Name: |
Duić, Neven |
Title: | | ||
Address: | Power Engineering and Energy Management Chair | ||
Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment | |||
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture (FSB) | |||
University of Zagreb | |||
I. Lučića 5 | |||
HR-10000 Zagreb | |||
Phone: |
+385 91 5285443, +385 1 6168126 |
Fax: | +385 1 6156940 | ||
E-mail: | neven (dot) duic (at) fsb (dot) unizg (dot) hr | ||
Skype: | neven1965 | ||
Mailing address: |
FSB, I. Lučića 5, HR-10000 Zagreb |
Born: | 25. April 1965., Zagreb | ||
Marital status: | married, one child | ||
ORCID: | | ||
Google scholar: | | ||
Researcher ID: | J-5242-2012 | ||
Scopus Author ID: | 6602634199 | ||
CROSBI Author ID: | 179672 | ||
ResearchGate: | Neven Duić |
since 22 | Vicepresident of Croatian Academy of Engineering (HATZ) |
since 18 | Member of presidency of Adria Section of the Combustion Institute (ASCI) |
since 11 | Full professor at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb |
since 08 | President of the Management Board of The Centre for Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES Centre) |
2024-25 | Visiting Professor at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Valparaíso, Chile |
2022 | President-Elect of International Council of Academies of Engineering and Technological Sciences (CAETS), Board of Directors |
2017-22 | Secretary of the Department of Energy Systems of Croatian Academy of Engineering (HATZ) |
2017-21 | President of Sectoral Scientific Council for Technical Sciences at National Council for Science, High Education and technical development |
2008-18 | President of Adria Section of the Combustion Institute (ASCI) |
2007-17 | Croatian national coordinator for researchers mobility at the Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes |
2006-11 |
Associate professor at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb |
2004-12 |
Head of Power Engineering and Energy Management Chair at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb |
2001-06 |
Assistant professor at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb |
2001-02 | Scientific secretary: Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems |
2001-10 | Guest part time researcher in the Research Group on Energy and Sustainable Development, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon |
1999-01 | Senior assistant at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment |
1999-00 |
Expert to the EU Presidency (held by Portugal) in Energy Technology Transfer and Capacity Builduing as part of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change process |
1998-01 | Guest postdoc researcher in the Research Group on Energy and Sustainable Development, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon |
1997-98 | Guest researcher in the Research Group on Energy and Sustainable Development, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon |
1994-96 |
Guest researcher in the Research Group on Energy and Sustainable Development, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon |
1990-99 | Research assistant at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment |
since 23 | Member of Scientific Council for Oil and Gas Economy and Power Supply (HAZU-CROATIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES AND ARTS) | |
since 23 | Member of Committee for Science, Art and International Cooperation of the University of Zagreb | |
since 21 | Co.chair of Energy steering panel (EASAC) | |
since 20 | Member of Coordination activity committee for complete renovation program of City Zagreb historical core | |
since 19 | Working Group Member for drafting amendments to the Urban Plan for the Construction of the Borongaj Science and Education Campus (UNIZAG) | |
2019-21 | Deputy Member of the Innovation Council for Industry of the Republic of Croatia at the National Council for Science, Higher Education and Technological Development (NVZVOTR) | |
since 17 | Member of Energy steering panel (EASAC) | |
2017-19 | Working Group Member of EASAC Project: Decarbonisation of Transport options and challenges | |
2017-19 | Working Group Member of SAPEA Project: Novel carbon capture and utilisation technologies | |
2017-21 | Member of Strategic Committee for research infrastructure | |
2017-20 | Member of the Zagreb Energy Council | |
2016-20 | Member of Council for Regulatory Affairs and Consumer Protection at Croatian Energy Regulatory Agency (HERA) | |
2014-17 | Programmme Committee member for Horizon 2020 for ERC/MSCA/FET | |
2011-15 | Member of National committee for tracking European Commission's Framework programs for research and technology development | |
2010-14 | President of the Committee for International Projects, FSB, University of Zagreb | |
2009-13 | Member of FP7 PEOPLE Programme Committee | |
2009-14 | Chair of Croatian national Committee for researchers mobility | |
since 08 | Member of the Committee for postgraduate studies, FSB, University of Zagreb | |
2007-17 | Member of ERA - Steering Group for Human Resources Mobility | |
2007-17 | Croatian national coordinator for researchers mobility | |
2003-05 | A member of Advisory Board for Energy Tariff System Application to the Energy Regulatory Council | |
2001-10 | A member of Informatisation Committee of FMENA, FSB Online strategy development and implementation |
2017-22 | Secretary of Energy System Department of Croatian Academy of Engineering (HATZ) |
since 13 | Fellow of The World Academy of Art and Science (WAAS) |
since 12 | Member of Croatian Academy of Engineering (HATZ) |
since 09 |
Member of The Centre for Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES Centre) for SDEWES Conference |
2005-19 | Croatian representative to ERCOFTAC Pilot Centre Alpe-Danube-Adria |
2002-12 | Associate Member of Croatian Academy of Engineering (HATZ) |
since 01 | Member of Croatian Energy Society (HED) |
93-98 | doctoral study, University of Zagreb ![]() |
90-93 | postgraduate study of Power Engineering, University of Zagreb | |
3 years program, MSc ![]() |
84-90 | undergraduate study of Mechanical Engineering, University of Zagreb | |
5 years program, ![]() |
86-88 |
Study of Portuguese language, University of Zagreb | |
79-83 | Mathematics and Computer Science Secondary School, Zagreb |
Listening | Reading | Spoken interaction | Spoken production | ||
English | C2 | C2 | C2 | C2 | C2 |
Portuguese | C2 | C2 | C2 | C2 | C2 |
Spanish | C1 | C1 | B2 | B2 | A2 |
French | B1 | B2 | A2 | A1 | A1 |
Italian | B1 | B2 | A2 | A1 | A1 |
Levels: A1/2: Basic user - B1/2: Independent user - C1/2 Proficient user Common European Framework of Reference for Languages |
2012-13, 4 months | DISKNET mobility | Mohamed Premier University | Oujda | Morocco |
2010 | Basileus guest professorship | University of Niš | Niš | Serbia |
2003, 10 months | postdoc | Instituto Superior Técnico | Lisbon | Portugal |
2000-02, 18 months | postdoc | Instituto Superior Técnico | Lisbon | Portugal |
99, 6 months | postdoc | Instituto Superior Técnico | Lisbon | Portugal |
97-98, 12 months | guest researcher | Instituto Superior Técnico | Lisbon | Portugal |
96, 4 months | guest researcher | Instituto Superior Técnico | Lisbon | Portugal |
94, 8 months | guest researcher | Instituto Superior Técnico | Lisbon | Portugal |
90, 3 months | traineeship | Imatran Voima Oy, Research Dep. | Vantaa | Finland |
89, 2 months | traineeship | Hallsta Papersbruk, Holmen | Hallstavik | Sweden |
88, 2 months | traineeship | Construction Mechanization | Prague | Czech R. |
87, 2 months | traineeship | Water Transport Institute | Wrocław | Poland |
87, 1 month | scholarship | Summer school of Portuguese,University of Lisbon | Lisbon | Portugal |
