREDEW2013, Amman, Jordan (2013)
  34. Duić, Neven, Panel session: Towards 100% RES Energy Systems, the Next Steps // EUROCON2013, Zagreb, Croatia (2013)
  35. Duić, Neven, Sustainable strategies to meet global energy needs // WAAS-UN Geneva Conference, Geneva, Switzerland (2013)
  36. Duić, Neven, The case of Eastern Europe // 4th Generation District Heating - First Annual Conference, Aalborg, Denmark, (2012)
  37. Duić, Neven, Energy policy in Southeast Europe, between the coal and the European Union // 6th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, Dubrovnik, Croatia (2011)
  38. Duić, Neven, Coal power and regional energy planning // ECOS 2011, Novi Sad, Serbia (2011)
  39. Duić, Neven, Energy policy in Southeast Europe, between the coal and the European Union // SDEWES2011, Dubrovnik, Croatia (2011)
  40. Duić, Neven, Renewable energy as a driver of economic growth // DEMI 2011, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina (2011)
  41. Duić, Neven; Carvalho, Maria Graca, Energy planning in the context of EU Energy – climate package and beyond // Sustainnis 2010, Niš, Serbia (2010)
  42. Duić, Neven, Integrated Energy and Water Planning in Energy Systems with High Penetration of Renewables // ICEGES 2009, Amman, Jordan (2009)
  43. Duić, Neven, Energy security and energy systems with high penetration of renewables // eSCIT09 Conference, Veszprem, Hungary (2009)
  44. Duić, Neven,  Ethanol Programs in Europe - Policy and markets // AGRENER GD 2006, 6th International Congress on Distributed Generation And Energy In Rural Environments, UNICAMP, Campinas, SP, Brazil (2006)
  45. Duić, Neven; Lerer, Maria; Carvalho, Maria da Graça, Increasing the supply of renewable energy sources in island energy systems // Proceedings of ENERGEX - 10th International Energy Forum 2004 "Energy & Society", 330-337, Lisbon, Portugal (2004)
  46. Duić, Neven; Carvalho, Maria da Graça: Integration of Renewable Energy Sources and Hydrogen Storage in Porto Santo,CLEANAIR 2003 // 7th International Conference on Energy for a Clean Environment, Lisbon, Portugal (2003) Presentation


Invited Lectures at International Universities
  1. Duić, Neven, Just Energy Transition // Developing a Just Energy Transition: Opportunities and Challenges, Ingeniería Industrial de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Valparaíso, Chile (2024)
  2. Duić, Neven, Beyond Baseload Power - A New Paradigm for Power System Operation // Green Transition Academy 2024, "St. Kliment Ohridski" Sofia University, Sofia, Bulgaria (2024)
  3. Duić, Neven, Technologies and Infrastructure for Energy System Integration // Green Transition Academy 2024. "St. Kliment Ohridski" Sofia University, Sofia, Bulgaria (2024)
  4. Duić, Neven, Issues on planning 100% RES energy systems // Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology (LUT), Lappeenranta, Finland (2024)
  5. Duić, Neven, The importance of district heating in decarbonisation of energy systems // Seminar, DHC. University of Warsaw, Poland (2024)
  6. Duić, Neven, How to build 100% RES energy systems // University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand (2024)
  7. Duić, Neven, Renewable energy systems // University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand (2024)
  8. Duić, Neven, Vision of SDEWES: System Integration for the Energy Transition // Ege University, Izmir, Turkey  (2024)
  9. Duić, Neven, The role of hydrogen in energy transition //Seminar. University of Naples Federico II, Napoli, Italy (2024)
  10. Duić, Neven, Smart energy systems: How to build energy systems based on variable energy systems? // Phd in ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT, Seminar / Sapienza Università di Roma, Rome, Italy (2023)
  11. Duić, Neven, Smart energy systems  // Ezra's Round Table / Systems Seminar, Cornell University, Ithaca, USA (2019)
  12. Duić, Neven, Application of the analysis of process to increase the innovation management in the use of renewable energies. Case of study. // International Sustainable Energy Conference & Workshop, Bucaramanga,  Colombia (2017)