since 25 | Member of Editorial Advisory Board for Energy Conversion and Management: X |
since 25 | Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Energy |
since 25 | Member of Editorial Board of Energy Conversion and Management |
2025 | Guest Editor of Energies Special Issue |
since 21 | Senior Editor of e-Prime |
since 21 | Associate Editor of Energy Storage and Saving |
since 20 | Member of Editorial Board of Smart Energy |
since 19 | Member of Editorial Board of eTransportation |
2019 - 24 | Editor of Energy Conversion and Management: X |
2015-19 | Member of Advisory Editorial Board of the book series “Sustainable Energy Developments” and “Sustainable Water Developments” |
2014 - 24 | Subject Editor of Energy |
2014 - 24 | Editor of Energy Conversion and Management |
since 14 | Member of Editorial Board of Applied Energy |
since 14 | Editor of International journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management |
2013 | Guest Editor of Fuel Processing Technology vol. 107 (Special Issue) |
since 13 | Member of Editorial Board of the International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management |
since 13 | Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems |
2013-17 | Member of Editorial Board of Proelium (Revista da Academia Militar) |
2011-15 | Member of Editorial Board of Journal of Energy |
since 10 |
Member of Research Editorial Board of International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies |
2010-18 | Member of Editorial Board of Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy |
2009-14 | Member of International Editorial Board of Energy |
since 03 | Regional editor of Thermal Science |
2021 |
Medal Atanasije Stojković, Society of Thermal Engineers of Serbia |
2018 | The Great Medal from Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture for outsanding contribution in improving the work, development and promotion of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb |
2017 |
National Award for significant scientific achievement in 2016 in the field of technical sciences |
2008 |
Reward from University of Zagreb for improvement of international relations achieved under an international scientific project |
91, 2 months |
teaching computer applications | Bangkok | Thailand |
hobbies: | travelling, hiking, skiing, horse riding, sailing, eating out | ||
travelling |
cca. 60 countries, 5 continents |
since January 2025 | project: | DANSER - DANube SEdiment Restoration: towards deployment and upscaling of sustainable sediment management across the Danube River basin |
role: | Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb | |
partners: | Coordinator: Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare Delta Dunarii (RO), partners: 27 partners from 9 countries | |
finance: | EC, Horizon Europe | |
since September 2024 | project: | ADRIONWIND - Adriatic-Ionian Offshore Wind Network of Excellence |
role: | Lead expert at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb | |
partners: | Coordinator: University of Zagreb - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, partners: 8 partners from 6 countries | |
finance: | EC, INTERREG IPA ADRION | |
since June 2024 | project: | AGRI-DIGITAL GROWTH - Precision Farming Ecosystem for Digital Skills enhancement across CE, to support digitalisation, sustainability and specialisation of Agri food manufacturing SMEs in Precision Farming transition |
role: | Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb | |
partners: | Lead partner: Council for Agricultural Research and Economics, partners: 11 partners from 8 countries | |
finance: | EC, Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE | |
since January 2024 | project: | LOGREENER - Composing Local Green Energy Transition |
role: | Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb | |
partners: | Coordinator: Valencian Federation of Municipalities and Provinces, partners: 8 partners and 15 associated partners | |
finance: | EC, Interreg Euro-MED Programme | |
since January 2024 | project: | StoreMore - Analysing and promoting energy storage solutions, developing tools to mitigate the intermittency of RES, contributing to an accelerated transition to renewable energy and more balanced electrical grids |
role: | Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb | |
partners: | Coordinator: University of Zagreb - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, partners: City of Bekescsaba | |
finance: | EC, Interreg Danube Region | |
since January 2024 | project: | CO2 PACMAN - COperation and COdesigning PArtnership for CliMAte Neutrality |
role: | Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the SDEWES Centre | |
partners: | Coordinator:University of Siena partners: 10 partners and 17 associated partners | |
finance: | EC, Interreg Euro-MED Programme | |
since January 2024 | project: | GARDEN - Greener AgRo-fooD logistics in the mEditerraneaN area |
role: | Project coordinator at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb | |
partners: | Coordinator: University of Zagreb - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, partners: 10 partners | |
finance: | EC, Interreg Euro-MED Programme | |
since December 2023 | project: | ReRURAL – Renew RURAL Areas |
role: | Expert at the SDEWES Centre | |
partners: | Coordinator: SDEWES Centre, partners: 4 partners | |
finance: |
German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action |
since December 2023 | project: | Effective NECP - Fostering Ambitious and Effective NECPs in Central and Eastern Europe |
role: | Expert at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb | |
partners: | Coordinator: CSD, partners: 4 partners | |
finance: |
German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action |
since October 2023 | project: | SET_HEAT - Supporting Energy Transition and Decarbonisation in District Heating Sector |
role: | Expert at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb | |
partners: | Coordinator: Silesian University of Technology, partners: 12 partners from 5 countries | |
finance: |
EC, LIFE Programme | |
since June 2023 | project: | DaWetRest - DAnube WETlands REStoration |
role: | Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb | |
partners: | Coordinator: Climate, atmosphere and water research institute at Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BG), partners: 25 partners | |
finance: | EC, ERDF | |
since January 2023 | project: | EcoDaLLi - ECOsystem-based governance with DAnube lighthouse Living Lab for sustainable Innovation processes" and a Horizon Europe project within the EU Mission "Restore our Ocean and Waters by 2030 |
role: | Local project coordinator at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb | |
partners: | Coordinator: Steinbeis Europa Zentrum, partners: 17 partners and one associated partner from 11 countries | |
finance: | EC, Horizon Europe | |
since October 2022 | project: | EHHUR - EYES HEARTS HANDS- URBAN REVOLUTION |
role: | Expert at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb | |
partners: | Coordinator: RINA-C, partners: 28 partners | |
finance: |
EC, H2020 | |
since Jan. 2001 | project: | Numerical modeling of multiphase flow and combustion processes |
role: | Project co-ordinator at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb | |
finance: | AVL |
2022 - 2024 | project: | BLUECEE –– Strengthening Policy and Governance Capacity for Blue Energy in Central and Eastern Europe |
role: | Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb | |
partners: | Project leader: Center for the Study of the Democracy (CSD), partners: Energy Policy Group, Instrat Foundation, University of Zagreb - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture | |
finance: |
2022 - 2024 | project: | SunSharing – Supporting Solar Energy Communities in SEE |
role: | Project coordinator at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb | |
partners: | Project coordinator: University of Zagreb - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, partners: City of Prelog, SDEWES-Skopje (MKD), University of Western Macedonia (GRE), Green Synergy Cluster (BG) | |
finance: |
German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action |
2023 - 2024 | project: | PLIGES – Mapping of shallow geothermal systems in the Republic of Croatia |
role: | Expert at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb | |
partners: | Project leader: University of Zagreb - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, partners: 3 partners | |
finance: |
EEA and Norway Grants |
2022 - 2023 | project: | OFFSHORE WIND - Action Plan for the uptake of Offshore Renewable Energy Sources in Croatia |
role: | Project coordinator at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb | |
partners: | Coordinator: University of Zagreb - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, partners: Solar Blue d.o.o., OIKON d.o.o., Pokret otoka | |
finance: |
EC | |
2021 - 2024 | project: | Pro-Environment - Mainstreaming Environmental Communication through Online Learning and Virtual Mobility |
role: | Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb | |
partners: | Institute of Communication Studies, University of Zagreb, University of Novi Sad, University of Tirana, University of Sarajevo | |
finance: |
Erasmus+ KA2 | |
2019 - 2024 | project: | Renewable and Waste Heat Recovery for Competitive District Heating and Cooling Networks (REWARDHeat) |
role: | Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb | |
partners: | Coordinator: ACCADEMIA EUROPEA DI BOLZANO (IT), partners: 27 partners | |
finance: |
EC, H2020
2019 - 2023 | project: | Investigating Energy transition pathways - Interrelation between power-to-X, demand response and market coupling – INTERENERGY |
role: | Project coordinator at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb | |
partners: | 3 partners | |
finance: |
2020 - 2023 | project: | ET-Rise - Infrastructural Strengthening of RDI Capacity in Energetics and Transport |
role: | Project coordinator at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb | |
finance: |
EC, ERDF | |
2020 - 2023 | project: | ARCOPS - Autonomous robotic system for grinding and surface characterization of thin-walled composite products |
role: | Expert at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb | |
partners: | Coordinator: University of Zagreb - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, partners: HUNOR, Enikon Aerospace | |
finance: |
EC, ERDF | |
2019 - 2023 | project: | LOCOMOTION – Low-carbon society: an enhanced modelling tool for the transition to sustainability |
role: | Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the SDEWES Centre | |
partners: | Coordinator: UNIVERSIDAD DE VALLADOLID (SPA), partners: 12 partners | |
finance: |
EC, H2020
2020 - 2023 | project: | RESIN - Development of a system for testing multiphase flows and combustion with the aim of increasing the research activities of the scientific and business sector |
role: | Expert at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb | |
partners: | Coordinator: University of Zagreb - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, partners: 4 partners | |
finance: |
EC, ERDF | |
2020 - 2023 | project: | Smart Factory -Development of a modular expert system for discrete production process management based on the SMART FACTORY principle |
role: | Expert at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb | |
partners: | Coordinator: University of Zagreb - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, partners: WINDOR, Končar-energetski transformatori | |
finance: |
EC, ERDF | |
2020- 2023 | project: | DecreasePM - Reducing the particulate matter emissions by flue gas condensation |
role: | Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb | |
partners: | Croatian - Chinese bilateral | |
finance: |
2020 - 2023 | project: | POIROT-IoT - Predicted maintenance of industrial rotary equipment based on machine learning and IoT technology in interaction with information systems |
role: | Expert at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb | |
partners: | Coordinator: University of Zagreb - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, partner: Ekonerg | |
finance: |
2019 - 2022 | project: | BLUE DEAL - Blue Energy Deployment Alliance |
role: | Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb | |
partners: | Coordinator: UNISI (IT), partners: 12 partners | |
finance: |
EC, Interreg MED |
2022 | project: | DecarbBiH- Decarbonization based optimization modelling up to 2050 for energy sector of Bosnia and Herzegovina |
role: | Team member at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb | |
partners: | Die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH | |
finance: |
German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) |
2022 | project: | SEADRION PLUS - Fostering diffusion of Heating & Cooling technologies using the seawater pump in the Adriatic-Ionian Region PLUS |
role: | Project coordinator at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb | |
partners: | CORTEA, GOLEA, Občina Izola, CERTH, DURA | |
![]() |
finance: | EC, Interreg Adrion |
2022 | project: | ECO-NautiNET plus - Network’s support for SMEs in the Nautical sector of the Adriatic-Ionian Region - PLUS |
role: | Project partner at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb | |
partners: | Coordinator: Chamber of Achaia (GRE), partners: 7 partners | |
finance: |
EC, Interreg Adrion | |
2021 - 2022 | project: | PRISMI PLUS - Transferring a toolkit for RES integration in Smart Mediterranean Islands and rural areas |
role: | Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb | |
partners: | Coordinator: Sapienza University of Rome (IT), partners: 14 partners | |
finance: |
EC, Interreg MED | |
2020 - 2022 | project: | DanuP-2-Gas – Innovative model to drive energy security and diversity in the Danube Region via combination of bioenergy with surplus renewable energy |
role: | Person in charge at the SDEWES Centre | |
partners: | Lead partner: Technology Centre Energy - University of Applied Sciences Landshut, 13 partners | |
![]() |
finance: | EC, ERDF, Interreg Danube Transnational Programme |
2020 - 2022 | project: | AaCTA - Alpe-Adria Clean Transport Alliance |
role: | Project coordinator at lead partner (SDEWES Centre) | |
partners: | Lead partner: SDEWES Centre, partners: Regional Development Centre Koper, Energie Agentur Steiermark gGmbH, University of Montenegro, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering | |
finance: |
European Climate Initiative (EUKI) - German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) |
2019 - 2022 | project: | BE-Rural - Bio-based strategies and roadmaps for enhanced rural and regional development in the EU |
role: | Participation at the SDEWES Centre | |
partners: | Project Coordinator:Ecologic Institute, 9 partners (ECO, STRATH, WIP, BIOCOM, BIA, SDEWES, IPE, SILAVA, NMFRI) | |
finance: |
2019 - 2021 | project: | CLUSTER ACT - Aggregation and Collaboration Tools to enhance cluster network in the maritime sector |
role: | Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the SDEWES Centre | |
partners: | mareFVG (IT), IBAN (IT), CMMA (SPA), CERTH (GRE), SDEWES (CRO) AASTMT (E) | |
finance: |
2018 - 2021 | project: | SEADRION Fostering diffusion of Heating & Cooling technologies using the seawater pump in the Adriatic-Ionian Region |