  13. Duić, Neven, Future Energy Systems // Tadeusz Kościuszko University of Technology, Krakow, Poland (2017)
  14. Duić, Neven, Planning of future energy systems based on renewable energies // Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas, Santa Clara, Cuba (2017)
  15. Duić Neven, Zero Carbon Energy System of South East Europe in 2050 // Babes-Bolyai University, Sepsiszentgyorgy, Romania (2017)
  16. Duić, Neven, Smart energy systems with high penetration of renewables // Xi’an Jiatong University, Xi’an, China (2016)

  17. Duić, Neven, The role of district heating in smart energy systems // School of Energy and Power Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, China (2016)
  18. Duić, Neven, Smart Energy Systems // 2nd Workshop in Environmental Engineering, Rio De Janeiro, Brasil, (2016)

  19. Duić, Neven, Energy policy and planning of energy systems with high share of renewable energy sources // University of Mohammad I, Oujda, Morocco (2015)
  20. Duić, Neven, EU Energy Policy and Smart Energy Systems // American University of Ras al-Khaimah, Ras al-Khaimah, United Arab Emirates (2015)
  21. Duic, Neven, Smart Energy Systems // First Summer School, Rio de Jainero, Brasil (2015)
  22. Duić, Neven, Transition to Smart Energy Systems // Al-Mustansiriya University, Baghdad, Iraq (2014, by teleconference)
  23. Duić, Neven, Introduction to Energy Planning and Renewislands methodology and water desalination in islands // Hashemite University of Jordan, Zarqa, Jordan (2012)
  24. Duić, Neven, European roadmap to 2050: energy and sustainable development // Industrial University of Santander, Bucaramanga, Columbia, (2012)
  25. Duić, Neven, Energy Planning // University of Mohammad I, Oujda, Morocco (2012)
  26. Duić, Neven, Introduction to Energy Planning and Renewislands methodology and water desalination in islands // Hashemite University, Zarqa, Jordan (2012)
  27. Duić, Neven, Demand and demand scenarios // Hashemite University, Zarqa, Jordan (2012)
  28. Duić, Neven, The evolution of research in field of resource efficiency: evidences from SDEWES conference // Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa, Italy (2012)
  29. Duić, Neven, With renewable energy sources and incentive regulations to new workplaces (in Croatian) // University of Kragujevac – Faculty of Engineering, Kragujevac, Serbia (2011)
  30. Duić, Neven; Krajačić, Goran; Da Graça Carvalho, Maria, Energy storage as a crucial component of energy systems with high penetration of renewables // University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland (2011)
  31. Duić, Neven, Renewable Energy Policies // Hashemite University, Zarqa, Jordan (2011)
  32. Duić, Neven, Exchange of Knowledge between Jordanian members of the JoRIEW scientific network and project partners//Hashemite University, Zarqa, Jordan (2011)
  33. Duić, Neven, Renewable and Sustainable Energy and Water Systems // Hashemite University, Zarqa, Jordan (2011)


Other Invited Lectures
  1. Duić, Neven, The role of flexibility in decarbonisation of energy systems // CAETS 2024 Annual Meetings and the Public Symposium, Helsinki, Finland (2024)
  2. Duić, Neven, HOW TO FINANCE SOLAR POWER PLANTS, FROM 1 kW to 1 GW? // Sunny days 2023, Bol, Croatia (2023)
  3. Duić, Neven, Wind and solar are coming to SEE // GC Summit South East Europe 2023, Sofia, Bulgaria (2023)
  4. Maruševac, Tena; Ćosić, Boris; Soldo, Vladimir; Domitran, Zoran; Duić, Neven, Application of Sea Water - Water Heat Pumps in the Heating and Cooling Systems: SEAdrion Project // Power & Energy Masters 2018, Rovinj, Croatia (2018)
  5. Duić, Neven, Selection of tools for addressing specific problems of municipal energy sector planning // Workshop on Tools and Methodologies for Municipal Sustainable Energy Planning, Kiev, Ukraine (2017)
  6. Duić, Neven, MRV and MMR Solar PV // SBUR Workshop, Skopje, Macedonia (2017)
  7. Duić, Neven, Shaping the future energy markets - opportunities and liberalization // HUBx, Sfantu Gheorghe, Romania (2017)
  8. Duić, Neven, Mitigation of climate change Trends and perspectives // SBUR Workshop, Skopje, Macedonia (2017)