role: | Project coordinator at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb | |
partners: | CORTEA, GOLEA, Občina Izola, CERTH, DURA | |
finance: |
EC, Interreg Adrion | |
2018 - 2021 | project: | ECO-NautiNET - Network’s support for SMEs in the Nautical sector of the Adriatic-Ionian Region |
role: | Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb | |
partners: | Coordinator: Chamber of Achaia (GRE), partners: 7 partners | |
finance: |
EC, Interreg Adrion | |
2018 - 2021 | project: | PROSEU - PROSumers for the Energy Union: mainstreaming active participation of citizens in the energy transition |
role: | Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb | |
finance: |
EC, H2020 | |
2018 - 2021 | project: | PentaHelix - Multi stakeholder and governance approach for SECAP development and implementation |
role: | Project coordinator at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb | |
partners: | OSTFOLD COUNTY, WVI, ZREA, IGEMO, EREN, EBN, REGEA, Jekabpils, CAN Europe, APEA | |
finance: |
EC, H2020 | |
2018 - 2021 | project: | South East Europe Energy Transition Dialogue (SEEETD) |
role: | Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb | |
partners: | Coordinator: Agora Energiewende (DE), partners: 5 partners | |
finance: |
European Climate Initiative – EUKI, BMUB | |
2016 - 2020 | project: | PLANHEAT - Integrated tool for empowering public authorities in the development of sustainable plans for low carbon heating and cooling |
role: |
Project partner at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb | |
partners: | Coordinator: D'Appolonia, partners: 12 partners | |
finance: | EC, H2020 | |
2018 - 2020 | project: | Water Recovery from Flue gas |
role: | Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb | |
partners: | Croatian - Chinese bilateral | |
finance: |
2017- 2019 | project: | Energy independent Croatia based on the high share of renewable energy sources and demand response technologies – RESFlex |
role: | Project coordinator | |
partners: |
4 partners | |
finance: |
HRZZ | |
2016 - 2018 | project: | Coolheating - Market uptake of small modular renewable district heating and cooling grids for communities |
role: | Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb | |
partners: | Coordinator: WIP (DE), partners: 11 partners | |
finance: |
EC, H2020 | |
2016-2019 | project: | HRE - Heat Roadmap Europe |
role: | Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb | |
partners: | Coordinator: 4DH centre at Aalborg University (DK), partners: 19 partners | |
finance: |
EC, H2020 | |
2016-2019 | project: | AGROCYCLE - Sustainable techno-economic solutions for the agricultural value chain |
role: | Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the SDEWES Centre | |
partners: | Coordinator: University College Dublin, partners: 25 partners | |
finance: |
EC, H2020 | |
2016-2019 | project: | PELAGOS - Promoting innovative nEtworks and cLusters for mArine renewable energy synerGies in mediterranean cOasts and iSlands |
role: | Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb | |
partners: | Coordinator: CRES, partners: 8 partners | |
finance: |
EC, Interreg MED | |
2017-2019 | project: | ENERGY BARGE – Building a Green Energy and Logistics Belt |
role: | Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the SDEWES Centre | |
partners: | Coordinator: Agency for Renewable Resources, partners: 16 partners | |
finance: |
EC, Interreg MED, Danube Transnational Programme (DTP) | |
2018-2019 | project: | DHswitch - Switching to district heating systems for diversification of supply, reducing gas dependency and increasing the use of locally available renewable sources |
role: | Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb | |
partners: | ETF i BIO-C | |
finance: |
Interreg Danube Seed Money Facility project |
2012-2018 |
project: | 4-DH - 4th Generation District Heating Technologies and Systems |
role: | Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb | |
partners: | Coordinator: Aalborg University - Department of Development and Planning (DK) |
finance: | The Danish Council for Strategic Research |
2016-2018 | project: | PRISMI - Promoting RES Integration for Smart Mediterranean Islands |
role: | Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb | |
partners: | Coordinator: Sapienza University of Rome (IT), partners: 14 partners | |
finance: |
EC, Interreg MED | |
2015-2018 |
project: | EURAXESS T.O.P III - Enhancing The Outreach and Effectiveness of the EURAXESS Network Partners |
role: | Expert at the Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes | |
partners: | Coordinator: Bay Zoltan Non-profit Ltd. (HU), partners: 33 partners |
finance: | EC, H2020 | |
2015-2018 |
project: | Bin2Grid - Turning unexploited food waste into biomethane supplied through local filling stations network |
role: | Co-ordinator of participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb | |
partners: | Coordinator: Zagrebački holding (HR), partners: 8 partners |
finance: | EC, H2020 | |
2016-2017 |
project: | Macedonia’s Second Biennial Update Report |
role: | Consulting services, International expert for Climate Change Mitigation | |
Finance: | UNDP |
Country: | Macedonia |
2016-2017 |
project: | A case study applying the Dispa-SET model on the Western Balkans |
role: | Consultation services at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb | |
finance: |
EC |
2015-2017 |
project: | FosterREG - Fostering public capacity to plan, finance and manage integrated urban REGeneration for sustainable energy uptake |
role: | Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the SDEWES Centre | |
partners: | Coordinator: Tecnalia (ES), partners: 10 partners |
finance: | EC, H2020 |
2014-2017 |
project: | INNOVER-EAST - Building a more effective pathway leading from research to innovation through cooperation between the European Union and Eastern Partnership countries in the field of energy efficiency |
role: | Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the SDEWES Centre | |
partners: | Coordinator: Bay Zoltán (HU), partners: 15 partners |
finance: | EC, FP7 | |
2014-2016 |
project: | STRATEGO - Multi-level actions for enhanced Heating & Cooling plans |
role: | Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb | |
partners: | Coordinator: Euroheat & Power AISBL - EHP (BE) |
finance: | EC, IEE | |
2013-2016 |
project: | S2Biom - Delivery of sustainable supply of non-food biomass to support a “resource-efficient” Bioeconomy in Europe |
role: | Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the SDEWES Centre | |
partners: | Coordinator: FNR - Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e.V. (DE), partners: 31 partner |
finance: | EC, FP7 | |
2012-2016 |
project: | DISKNET - DIStributed Knowledge-Based Energy Saving NETworks |
role: | Project Expert of Croatian participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb | |
partners: | Coordinator: UNIPAN, partners: CERTH (GR), AUTH (GR), NTU KhPI (UA), HU (JO), UMP (MA) |
finance: | EC, FP7 | |
2014-2015 |
project: | ENERCOAST - Renewable Energies in the Marine-Coastal Areas of the Adriatic-Ionian Region |
role: | Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb | |
partners: | Renewable Energies in the Marine-Coastal Areas of the Adriatic-Ionian Region |
finance: | EC, MED | |
2016 | project: | Analysis of the economically acceptable share of RES and projections of characteristic daily load diagrams of electricity and heat, as the basis for the Low-Carbon Development Strategy of the Republic of Croatia |
role: | Consultation services | |
finance: |
EKONERG - Institut za energetiku i zaštitu okoliša d.o.o., Croatia |
2016 |
project: | Delivery of the transport and buildings (households and services) demand modules and its integration into supply side model as a basis for the Low-Carbon Development Strategy of the Republic of Croatia |
role: | Consultation services | |
finance: | EKONERG - Institut za energetiku i zaštitu okoliša d.o.o., Croatia | |
2016 |
project: | Developing a Project Outline for the 4th Call of the NAMA (National Appropriate Mitigation Action) Facility |
role: | Consultation services | |
finance: | UNDP, Macedonia | |
2016 |
project: | Energy Efficiency Consultancy in BiH |
role: | Consultation services | |
finance: | Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Germany | |
2016 |
project: | Energy audit of a large enterprise - Zagrebačka pivovara (Zagreb Brewery) |
role: | Consultation services | |
partners: | Energo-data |
finance: | Zagrebačka pivovara |
2015 |
project: | SMEP - Sustainable municipal energy policy (RES & EE) |
role: | Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the SDEWES Centre | |
partners: | Coordinator: Porsenna (CZ), partners: 10 partners |
finance: | EC, Interreg, Danube Region Project Fund | |
2015 |
project: | Macedonian Intended Nationally Determined Contribution |
role: | Consultation services | |
finance: | UNDP, Macedonia and GIZ GmbH, Germany | |
2015 |
project: | Capacity Development for Climate Policy in Western Balkan, Central and East Europe, and Central Asia |
role: | Consultation services | |
finance: | Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Germany | |
2012-2015 |
project: | ADRIACOLD - Diffusion of Cooling and Refreshing Technologies using the Solar Energy Resource in the Adriatic Regions |
role: | Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb | |
partners: | Coordinator: AREA (IT), partners: 13 partners |
finance: | EC, IPA | |
2014 |
project: | BIOGOS - Implementation of Directive 2009/28/EC in the Field of Biofuels and Transport in the Republic of Serbia - Transfer of Best Practices |
role: | Project co-ordinator at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb | |
partners: | Coordinator: UNIZAG-FSB (HR), partner: NNKS (SR) |
finance: | CEI Fund at the EBRD |
2014 |
project: | LocSEE – Low Carbon South East Europe |
role: | Climate change expert contracted by REC | |
task: | Good practice examples on low carbon policies; Process plan for development and/or improvement of low carbon policy papers; Low carbon policy paper; Active participation at the Macedonian National Working Group sessions and Regional Policy Network meetings |
finance: | EC, SEE | |
2013-14 | project: | Macedonia’s First Biennial Update Report |
role: | Consulting services, International expert for Climate Change Mitigation | |
finance: | UNDP | |
country: | Macedonia | |
2013 | project: | “Third National Report to UNFCCC” - Analyses of possible GHG emissions limitations |
role: | Consultation services | |
finance: | UNDP | |
country: | Macedonia | |
2012-2014 |
project: | EURAXESS T.O.P II - Enhancing The Outreach and Effectiveness of the EURAXESS Network partners |
role: | Project expert at the Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes | |
partners: | Coordinator: FECYT (ES), partners: 17 partners | |
finance | EC, FP7 |
2012-14 |
project: | Optimization of renewable electricity generation systems connected in a microgrid (MICROGRID) |
role: | Project co-ordinator at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb | |
finance: | Croatian Science Foundation, Croatia |
2012-14 |
project: | ERASME - Energy Audits in SMEs |
role: | Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb | |
partners: | Coordinator: ECUBA (IT), partners: CNA (IT), OICON (HR), ECODOT (CZ), GZSZ (AT), RDA NBF (DE), ARR SA (PL), PGHE (HU) |
finance: | EC, DG TREN, IEE | |
2012-14 |
project: | WeB-InUnion - Bringing Western Balkans closer to Innovation Union: An example of EURAXESS Regional Collaboration |
role: | Project co-ordinator at the Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes | |
finance: | EC, FP7 | |
2012 | project: | Consultation service and development of outlines about the establishment of trading schemes of GHG emissions in Croatia |
role: | Consultation services | |
finance: | MZOiP | |
2012 | project: |
System of GHG emissions trading - The challenges and consequences for refinery & CWT methodology - The procedure of calculating the CO2 efficiency of refinery › base for allocating free quotas |
role: | Consultation services | |
finance: | INA d.d. | |
2012 | project: | Consultations related to ETS and calculations for Ina Ethan&Molve |
role: | Consultation services | |
finance: | INA d.d. | |
2012 | project: | Consultation service and development of outlines about the establishment of trading schemes of GHG emissions in Croatia |
role: | Consultation services | |
finance: | Tvornica šećera Osijek d.o.o. | |
2012 | project: | Environmental Impact Study: Acceptance, temporary storage and combustion of refuse derived fuel (RDF / SRF) in cement factory Sveti Kajo; Location: Solin, Chapter: Greenhouse gas emissions and climate change |
role: | Consultation services | |
finance: | CEMEX Hrvatska d.d. | |
2012 | project: |
Environmental Impact Study: Acceptance, temporary storage and combustion of refuse derived fuel (RDF / SRF) in cement factory Sveti Juraj; Location: Kaštel Sućurac, Chapter: Greenhouse gas emissions and climate change |
role: | Consultation services | |
finance: | CEMEX Hrvatska d.d. | |
2011-14 |
project: | E-SEAP- European Sustainable Energy Award for Prisons |
role: | Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb | |
partners: | Coordinator SWEA (UK), partners: PIM (MT), EKODOMA (LV), AUTH (EL), ZRMK (SI), HMP Hewell (UK), CMSE (IE) |
finance: | EC, DG TREN, IEE | |
2011-13 |
project: | GERONIMO II_BIOGAS- A focussed strategy for enabling European farmers to tap into biogas opportunities |
role: | Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb | |
partners: | Coordinator IRIS (ES), partners: RABDF (UK), Llet Nostra (ES), IFED (DE), ESDL (MT), MFKK (HU), KOMTEK (DK), CZBIOM (CZ), EUBIA (BE), GSP-GI (ES), Cyprus energy agency (CY), LCEA (IE) |
finance: | EC, DG TREN, IEE | |
2011 | project: | Annual report on GHG emissions for the year 2010 |
role: | Consultation services | |
finance: | Viro Tvornica šećera d.d. | |
2011 | project: | Development of Environmental Impact Study base for TE Bravar |
role: | Consultation services | |
task: | Calculation of air pollutant formation during operation of TE Bravar; Modelling of pollutants spreading during operation of TE Bravar; Heat spreading calculation during operation of TE Bravar; Creating chapter in the Study: Potential impacts on air quality and climate during intervention; Air protection measures | |
finance: | IGH | |
2010-14 |
project: | HAWE - High Altitude Wind Energy |
role: | Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb | |
finance: | EC, DG R&I, FP7 | |
2010-14 |
project: | JoRIEW - Improving capacity of Jordanian Research in Integrated Renewable Energy and Water supply |
role: | Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb | |
finance: | EC, DG R&I, FP7 | |
2010-12 | project: | Verification reports on GHG emissions from the plant of Tvornica šećera Osijek for the period 2005-2012. |
role: | Consultation services | |
finance: | Tvornica šećera Osijek d.o.o. | |
2010-12 | project: | Verification reports on GHG emissions from the plant of Sladorana d.d. for the period 2005-2012. |
role: | Consultation services | |
finance: | Sladorana d.d. | |
2010-12 | project: | Verification reports on GHG emissions from the plant of PAN – Tvornica papira Zagreb for the period 2005-2012. |