  9. Duić, Neven, The role of natural gas in energy transition // PESS 2017, Dubrovnik, Croatia (2017)
  10. Duić, Neven, Integration of Variable Renewables into Energy Systems // HERD QIMSEE Workshop, Podgorica, Montenegro (2017)
  11. Duić, Neven, Energy Systems of the Future - How to Integrate Variable Renewable Sources? (in Croatian) // Green Festival, Zagreb, Croatia (2017)
  12. Duić, Neven, Current trends of Energy systems innovative development in Europe // National policy workshop - Energy Efficiency policy in Belarus. Role of innovation in promoting the energy efficiency, Minsk, Belarus (2017)

  13. Neven Duić, What kind of energy strategy does Croatia need? (in Croatian) // 6th Energy Conference - LIDER, Zagreb, Croatia (2017)
  14. Duić, Neven, The role of natural gas in energy transition // 26. Forum: Energy day in Croatia, Zagreb, Croatia (2017)

  15. Matak, Nikola; Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven, Assessment of the current status of energy security // Local Initiatives for a Sustainable Ukraine, Szentendre, Hungary (2016)
  16. Duić, Neven, How to increase penetration of renewables in energy system // Long term Development of the Energy Market in Macedonia and the Region, Skopje, Macedonia (2016)
  17. Duić, Neven, How smart management systems can integrate large volumes of variable energy sources and what are the consequences (in Croatian) // IRP - Implementation of Regulatory policy, Opatija, Croatia (2016)
  18. Duić, Neven, Croatian energy transition (in Croatian) // Round table - Croatian energy transition, Zagreb, Croatia (2016)
  19. Duić, Neven, Energy Planning for Smart Energy Systems in Southeast Europe // Sustainable energy systems for CEE countries – modelling and cooperation, Budapest, Hungary (2016)
  20. Duić, Neven, Integration of energy efficiency measures in the building sector (in Croatian) // FosterREG workshop, Zagreb, Croatia (2016)

  21. Duić, Neven, Smart Energy Systems and Energy Transition // 25. Forum: Energy day in Croatia, Zagreb, Croatia (2016)

  22. Duić, Neven; Central heating systems: challenges and perspectives // The Future of Centralized Heat Systems in the Republic of Croatia 2016, Zagreb, Croatia (2016)

  23. Duić, Neven, Energy Planning for Energy Transition // Sustainable energy systems for CEE countries – modelling and cooperation, Budapest, Hungary (2016)

  24. Duić, Neven, Introduction to Energy Security // Initial Training Local Initiatives for Sustainable Ukraine Meeting, Szentendre, Hungary (2016)
  25. Duić, Neven, New renewable energy systems and advanced production technologies // Round table - Engineers on Energy, Zagreb, Croatia (2016)
  26. Duić, Neven, Smart Energy Systems and Sustainable Development // Japan days in Dag Hammarskjöld University College of International Relations and Diplomacy, Zagreb, Croatia (2016)
  27. Duić, Neven, Croatian energy transition // 10th Conference of Academy for political development "The present and the future of Europe" Poreč, Croatia (2016)
  28. Duić, Neven, District heating: Challenges and perspectives // BUS 2015, Zagreb, Croatia (2015)
  29. Duić, Neven, Opportunities for opening new jobs // Potential for Creating Green Jobs in the Republic of Macedonia, Skopje, Macedonia (2015)
  30. Duić, Neven, Potencial of RES in Adriatic - Ionian region // Production of electricity and heat from renewable energy sources for own needs Workshop, Zagreb, Croatia (2015)
  31. Duić, Neven, Mitigation of climate change and green jobs in the Republic of Macedonia // Potential for Creating Green Jobs in the Republic of Macedonia, Skopje, Macedonia (2015)
  32. Duić, Neven, Mitigating climate change and green jobs in Macedonia // UNDP Workshop "Macedonian Intended nationally deteminened contributions", Economic chamber of Macedonia, Skopje, Macedonia (2015)
  33. Duić, Neven, Energy Planning // "Road-transport & Emissions Modelling (REM) Workshop", Skopje, Macedonia (2015)
  34. Duić, Neven, Societal Challenge “Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials” New calls 2016-2017: Opportunities for Third/EaP countries // Eastern Partnership Regional Info Day, Horizon 2020 &Energy/Environment, Yerevan, Armenia (2015)