role: | Consultation services | |
finance: | PAN – Tvornica papira Zagreb d.o.o. | |
2010-11 |
project: | EURAXESS T.O.P. – Enhancing the Outreach and Effectiveness of the EURAXESS Network Partners |
role: | Project co-ordinator at the Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes | |
partners: | coordinator: Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (DE), partners: 10 partners | |
finance: | EC, FP7 | |
2009 | project: | Sustainable Energy Project |
role: | Consultation services | |
task: | Preparation of a study for procedures for development of wind power plants in the Republic of Macedonia | |
finance: | GEF/IBRD Grant, implemented by Energy agency of the Republic of Macedonia | |
2009-12 |
project: | I-SEE MOB - Inter-Sectoral Mobility of Researchers in South-Eastern Europe |
role: | Project co-ordinator at the Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes | |
finance: | EC, FP7 | |
2008-11 |
project: | HR-MOB - Croatian Researcher’s Mobility Network |
role: | Project co-ordinator at the Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes | |
finance: | EC, DG RTD, FP7, Programme PEOPLE | |
2008-11 |
project: | BIOSIRE - Creating Sustainable Transport in Tourism Regions |
role: | Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb | |
partners: | Coordinator Cinesi (ES), partners: CAIB (ES), CDA (FR), ESNWL (UK), FGM-AMOR (AT), GEN (ES), IBMER (PL), IFEU (DE), NET (IT), REAC (GR), Venezia (IT) |
finance: | EC, DG TREN, IEE | |
2008-10 |
project: | Flick the Switch - Instigating Simple Energy Efficient Behavioural Practices in Schools |
role: | Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb | |
partners: | Coordinator IPIC (ES), partners: PIM (MT), AEA (IT), Climate Energy (UK), PPS Karmony (NO), RG (EE), PVM (LT), IscGagliano (IT), Rakvere Lv (EE), Welb (UK) |
finance: | EC, DG TREN, IEE | |
2008-09 | project: | National potential of cogeneration |
role: | Participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB,University of Zagreb | |
finance: | Ministry of Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship | |
2008 | project: | Investment Opportunities in Croatian Wind Sector - Legal and market aspects |
role: | Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb | |
finance: | CME |
2008 | project: | Market Report for the Development of Wind power Projects in Croatia |
role: | Consultation services | |
finance: | COWI |
2008 | project: | Support for the further approximation of Croatian legislation with environmental acquis including the National Action Plan |
role: | Consultation services | |
finance: | EC, MZOPUG, Egis Bceom International, BGP Engineers |
2007-13 |
project: | Smart energy storage for sustainable energy development (RASENZORE), 120-1201918-1920 |
role: | Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb | |
finance: | Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, Croatia | |
2007-10 |
project: | STORIES - Addressing barriers to STORage technologies for increasing the penetration of Intermittent Energy Sources |
role: | Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb | |
partners: | Coordinator CRES (GR), partners: CERA (CY), ERES (EU), ISLENET (EU), IST (PT), ITC (ES), NTUA (GR), RAE (GR), SOFTECH (IT) |
finance: | EC, DG TREN, IEE | |
2007-09 |
project: | GERONIMO - Getting Energy Reduction ON Agendas in Industrial Manufacturing Operations |
role: | Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb | |
partners: | Coordinator IPIC (ES), partners: RABDF (UK), Llet Nostra (ES), IFED (DE), MIIS (MT), CRIC (ES), MFKK (HU), Gesund Lantbruk HB (SE) |
finance: | EC, DG TREN, IEE | |
2007-08 | project: | Plan of placing biofuels on the domestic market in 2008 |
role: | Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb | |
finance: | Ministry of Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship | |
2005-10 | project: | GEF-RER: Renewable Energy Resources Project |
role: | Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb | |
task: | Procurement Support | |
finance: | GEF/IBRD Grant, implemented by HBOR and MoELE |
2005-07 |
project: | WEB-ENV: Development of Environmental Guidelines for the Region of Western Balkans |
role: | Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb | |
partners: | Coordinator CERTH (GR), partners: REC (S&M), UnivNi-MF (S&M), HEIS (B&H), GSC (AL) |
finance: | EC, DG RTD, FP6, Programme INCO-WBC | |
2005-08 |
project: | WEB-MOB: Development of researchers mobility policy guidelines for the region of Western Balkans |
role: | Co-ordinator of Croatian participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb | |
partners: | Coordinator CERTH (GR), partners: REC (S&M), UnivNi-MF (S&M), HEIS (B&H), GSC (AL), ICEIM-MANU (MK) |
finance: | EC, DG RTD, FP6, Programme INCO-WBC | |
2005-07 | project: | Preparation of bylaws in the area of renewable energy sources and cogeneration |
role: | Participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB,University of Zagreb | |
finance: | Ministry of Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship | |
2004-07 | project: | ADEG: Advanced Decentralised Energy Generation Systems in Western Balkans |
role: | Participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB,University of Zagreb | |
partners: | Coordinator NTUA (GR), partners: Vinca (RS), USa-MF (B&H), UniStut (DE), IST (PT) |
finance: | EC, DG RTD, FP6, Programme INCO-WBC | |
2002-08 | project: | EDEN - Endogenizar o Desenvolvimento das Energias Novas (Localizing the Development of New Energies) |
role: | Project participation at the Research Group on Energy and Sustainable Development, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon | |
finance: | POE |
2002-05 | project: | RENEWISLANDS - Renewable Energy Solutions for Islands |
role: | Project participation at the Research Group on Energy and Sustainable Development, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon | |
task: | Co-operation with the Research Group on Energy and Sustainable Development, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon | |
finance: | EC, DG-RTD, ENERGIE | |
2002-13 | project: | H2RES - Energy planning of islands and isolated regions |
role: | Project participation at the Research Group on Energy and Sustainable Development, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon | |
2002-03 | project: | Plano Energético de Cabo Verde - Energy Plan for Cape Verde |
role: | Project participation at the Research Group on Energy and Sustainable Development, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon | |
task: | Co-operation with the Research Group on Energy and Sustainable Development, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon | |
finance: | DGEG - Portugal |
2002-03 | project: | ERA_ISLA - New and Renewable Energies, Electricity and Water in Outermost Regions |
role: | Project participation at the Research Group on Energy and Sustainable Development, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon | |
task: | Co-operation with the Research Group on Energy and Sustainable Development, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon | |
finance: | EC, DG-RTD - ENERGIE | |
2002-06 | project: | Multicriterial optimisation of Energy Systems, 0120-037, bibliography |
role: | Participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB,University of Zagreb | |
finance: | Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, Croatia | |
2002-05 |
project: | Computer aided energy education: Introduction to Energy Management Online |
finance: | Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, Croatia |
2002-04 | project: | LIFECROCHP: Sustainable Development of Croatia Capacity in CHP Sector |
role: | Participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB,University of Zagreb | |
finance: | EC, DG-ENV, LIFE Programme | |
2001 | project: | CDMSIDS - Facilitating the Kyoto Protocol Objectives by Clean Development Mechanism in Small Island Developing States |
role: | Project participation at the Research Group on Energy and Sustainable Development, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon | |
finance: | EC | |
2000-02 | project: | New and Renewable Energy Sources with Special View on Insular and Isolated Regions (PRAXIS XXI / BPD / 22022 / 99) |
role: | Project participation at the Research Group on Energy and Sustainable Development, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon | |
task: | Co-operation with the Research Group on Energy and Sustainable Development, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon | |
finance: | MCT - Portugal, PRAXIS XXI | |
2000-01 | project: | Calculation of CO2 emissions avoided due to introduction of Natural Gas in Portugal, 1997-2000 |
role: | Project participation at the Research Group on Energy and Sustainable Development, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon | |
task: | Co-operation with the Research Group on Energy and Sustainable Development, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon | |
2000-01 | project: | CLEANTEC: An Innovative System Promoting the Introduction of Clean Technologies in Industry |
role: | Project participation at the Research Group on Energy and Sustainable Development, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon | |
finance: | EC | |
1999-00 | project: | Expert to the EU Presidency (held by Portugal) in Energy Technology Transfer and Capacity Building as part of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change process |
role: | Project participation at the Research Group on Energy and Sustainable Development, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon | |
task: | Co-operation with the Research Group on Energy and Sustainable Development, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon | |
1999-02 | project: | EURO-ISLAS: New and Renewable Energy Sources for Islands and Remote Regions |
role: | Project participation at the Research Group on Energy and Sustainable Development, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon | |
finance: | EC | |
1998-99 | project: | ACORDE - Development of advanced control methodologies using reliable multi-detection sensors for boilers |
role: | Project participation at the Research Group on Energy and Sustainable Development, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon | |
finance: | EC | |
1998-06 | project: | Modelling of combustion in gas-fired furnaces, 120-056 |
role: | Project co-ordinator at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB, University of Zagreb | |
task: | coupling detailed methane/air kinetic model with heat and mass transfer | |
finance: | Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, Croatia | |
1997-01 | project: | Improvement and Updates of the COPPEF Code, Part II |
role: | Project participation at the Research Group on Energy and Sustainable Development, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon | |
task: | implementation of local residual monitoring, workpackage responsible, implementation of compressibility, implementation of converging nozzle geometry | |
finance: | ||
1997-98 | project | Fuel Blends – Advanced combustion and gasification of fuel blends and diagnostics of alkali and heavy metals release |
role: | Project participation at the Research Group on Energy and Sustainable Development, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon | |
finance: | EC | |
Sep.-Dec. 1996 | project: | HPPIPES |
role: | Project participation at the Research Group on Energy and Sustainable Development, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon | |
task: | parallelization (MPI) of a CFD code | |
3D, diffusion flames, k-e, radiation | ||
finance: | EC | |
1996-02 | project: | Advanced control technologies in thermal power plants, 120-001, bibliography |
role: | Participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB,University of Zagreb | |
finance: | Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, Croatia | |
May-Dec. 1994 | project: | Improvement and Updates of the COPPEF Code |
role: | Project participation at the Research Group on Energy and Sustainable Development, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon | |
task: | implementation of multi-block domain decomposition | |
2D modelling of solid fuel combustion chamber: | ||
kinetic and diffusion flames; turbulence: k-e model; | ||
finance: | NATO | |
1990-96 | project: | Heat and Mass Transfer in Thermal Power Plants, 2-08-189 |
role: | Participation at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, FSB,University of Zagreb | |
task: | 3D modeling (control volume scheme) of furnaces: | |
staggered grid; k-e; detailed chemistry modeling of CH4-air combustion; one stage combustion model for oil; radiation (three gray gases zone method & Monte Carlo); solver: line Gauss-Seidel + additive correction multigrid; | ||
finance: | Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, Croatia | |
1990-98 | project: | ZONAL - 3D model of heat and mass transfer processes in furnace, graduate thesis (1990), master thesis (1993), PhD thesis (1998) |
role: | Project participation at the Research Group on Energy and Sustainable Development, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon | |
1990 | project: | SACC - Lumped parameters model of a steam accumulator |
role: | Project participation at the Research Group on Energy and Sustainable Development, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon | |
1990 | project: | PMO - Measuring equipment database |
role: | Project participation at the Research Group on Energy and Sustainable Development, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon | |
1989 | project: | WATER - Water and steam properties using Helmholtz function |
role: | Project participation at the Research Group on Energy and Sustainable Development, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon |
Number of papers by quartiles: | 189 |
Number of papers in top 5% journals: | 87 |
Number of citations, reporting date 11.7.2024: | Scopus: 9642, WoS: 7969 |
H-index, reporting date 11.7.2024: | Scopus: 61, WoS: 55 |
Most papers published in following journals: |
1. Energy |
Dorotić, Hrvoje ; Pukšec, Tomislav ; Duić, Neven, Analysis of displacing natural gas boiler units in district heating systems by using multi- objective optimization and different taxing approaches // Energy Conversion and Management 205, 112411, 15 (2020) [IF 9.709, Q1, 16 cit]
Mikulčić, Hrvoje; Ridjan Skov, Iva; Dominković, Dominik Franjo; Wan Alwi, Sharifah Rafidah; Manan, Zainuddin Abdul; Tan, Raymond; Duić, Neven; Mohamad, Siti Nur Hidayah; Wang, Xuebin, Flexible Carbon Capture and Utilization technologies in future energy systems and the utilization pathways of captured CO2 // Renewable & sustainable energy reviews 114, 109338, 20, (2019) [IF 12.110, Q1, 187 cit]
Perković, Luka; Mikulčić, Hrvoje; Pavlinek, Luka; Wang, Xuebin; Vujanović, Milan; Tan, Houzhang; Baleta, Jakov; Duić, Neven, Coupling of cleaner production with a day-ahead electricity market: a hypothetical case study // Journal of Cleaner Production 143; 1011-1020 (2017) [IF 5.651 , Q1, 11 cit]
Barkaoui, Alae-Eddine; Boldyryev, Stanislav; Duić, Neven; Krajačić, Goran; Guzović, Zvonimir, Appropriate integration of geothermal energy sources by Pinch approach: Case study of Croatia // Applied energy 184; 1343-1349 (2016) [IF 7.182, Q1, 23 cit]