  35. Duić, Neven, Integration of renewable energy // Summer School In Environmental Engineering, Environmental Engineering Program (PEA) POLI/EQ/UFRJ, Rio de Jainero, Brasil (2015)
  36. Duić, Neven, Societal Challenge “Secure, clean and efficient energy” New calls 2016-2017: Opportunities for Third/EaP countries // Eastern Partnership Regional Info Day Horizon 2020 & Energy/Environment, Yerevan, Armenia (2015)
  37. Duić, Neven, Regional Energy Markets in Western Balkans // 5th Workshop on Energy Planning and Modelling of Energy Systems (EP&MES), Belgrade, Serbia (2015)
  38. Duić, Neven, Configuration - 'Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials' // 6th PC meeting for the Specific Programme implementing Horizon 2020, Bruxelles, Belgium (2015)
  39. Duić, Neven, EU Energy Policy and Smart Energy Systems // Azerbaijan Scientific Research and Design Prospecting Power Engineering Institute, Baku, Azerbaijan (2015) 
  40. Duić, Neven, Croatian experience of directive 2009/28/EC implementation // BIOGOS - Implementation of Directive 2009/28/ES in the Field of Biofuels and Transport in the Republic of Serbia – Transfer of Best Practices, Belgrade, Serbia (2014)
  41. Duic, Neven, EU 2030 climate and energy framework // LOCSEE First Stakeholder Workshop, Skopje (2014)
  42. Duic, Neven, Future energy systems // V. Workshop of the Section for Applied and Industrial Physics of the Croatian Physical Society, Zagreb, Croatia (2014)
  43. Duic, Neven, District heating systems: Challenges and perspectives // BEAST Workshop, Velika Gorica, Croatia (2014)
  44. Duic, Neven, District heating systems: Challenges and perspectives // Conference "Future of Distict Heating Systems in Croatia", Zagreb, Croatia (2014)
  45. Duic, Neven, Sustainable Development of Energy Systems // Urban and Regional Sustainable Energy Systems Planning Workshop, Graz, Austria (2014)
  46. Duić, Neven, Smart energy systems - integration and market issues // Tardis 2014 Workshop, Estes Park, USA (2014)
  47. Duić, Neven, 4th Generation District Heating Flexible demand – why and how? // 4th Energy Planning & Modelling of Energy Systems Workshop 2014, Zagreb, Croatia (2014)
  48. Krajačić, Goran; Pukšec, Tomislav; Ćosić, Boris; Novosel, Tomislav; Ridjan, Iva; Duić, Neven, With renewable energy sources and incentive regulations to new workplaces // BUS 2014, Zagreb, Croatia (2014)
  49. Duić, Neven, Issues to solve on the way to sustainable energy systems // WBC-INCO Conference "Towards 2020: New Horizons for RTD and Innovation in the Western Balkan Region", Vienna, Austria (2014)
  50. Duić, Neven, Issues on the way to 100% renewable energy systems // En Lite Week, Maribor, Slovenia (2014)
  51. Duić, Neven, Mitigation of climate change - modelling the effects of energy efficiency and flexible demand // Workshop on Economic and Environmental Evaluation of Mitigation Measures, Skopje, Macedonia (2014)
  52. Duić, Neven, Analyses of Possible GHG Emissions Limitations for the Republic of Macedonia in Case of Becoming UNFCCC Annex I Member or EU Member // “Third National Report to UNFCCC” - Analyses of possible GHG emissions limitations, Skopje, Macedonia (2013)
  53. Duić, Neven, The impact of the establishment of electricity exchange on energy planning // Workshop on energy planning and modeling energy systems II, Belgrade, Serbia (2013)
  54. Duić, Neven, Energy and Environment // Science Festival, Technical Museum, Zagreb Croatia (2013)
  55. Krajačić, Goran; Pukšec, Tomislav; Ćosić, Boris; Novosel, Tomislav; Ridjan, Iva; Duić, Neven, New energy as an engine of "green economy" in Croatia until year 2050. (in Croatian) // International Symposium "Employment through new energy policy", Zagreb, Croatia (2013)
  56. Duić, Neven, Energy markets and possible future role of electric vehicles // International SDEWES 2013 Summer School on Integration of Electric Vehicles into Energy Systems with a high share of Renewable Energy Sources, Dubrovnik, Croatia (2013)
  57. Duić, Neven, The impact of establishing an electricity market on energy planning (in Croatian) // Workshop on energy planning and modeling energy systems II, Belgrade, Serbia (2013)
  58. Duić, Neven, Why HR Excellence? // Seminar "Implementation of the Charter and Code", Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina (2013)
  59. Duić, Neven, Researchers' mobility in Croatia // Conference - Impact of EU funding on the development of Croatian universities, Rijeka, Croatia (2013)
  60. Duić, Neven, The impact of wind powerplants on South Eastern Europe energy system in 2020 and ways to adapt // HATZ – Meeting of energy systems department of Croatian Academy of Technical Sciences, Zagreb, Croatia (2013)
  61. Duić, Neven, Researchers' Mobility and international projects // The fifth meeting of the Croatian Society of Mechanics, Donja Stubica, Croatia (2013)
  62. Duić, Neven, Status and future of the energy sector in Croatia (in Croatian) // Tribune "Croatian Energy sovereignty", Zagreb, Croatia (2013)
  63. Duić, Neven, Issues to solve on the way to 100% RES energy systems // Cape Forum 2013, Graz, Austria (2013)
  64. Duić, Neven, Charter and Code – Croatian experience // Charter and Code Workshop, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina (2013)
  65. Duić, Neven; Krajačić, Goran; Pukšec, Tomislav; Ćosić, Boris; Novosel, Tomislav; Ridjan, Iva, Renewable Energy Sources, Energy Efficiency and Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions as main sources of Development of „Green Economy“ in Croatia until 2050 (in Croatian) // 21. Forum: Energy day in Croatia, Zagreb, Croatia (2012)
  66. Duić, Neven, The role of nuclear energy // International Conference on Nuclear Threats and Security, Dubrovnik, Croatia (2012)video
  67. Duić, Neven, Renewable energy sources on islands (in Croatian) // International energy conference "Production and storage of energy from renewable energy sources on islands", Krk, Croatia (2012)
  68. Goran Krajačić, Tomislav Pukšec, Boris Ćosić, Tomislav Novosel, Iva Ridjan, Neven Duić, Use of renewables, energy efficiency, reduction of GHG as driver for green economy in Croatia until 2050 // 21. Forum: Energy day in Croatia, Zagreb, Croatia (2012)
  69. Duić, Neven, Energy policy in Southeast Europe, between the coal and the European Union // SC meeting - I SEE Mob project, Niš, Serbia (2012)
  70. Duić, Neven, Renewable energy sources and electricity market (in Croatian) // IRB, Center for Inquiry, Zagreb, Croatia (2012)
  71. Duić, Neven, Researchers – Why the European Research Area? // ERA Conference 2012: Fostering Efficiency, Excellence And Growth, Bruxelles, Belgium (2012) video
  72. Duić, Neven, Energy, context, options, and a potential for creating workplaces (in Croatian) // Tribina Gornji Grad, Zagreb, Croatia (2012)video
  73. Duić, Neven, CAPE in Energy Planning // CAPE Forum, Veszprem, Hungary (2012)
  74. Duić, Neven; Sustainability of biomass usage // Seminar: Biomass in electricity production, Zagreb, Croatia (2011)
  75. Duić, Neven, Green energy and job creation // The green economy: global challenges, croatian opportunities, UNDP, Zagreb, Croatia (2011)
  76. Duić, Neven, Renewable energy as a driver of regional economic growth // 6th Balkan communication network annual conference “Energy, Security and Human Development”, Ohrid, Macedonia (2011)
  77. Duić, Neven, Researchers’ Mobility // PEOPLE Info Day, Zagreb, Croatia (2011)video
  78. Duić, Neven, Energy, climate and jobs // EDD2011, Beograd, Serbia (2011)
  79. Duić, Neven; Babaja, Vesna, The importance of mobility for innovation // 2011 International Conference for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Regional Development, Ohrid, Macedonia (2011)
  80. Duić, Neven, With renewable energy sources and incentive regulations to new workplaces (in Croatian) // Renewable energy sources, energy networks and energy efficiency - round table, Zagreb, Croatia (2011)
  81. Duić, Neven, New energy policy and sustainable tourism, some case studies and opportunities // Renewable Energies and Sustainable Tourism, Albufeira, Portugal (2010)
  82. Duić, Neven, Advantages and disadvantages of renewable energy resources (in Croatian) // Energy Conference, Zagreb, Croatia (2010)