Komušanac, Ivan; Ćosić, Boris; Duić, Neven, Impact of high penetration of wind and solar PV generation on the country power system load: The case study of Croatia // Applied Energy 184; 1470–1482 (2016) [IF 7.182, Q1, 24 cit]
Mikulčić, Hrvoje; von Berg, Eberhard; Vujanović, Milan; Wang, Xuebin; Tan, Houzhang; Duić, Neven, Numerical evaluation of different pulverized coal and solid recovered fuel co-firing modes inside a large-scale cement calciner // Applied Energy 184; 1292–1305 (2016) [IF 7.182, Q1, 23 cit]
Dominković, Dominik Franjo; Bačeković, Ivan; Ćosić, Boris; Krajačić, Goran; Pukšec, Tomislav; Duić, Neven; Markovska, Nataša, Zero carbon energy system of South East Europe in 2050 // Applied Energy 184; 1517–1528 (2016) [IF 7.182, Q1, 179 cit]
Batas-Bjelić, Ilija; Rajaković, Nikola; Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven, Two methods for decreasing the flexibility gap in national energy systems // Energy 115 Part 3; 1701-1709 (2016)[IF 4.520, Q1, 7 cit]
Boldyryev, Stanislav; Mikulčić, Hrvoje; Krajačić, Goran; Duić, Neven, Waste heat utilisation of Croatian cement industry accounting Total Site demands // Computer Aided Chemical Engineering 38; 2223-2228 (2016)
Babak, Tatyana; Khavin, Gennadii; Duić, Neven; Boldyryev, Stanislav; Krajačić, Goran, Possibility of Heat Pump Use in Hot Water Supply Systems // Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems 4, 3; 203-215 (2016)
Mikulčić, Hrvoje; Klemeš, Jiří Jaromír; Vujanović, Milan; Urbaniec, Krzysztof; Duić, Neven, Reducing Greenhouse Gasses Emissions by Fostering the Deployment of Alternative Raw Materials and Energy Sources in the Cleaner Cement Manufacturing Process // Journal of cleaner production 136; Part B; 119-132 (2016) [IF 4.959 , Q1, 242 cit]
Mikulčić, Hrvoje; Klemeš, Jiří Jaromír; Duić, Neven, Shaping sustainable development to support human welfare // Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy 18; 6; 1633-1639 (2016) [IF 3.331 , Q2, 10 cit]
Mikulčić, Hrvoje; Duić, Neven; Schlör, Holger; Dewil, Raf, Troubleshooting the problems arising from sustainable development // Journal of environmental management 231, 52-57 (2018)
Lund, Hendrik; Duić, Neven; Østergaard, Poul Alberg; Mathiesen, Brian Vad, Smart Energy and District Heating: Special Issue dedicated to the 2016 Conference on Smart Energy Systems and 4th Generation District heating // Energy 160, 1220-1223 (2018)
Tomić, Ivan; Pavičević, Matija; Quoilin, Sylvain; Zucker, Andreas; Krajačić, Goran; Pukšec, Tomislav; Duić, Neven, Applying the Dispa-SET model on the seven countries from the South East Europe // 8th Energy Planning and Modeling of Energy Systems - Meeting Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia (2017)
Pavičević, Matija; Novosel, Tomislav; Pukšec, Tomislav; Duić, Neven, Heat storage sizing and optimization for district heating from an energy planning perspective // 4th International Conference on Contemporary Problems of Thermal Engineering Poland (2016)
Ban, Marko; Duić, Neven; Schneider, Daniel Rolph; Guzović, Zvonimir; Bounomano, Annamaria; Calise, Francesco; Cantore, Nicola; Chacartegui, Ricardo; Costa, Mario; Dominković, Dominik Franjo; Elshkaki, Ayman; Eveloy, Valerle; Fan, Yee Van; Grobelak, Anna; Guteša Božo, Milana; Kacprzak, Malgorzata; Kalogirou, Soteris; Klemeš, Jiri Jaromir, Kovač, Ankica; Krajačić, Goran; Ma, Ting; Madsen, Henrik; Marker, Carolin; Meschede, Henning; Mikulčić, Hrvoje; Noro, Marco; Palombo, Adolfo, Piacentino, Antonio; Premrov, Miroslav; Romagnoli, Alessandro; Schiemann, Martin; Schlor, Holger; Šlaus, Ivo; Valera-Medina, Agustin; Vanoli, Laura; Sabev Varbanov; Petar, Venghaus, Sandra; Vialetto, Giulio; Vujanović, Milan; Wang, Qiuwang; Yang, Jian; Zidanšek, Aleksander; Žegarac Leskovar, Vesna, Book of Abstracts of the 14th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems // 14th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, SDEWES 2019, Dubrovnik, Croatia (2019)
Ban, Marko; Duić, Neven; Piacentino, Antonio; Schneider, Daniel Rolph; Guzović. Zvonimir; Buonomano, Annamaria; Calise, Francesco; Ciulia, Giuseppina; Ferrari, Simone; Kalogirou, Soteris; Krajačić, Goran; Klemeš, Jiri Jaromir; Mikulčić, Hrvoje; Micale, Giorgio; Montarsi, Luca; Palombo, Adolfo; Post, Jan; Sabev Varbanov, Petar; Sannino, Giannmaria; Tadeo, Fernando; Tamburini, Alessandro; Vanoli, Laura; Vlachos, Savvas; Wang, Qiuwang, Yang, Jian, Book of Abstracts of the 13th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems // 13th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, SDEWES 2017, Palermo, Italy (2018)
since 16 |
Economic and legal principals of renewable energy sources, University of Zagreb - Šibenik |
Introduction to Energy Management, University of Zagreb - Šibenik |
Energy Management, University of Zagreb - Šibenik |
since 13 |
Advanced Energy Planning, postgraduate, University of Sarajevo, Mechanical Engineering Faculty |
since 04 | ||
Numerical Methods in Heat Transfer, postgraduate |
Combustion and Radiation Modelling, postgraduate |
Introduction to Energy Technologies, MSc. SEE |
Advanced Energy Planning, postgraduate |
since 03 | ||
since 99 | ||
Supervision of Visiting Researchers |
Supervision of Postdocs |
Co-supervision of Postdocs |
Supervision of PhD students |
Co-supervising PhD students |
Supervision of Research MSc students |
Supervision of MSc students |
Supervision of BSc students |
Co-supervision of BSc students |
Member of PhD thesis Juries |
Member of MSc thesis Juries |
Supervising Trainees and Visiting students |
Duić, Neven, Integration of variable renewable energy into future energy systems // 12th Annual Green Energy Conference (IGEC XII), Xi’an, China (2017)
Duić, Neven, Energy transition – how to integrate variable renewables? // International Conference Energy, Environment and Material Systems (EEMS), Polanica Zdroj, Poland (2017)
Duić, Neven, How to make islands laboratory? // Greening the Islands 2017, Favignana, Italy (2017)
Duić, Neven, Croatian energy transition // 4th International Symposium on Environmental Management – Towards Circular Economy (SEM2016), Zagreb, Croatia (2016)
Duić, Neven, Societal Challenge “Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials” New calls 2016-2017: Opportunities for Third/EaP countries // INNOVER EAST training on international cooperation, Minsk, Belarus (2016)
Duić, Neven, Societal Challenge “Secure, clean and efficient energy” New calls 2016-2017: Opportunities for Third/EaP countries // INNOVER EAST training on international cooperation, Minsk, Belarus (2016)
Duić, Neven, Smart energy systems with high penetration of renewables // Xi’an Jiatong University, Xi’an, China (2016)
Duić, Neven, Smart Energy Systems // 2nd Workshop in Environmental Engineering, Rio De Janeiro, Brasil, (2016)
Duić, Neven, Current trends of Energy systems innovative development in Europe // National policy workshop - Energy Efficiency policy in Belarus. Role of innovation in promoting the energy efficiency, Minsk, Belarus (2017)
Duić, Neven, The role of natural gas in energy transition // 26. Forum: Energy day in Croatia, Zagreb, Croatia (2017)
Duić, Neven, Integration of energy efficiency measures in the building sector (in Croatian) // FosterREG workshop, Zagreb, Croatia (2016)
Duić, Neven, Smart Energy Systems and Energy Transition // 25. Forum: Energy day in Croatia, Zagreb, Croatia (2016)
Duić, Neven; Central heating systems: challenges and perspectives // The Future of Centralized Heat Systems in the Republic of Croatia 2016, Zagreb, Croatia (2016)
Duić, Neven, Energy Planning for Energy Transition // Sustainable energy systems for CEE countries – modelling and cooperation, Budapest, Hungary (2016)