  83. Duić, Neven, Planning of use of energy and resources in sustainable cities (in Croatian) // Zagreb Energy Week, Zagreb, Croatia (2010)
  84. Duić, Neven, European partnership for researchers and croatian action plan for researchers' mobility (in Croatian) //Recognition of expert qualifications in Europe, Zagreb, Croatia (2010)
  85. Duić, Neven; Carvalho, Maria Graça, Sustainable energy planning // Jubilee Event - 50th anniversary of the Research Institute of Chemical and Process Engineering, Faculty of Information Technology at the University of Pannonia, Veszprem, Hungary (2010)
  86. Duić, Neven; Babaja, Vesna, The FP7 HR-MOB project and the EURAXESS programme in Croatia // EURAXESS T.O.P. – Regional Workshop, Kotor, Montenegro (2010)
  87. Duić, Neven, HAWE – High altitude wind energy FP7 Energy // Future energy technologies, Energy Info Day, Zagreb, Croatia (2010)
  88. Duić, Neven, Researcher's mobility and employment - european and national context (in Croatian) // Radionica o implementaciji Europske povelje za istraživače i Kodeksa o zapošljavanju istraživača, Zagreb, Croatia (2010)
  89. Duić, Neven, Biofuels and development potential of counties and big cities (in Croatian) // Biofuels and Electric Propulsion Creating Sustainable Transport in Tourism Resorts, Zagreb (2010)
  90. Duić, Neven, Centre for Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems // Engineering Education for innovative Sustainable Development for Mediterranean, Barcelona, Spain (2010)
  91. Duić, Neven, Increasing the penetration of renewable energy sources // MANU, Skopje, Macedonia (2009)
  92. Duić, Neven, Researcher's mobility and employment - european and national context (in Croatian) // Drugo savjetovanje "Inovacijska kultura i tehnologijski razvoj", Zagreb, Croatia (2009)
  93. Duić, Neven; Vujanović, Milan; Schneider, Daniel Rolph; Grgasović, Višnja, Croatian National Allocation Plan and challenges to Croatian Industry // Climate change IV in SEE countries, Zagreb, Croatia (2009)
  94. Duić, Neven,  Overview of new energy strategy - 20-20-20 until 2020. - with energy management to new workpplaces and regional development // 5. International fair of new technologies and products, Rijeka, Croatia (2009)
  95. Duić, Neven; Kolekeski, Aleksandar; Trajanović, Miroslav,  Mobility in the Western Balkan States // EURAXESS Conference, Potsdam, Germany (2009)
  96. Duić, Neven,  New European energy policy and its impact on energy management in Croatia // Symposium on Energy, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina (2008)
  97. Duić, Neven; Alves, Luis Manuel,  Studies of integration of fuel cells with renewable energy resources // Workshop for project EDEN, Funchal, Portugal (2008)
  98. Duić, Neven,  Energy and Environment // Science Festival, Technical Museum, Zagreb, Croatia (2007)
  99. Schneider, Daniel Rolph; Duić, Neven; Lončar, Dražen; Bogdan, Željko, Renewable Energy Sources in Croatia, Potential, Markets and Policy // CD Proceedings of Symposium Power Plants 2006 [Ed. P.Stefanović], Institut Vinča, Beograd, Serbia (2006)
  100. Schneider, Daniel Rolph; Duić, Neven; Lončar, Dražen; Krajačić, Goran; Bogdan, Željko, Potential and Policy for Renewable Energy Sources in Croatia // Proceedings of IUC & ANUBIH Conference on Advances in New and Sustainable Energy Conversion and Storage Technologies, ANUBIH, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina (2006)
  101. Duić, Neven,  Energy and Environment // Science Festival, Technical Museum, Zagreb (2006)
  102. Duić, Neven; Raguzin, Igor; Grgasović, Višnja, Bioethanol in European and Croatian legislation (in Croatian) // Ethanol, renewable biofuel of national production, Zagreb, Croatia (2005)
  103. Duić, Neven, Balkan Dimension of Researchers Mobility // International Conference on Knowledge Based Society and Researchers Mobility in the Age of Globalization, Thessalonica, Greece (2005)
  104. Duić, Neven; Baburić, Mario; Vujanović, Milan; Ban, Marko; Schneider, Daniel Rolph; Bogdan, Željko, Combustion modelling in furnaces  (in Croatian) // Meeting of Croatian Society of Mechanics, Zagreb, Croatia (2005)
  105. Duić, Neven; Lipošćak, Marko; Žilić, Tihomir; Raguzin, Igor; Lončar, Dražen; Petrić, Hrvoje; Bogdan, Željko, Cogeneration in European energy legislation and national models of implementation (in Croatian) // CD Proceedings of Power Plants 2004, Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia (2004)
  106. Duić, Neven; Alves, Luis Manuel; Costa, Anildo; Carvalho, Maria da Graça: The potential for Clean Development Mechanism in electricity production // Facilitating the Kyoto Protocol Objectives by Clean Development Mechanism in Small Island Developing States - CDMSIDS Project Workshop, Sal, Cape Verde (2002) Presentation
  107. Duić, Neven: Environmental Aspects of Natural Gas Strategy // Euro Short Course on Sustainability Assessment of Natural Gas Technology, Lisbon, Portugal (2001) Presentation
  108. Duić, Neven; Alves, Luis Manuel; Carvalho, Maria da Graça: Cumprimindo os objectivos do Protocolo do Quioto pela promoçao da transferencia de tecnologias em pequenas países insulares em desenvolvimento - o caso da ilha de Santo Antao em Cabo Verde // Workshop "Economia do Carbono", Lisbon, Portugal (2001) Presentation
  109. Duić, Neven; Costa, Anildo; Alves, Luis Manuel; Carvalho, Maria da Graça: Facilitating the Acceptance of Kyoto Protocol Objectives by Promoting the Technology Transfer to Developing Countries // Working Party on Climate Change informal Workshop of the Portuguese Presidency, Sintra, Portugal (2000) 


Co-authoring of Invited Lectures
  1. Bamberger, Yves; Scott, Norman Roy; Chaturvedi, Pradeep; Wagner, Ulrich; Avidan, Amos; Matlosz, Michaël; Cai, Rui; Duić, Neven; Chang, Woong-Seong; Gelenbe, Erol et al., Towards Low-GHG Emissions from Energy Use in Selected Sectors // Presentation of the CAETS Energy report “Towards Low-GHG Emissions from Energy Use in Selected Sectors”, Royal Academy of Engineering, Madrid, Spain (2023)
  2. Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven, Increasing Penetration of Renewables in Islands Energy Systems by Energy Storage //International Conference Hydrogen on Islands : CD proceedings / Barbir, Frano (ur.). Zagreb : Energetika Marketing (2008)
  3. Carvalho, Maria Graça; Alves, Luis Manuel; Costa, Anildo; Duić, Neven, New and Renewable Energy Sources for Sustainable Communities // VII Encontro Regional do Engenheiro Angra do Heroísmo – Terceira – Açores (2002) Presentation
  4. Duić, Neven; Alves, Luis Manuel; Carvalho, Maria da Graça: Kyoto Protocol // Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, Dubrovnik (2002) Presentation
  5. Duić, Neven; Alves, Luis Manuel; Carvalho, Maria da Graça: Potential of Kyoto Protocol Clean Development Mechanism in Transfer of Energy Technologies to Developing Countries // 18th World Energy Congress, Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, (2001) Presentation
  6. Carvalho, Maria da Graça; Duić, Neven; Alves, Luis Manuel: The Clean Development Mechanism - A Framework for Co-Operation with Developing Countries // Workshop on Clean Development Mechanism, Porto, Portugal, (2001) Presentation
  7. Carvalho, Maria da Graça; Duić, Neven; Alves, Luis Manuel: O planeamento energético de moçambique no contexto das alteraçőes climáticas // Seminário SYNERGY “Assistance to Energy Policy Implementation in Mozambique”, Maputo, Mozambique (2001) Presentation
  8. Carvalho, Maria da Graça; Alves, Luis Manuel; Costa, Anildo; Duić, Neven: The Clean Development Mechanism, a New Concept for Sustainable Development in Remote Islands // Euro Short Course on Sustainability Assessment of Water Dessalinisation Technologies, Vilamoura, Portugal (2000) 
  9. Carvalho, Maria da Graça; Costa, Anildo; Duić, Neven; Alves, Luis Manuel: Tecnologias Energéticas e Renováveis em Ilhas e Regiões Remotas // VI Dia Regional do Engenheiro nos Açores, Ponta Delgada, Azores, Portugal (2000) 
  10. Duić, Neven; Costa, Anildo; Alves, Luis Manuel; Carvalho, Maria da Graça: Facilitating the Acceptance of Kyoto Protocol Objectives by Promoting the Technology Transfer to Developing Countries // New and Renewable Technologies for Sustainable Development, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal (2000)